These are just for the devs to look at it, incase they have time to throw em in at the last minute, and also to kill the knawing sensation in my skull that wants me to post them.
Cage of Teeth:
Attribute: Critical Strikes
Cost: 15E
Cast: 2s
Recharge: 30s
Player Shadowsteps four times around target foe, returning to original position on final step, striking once each time. Each strike counts as a critical.
If target foe's health is above 50% when Cage of Teeth ends, foe begins bleeding for (5...15) seconds. This skill causes exhaustion.
Just a random idea I came up with, liked the name most.
Death Lines:
Attibute: Deadly Arts
Cost: 10E -1>e
Cast: 2s
Recharge: 25s
Player stabs knives into the ground, attached to lines. When Death Lines ends, foes nearby the casting spot take (10...30)dmg, becomes crippled for (2...6)seconds, and suffer bleeding for (1...7) seconds.
Yes, I know, sounds much like a trap. The difference is works like a maintained enchantment. Might be treading a little to far into ranger territory with that one. But I figured I'd give an Assassin a skill that worked that way. I got real annoyed when the first version of the Assassin was more useful as a 2nd to a R/A.
The next few are because of a good point brought up in another thread.
"The only way to complete a combo is to stand there and beat on an enemy. How are you supposed to do this with such low armor."
Basically the thought was that, Assassins are hit and run, but the combo nature of their attacks causes them to be in the fray a little to long, especially if they fail to complete the combo.
Now someone will say the following:
"If you fail the combo, that's where the run part comes in."
Right and as you run away to recharge your skills, your target gets healed and the damage you did cause ends up being pointless.
Hit and run works fine as long as the run part doesn't cost you the progress you made on the target. Hence, a few more "ranged" skills for the run part.
Daggers of Wind:
Attribute: Dagger Mastery
Cost: 5E
Cast: .5s
Recharge: 5s
Player throws 2 daggers, each dagger that hits causes (10...20)dmg and slows target foes movement 10%. This skill has half the normal range.
Piercing Line:
Attribute: Dagger Mastery
Cost: 10E
Cast: 1s
Recharge: 7s
Player throws 3 daggers in a line at the target, each dagger has +5% armor penetration and does (10...16)dmg. This skill has half the normal range.
Attribute: Critical Stikes
Cost: 10E
Cast: 3/4s
Recharge: 15s
For the next (15...25) seconds, if the next "throwing dagger" skill is blocked, the attack strikes a nearby ally of the target foe. If no other enemy is found, Ricochet is disabled for an extra 10 seconds.
Attribute: Critical Strikes
Cost: 15E
Cast: 1s
Recharge: 20s
For the next (10...20)seconds, adds an explosive tip to your daggers. The next "throwing dagger" skill also causes (5...10)fire dmg and (5...10)piercing dmg. If that skill is blocked, you take 1/3 the damage the target would have taken.
Wave of Steel:
Attribute: Dagger Mastery
Cost: 15E
Cast: 3/4s
Recharge: 12s
Player throws a spread pattern of 5 daggers. The center dagger is thrown at target foe. All others have no target and travel along their paths for 6s. If any of these daggers hits a foe, foe takes (15...30) dmg. This skill has half the normal range.
I know some are thinking. "That just makes the Assassin another ranger." Not really, I made the daggers weak attacks, with side effects if you mess up, so the main focus is still the striking with combos. But now there's the option of playing a more "defensive" Assassin, or at least keep the enemy from rehealing to much while you're waiting for your combo to come back.
The knawing in my brain has stopped now. Enjoy.
Just some last minute skill suggestions for an Assassin.
Ken Dei
Mr Fizzle
Originally Posted by Ken Dei
These are just for the devs to look at it, incase they have time to throw em in at the last minute, and also to kill the knawing sensation in my skull that wants me to post them.
Cage of Teeth: Attribute: Critical Strikes Cost: 15E Cast: 2s Recharge: 30s (Elite) Player Shadowsteps four times around target foe, returning to original position on final step, striking once each time. Each strike counts as a critical. If target foe's health is above 50% when Cage of Teeth ends, foe begins bleeding for (5...15) seconds. This skill causes exhaustion. |

I really like all these skills
Maybe chapter 3. But for chapter two I doubt they will add. They didnt add anything for chapter one.