where to find good items??
Hi all was wondering where people find the good swords bows shields, etc.??? i really would like to know so maybe i can find some too
Tsunami Rain
depends on what you mean by "good". Lets start here: What level are you? and what area's do you have access to.
Underworld, FoW for some nice golden items. "The Tomb Of The Primeval Kings" and Sorrow's Furnace for some nice green weapons. I would go for the green weapons, cause the drop easily. Green weapons are all max dmg and already have the max bonusses. You can always buy weapons, but the places I gave you are perfect for finding some nice weapons.
how do i get to the underworld
Originally Posted by brett_2213
how do i get to the underworld
Tsunami Rain
Do you mean.."If you don't know where it is, then you arn't ready go there"?
but anyway; UW is located at ToA (Temple of the Ages) and can only be accessed when you have favor. In addition to that, you must also be ascended.
but anyway; UW is located at ToA (Temple of the Ages) and can only be accessed when you have favor. In addition to that, you must also be ascended.
Lots of good items in the sellers forum. Go look there.
i have a level 20 ranger/warrior and a level 19 w/Mo, and was looking to see if i could find better weapons and shields and a real good bow, right now both are in war camp and my w/mo is now starting the desert, and my ranger will to soon, as far as underworld not there yet, so what do you think??
Whats the difference between The Underworld at the Temple of Ages and the difference between the Underworld at the Tomb of Primeaval Kings ?
Murder In China
There ISN'T an Underworld in Tombs of the Primeval Kings.
Uh, actually, there IS an Underworld in ToPK, it's just the name of the first level of the big black hole you walk into. You can get ecto in both places but they are very different. I suggest checking out the Guide to the Underworld, and/or using search.
thanks ill try it
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rain
Do you mean.."If you don't know where it is, then you arn't ready go there"?
but anyway; UW is located at ToA (Temple of the Ages) and can only be accessed when you have favor. In addition to that, you must also be ascended. |
Is it same with fow ascended and favor?