There is not an overall "best" in Guild Wars.
This is probably the most balanced MMO I have ever played, and probably the "best" MMO to date. I have been reading through the Q&A boards, and have been seeing 4 or 5 posts on the front page "What is the BEST weapon?" or "What is the BEST pet?". Im trying to figure out why these people are asking this question. There is no "best" in Guild Wars. There may be a good weapon or armor setup for your build. Your build determines what pet/armor/weapon/skills you need for your character. Their may be a "best" setup for a build, but their is no "best" build in general. If your looking for a "best build" in Guild Wars, your out of luck, becuase their is not an ubb3r l33t [email protected] build in GW. Everything can be countered, even counters can be countered. If your looking for the "best" of anything, narrow it down to the "best" for your build..
You guys should keep that in mind in your search for your "best" anything.
You guys should keep that in mind in your search for your "best" anything.
feel better now Roken?
Now tell me what the best build is? J/K
Now tell me what the best build is? J/K

Good post. Hope people read it.
Eomer Brightblade
Well, there's one best thing: The warrior's dance is the best one
I agree with your overall point, however it is important to point out that its not a "real" MMORPG. Besides the lack of a "persistant" universe, gear and slots are extremely limited and simple in this game. This combined with the 8 slot spell limit do allow the devs to achieve balance much easier then MMORPGs which are complicated by thousands of skill an item combos that can be exploited.
Its a geat game with great balance, but not fair to compare it to full MMORPGs game balance wise.
Its a geat game with great balance, but not fair to compare it to full MMORPGs game balance wise.
Phantom Force
LOL nope I like elementalists girl dancers better.... if I weren't married I'd prolly wear a bra on my head and pull a wierd science to make her real.

Haha no way warrior's dance is the best..
I say female elem dance is da bomb
I say female elem dance is da bomb
I don't know what the best gear is in GW, but I am fairly certain I don't have it.

Is there a worst?

Iteicea Destroidium
k...but the monk has the best flex
There is not an overall "best" in Guild Wars. |
Perishiko ReLLiK
Yo, i am the best... nobody can beat me! im Glint! Foo dang, solo me, and you will die!
That was my true test for my ranger necro... a caster who uses greater conflag with fire armor and storm chaser(gain energy when hit with greater conflag)... plus the hardly any cast time nukes in blood necro... talk about wa/mo shut down... Elementalists... i dont even need greater conflag.
Can we say "Mesmers shut down nearly everything"? i would say overall the "best" class is a mesmer, since really... a counter to a mesmer would more then likely include being a mesmer... ha!
That was my true test for my ranger necro... a caster who uses greater conflag with fire armor and storm chaser(gain energy when hit with greater conflag)... plus the hardly any cast time nukes in blood necro... talk about wa/mo shut down... Elementalists... i dont even need greater conflag.
Can we say "Mesmers shut down nearly everything"? i would say overall the "best" class is a mesmer, since really... a counter to a mesmer would more then likely include being a mesmer... ha!
Originally Posted by Phantom Force
LOL nope I like elementalists girl dancers better.... if I weren't married I'd prolly wear a bra on my head and pull a wierd science to make her real.
![]() |
tanks would always be better than casters
Originally Posted by shawn23233
I agree with your overall point, however it is important to point out that its not a "real" MMORPG. Besides the lack of a "persistant" universe, gear and slots are extremely limited and simple in this game. This combined with the 8 slot spell limit do allow the devs to achieve balance much easier then MMORPGs which are complicated by thousands of skill an item combos that can be exploited.
Its a geat game with great balance, but not fair to compare it to full MMORPGs game balance wise. |
There are hundereds of differnt skills. And there are Thousands of differnt combinations in which to use them. Maybe not as much as everquest but most skills in everquest are just variatins on the same damn thing, just more powerful. It is damn fair to put this game in competition with the likes of EQ2 and WOW. The game was working on realese too. there have been the odd bugs. But nothing earth shattering. Hell I played all the way to Santum Cay without hitting a bug.
Not to mention the money that EQ2 and WOW are making on subscription fees. They cost the same out of the box as guild wars did (Actually $10 less here) and then they get all this extra money. Where is it going? In EQ2's case (Was an EQ2 palyer not a WOWer) it's going into "Story packs" fairly cheap expansion packs that add more skills (Who cares about the broken ones? Let's just make new ones!) more loot and a few new areas.
I am seriously hoping that the likes OF Guild Wars are making these "Persisant worlds" get a little hot under the collar. If a MMO can run without subscription fees and be a success how are these worlds going to be able to justify such expenses to consumers to play them? ESPECIALY when they are unblanced, buggy and requiring Patch after Patch (I know EQ2 was around at least the 900MB mark without bonus content) and have a schedualed downtime every day or two? I've never seen GW down for more then 10 mintues. And I was on DURNG that downtime. Lag was just nasty for 5 minutes.
SIMPLE! It's more complicated to play then EQ2 or Diablo 2 where game = GET BEST GEAR, GET BEST SETUP then PWN noobs. This games is try a setup, combine with others. MAKE IT WORK. There are no Godly uber characters here. Only Godly teams. Teams that work together and compliment one another.
The Noobs to pwn in this game are the characters with the best gear that think they can be a one man army.
*Takes breath* And i'm spent....
1.) Elementalist Male's dance > All, mostly because of uber-Seinfeld reference.
2.) Mesmers are NOT the counter of everything...but they can counter anything. Just not at once. If a Mesmer tries to be a jack of all trades, they won't accomplish much of anything. But whatever a Mesmer choses to shut down is shut down completely.
3.) The OP is very, very correct. The balance of this game is amazing.
2.) Mesmers are NOT the counter of everything...but they can counter anything. Just not at once. If a Mesmer tries to be a jack of all trades, they won't accomplish much of anything. But whatever a Mesmer choses to shut down is shut down completely.
3.) The OP is very, very correct. The balance of this game is amazing.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Second off, the Fem Ele dance = bellydancer dance + Fem Ranger = Pole Dance = AWESOME!!!
Ahem, anyway back to main topic...
I think the balance for this game is amazingly great, some aspects still need to be tweaked a bit, but they are still amazing.
Warror/Monks may be able to tank, but so can Ele/Monks, using Earth magic to boost their armor. Mesmers can kick Warrior butt, but Warriors can also obliterate casters if they gang up on them fast enough.
So, Casters = Tanks, depending on the situation of things.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
BS. The MAIN reason that the gameworlds outside of town aren't 'persistant' is to stop training, lack of monsters and ganging. Want to feel immersed? Go try the Hall of Heroes torunament.
There are hundereds of differnt skills. And there are Thousands of differnt combinations in which to use them. Maybe not as much as everquest but most skills in everquest are just variatins on the same damn thing, just more powerful. It is damn fair to put this game in competition with the likes of EQ2 and WOW. The game was working on realese too. there have been the odd bugs. But nothing earth shattering. Hell I played all the way to Santum Cay without hitting a bug. |
1. Regardless of *why* the gameworld outside towns aren't persistant, or why content is instanced, these features make GW less like a RPG than WoW, etc. I agree with you if you're suggested training, resource hogging and ganking can detract from a player's immersion; at the same time, if when questing I never "run into" other players, I am hardly experiencing a *deeply* immersive world. By which I mean to say, both WoW and GW are rather shallow takes on the RPG format for different reasons, both are relatively shallow, but GW more so. The graphics, sound, and mission-driven story-line may help you to enjoy looking at the game and convince you the "world" is real, but in the end they (and the fact that characters are designed to sort of be "one-offs" given the low cap, the paucity of differnt armors, items, the ability to port between cities, among other things) gesture clearly to the fact that the GW "world" is fake, not to say bad. I agree that playing a game that makes more of an effort to create a persistant feel to the mobs, npcs, characters terrain and towns can be a real hassle (player base concerns aside, of course; nobody likes long travel times and the wretched consequences of a botched end-game raid a la EQ, etc.).
I like GW, but it is ultimately meant to be a rather shallow take on the RPG; the shallowness is intended to make the game more casual-player friendly, and to encourage PvP, which was the game's touted focus.
2. You seem to misunderstand the post about the "thousands of skills." Again, the whole point of GW is that, like other MMORPGs, there are a variety of skills/spells/abilities, you can only deploy 8 at a time. While there are plenty of skills for your two classes, and an ungodly number of possible combinations, unlike in other games you are always limited to just 8. Most MMORPGs allow you to use most, if not all, of any skill/ability you have whenever. This is a real breaking point from just about everyone. Also, being limited to a certain number of skills can indeed hamper a player's feeling of immersion.
I'm sure most people would be rather leery of your assertion that GW is more complicated than EQ2 (but not D2). Uber gear in EQ2, WoW, etc does in fact mean you can go around "pwning" people, but only if you know what you're doing. In the first EQ, by the time you had the uber stuff you were already so well versed in the game that you had the skills necessary; in WoW and EQ2, where the lvling curve has been seriously "dumbed down" for the casual gamer, uber gear can mean little. In those games, WoW especially, how well you do is greatly inflected by your build, and by how well you can play your class. What I'm trying to say is, GW is more complicated than all the above mentioned games when it comes to choosing your skills, but only when it comes to choosing your skills.
Are you kidding me? Pirate/Ninja rules all.