Question About Arrows on Skills
I'm probably not the first person to ask about this, but I'm wondering what the deal is with the Yellow up arrows and pink down arrows are that show up on skills form time to time. (screen shot below incase you haven't seen them)
Lord Iowerth
yellow up is an enchantment, pink down is a hex. Easy as that
Former Ruling
was added so you can esily tell if something is a enchant or hex (buff or debuff).
But it has caused more confusion than its worth lol.
But it has caused more confusion than its worth lol.
ahh, makes sense... sorta... I don't think it was necessary to add, but it's kinda cool
it was added with the faction preview, and there's a section in Isle of the nameless that covers it. It's realy good for new players to understand which skills are enchantments, and which are hexes, just by looking at the icons ...