Uw nerf??
Hey, Me and 2 of my m8's just did 2 ToA UW runs (1 run= kill all the lvl 29 thingys, that you can meet without taking the Quest..) And we only got 1 Ecto... Now my friend says he normally get more when he does it.... So, has A.Net nerfed UW drops or are we just unlucky ? :P
Dunno, mate of mine got a couple last night. You could just be unlucky.
Yeah it's been nerfed for the past 5 months or so.
Lord Iowerth
Erm, take it from me ... a good 80% or more of the ecto i've ever had drop has been from smites, and then the remainder from the Aatxe.
It's not nerfed, you just have to leave it alone for a while. I went back the other day after not having been there in a few weeks, and we made 4 runs and i got 5 ecto o_O
My friends were all "OMG HAX!"
EDIT: and what does this have to do with factions? Think this would be better put in Q&A or Riverside
It's not nerfed, you just have to leave it alone for a while. I went back the other day after not having been there in a few weeks, and we made 4 runs and i got 5 ecto o_O
My friends were all "OMG HAX!"
EDIT: and what does this have to do with factions? Think this would be better put in Q&A or Riverside
well i though it could have been nerfed with the New Update? (it might be wrong forum anyway? :S >.<) But, well thanks for the answers :P