"LFG - no morons" - Odd way of making friends
Absolutly stunning.
Absolutly stunning.
Midnight Scorpion
LFG - No F.A.S.T. guild members.
Agree! I believe that these people should keep this on so I know who not to invite
Agree! I believe that these people should keep this on so I know who not to invite

Oni No Arashi
These types are almost as fun as the ones who are in an area where there are a bunch of 10 to 12th level people asking for only higher levels... like level 20's... (Gates of Kryta area more often then not). And then when someone asks them why they didn't bring 5 other level 20's with them, since the odds of finding one in an average area of 12... well... just fun.
Oh, and then when you say that you'll go, and they say too low a level, they then blast you when you mention it's not your only character. Like someone who's only got a level 15 character might not have a level 20 who's ascended and working on the other parts of the game.
Some of us are actually trying to unlock everything for some good PVP options.
I personally think any type of "No Noobs", "No Idiots", "No Morons" type calling out is a big slap in the face of everyone else who has made it to that area or higher that you just don't want to work with, or are incapable of working with cause of your own ineptitude.
Oh, and then when you say that you'll go, and they say too low a level, they then blast you when you mention it's not your only character. Like someone who's only got a level 15 character might not have a level 20 who's ascended and working on the other parts of the game.
Some of us are actually trying to unlock everything for some good PVP options.
I personally think any type of "No Noobs", "No Idiots", "No Morons" type calling out is a big slap in the face of everyone else who has made it to that area or higher that you just don't want to work with, or are incapable of working with cause of your own ineptitude.
Spirit Firefly
Sounds familiar.... i was in an arena once i play a mo/n and all my skills are healing or removing hex/"Conditions etc. We start out this guy goes omg a level 11 monk... i reply so?(he was level 15) gates open everyone moves slowly out except him who goes dashing across the water straight into the enemy by which time im well out of healing range. I finally got to him in time to put 1 healing breeze on him but before i could cast anything else he died.
We lose "omfg" you suck what a noob healer. I think oh well nm silly child. I re-enter he is on the opposing team of which there are 2 level 15's and one 14 and one 13 we have me(11) another 11, a 12 and a 13. OMG you again lolololll11!! you are so gonna get owned.. I think probably anyway needless to say out he comes dies we win flawless victory his team are like wtf this guys dumb. Needless to say i heard him LFG - No morons later on.
We lose "omfg" you suck what a noob healer. I think oh well nm silly child. I re-enter he is on the opposing team of which there are 2 level 15's and one 14 and one 13 we have me(11) another 11, a 12 and a 13. OMG you again lolololll11!! you are so gonna get owned.. I think probably anyway needless to say out he comes dies we win flawless victory his team are like wtf this guys dumb. Needless to say i heard him LFG - No morons later on.
As a relative necomer to this game and online games of this style shouts like that have a very negative effect.
Elitism, lets call it what it is, puts newer players off in my opinion. I wander around here these shouts and think , well no point going there as will just get shouted at if I'm not up to speed with thier levels. Not my fault that in life I haven't had the free time til now to learn a gaming system inside out back to front and polish it till its shiney.
A little patience for some of us "noobs" and you might find a really good team player who was only needing that break or aid in the right direction.
Everyone has to start somewhere and hey after all the shouting and bitching is done one thing still remains the same its only a game, games are meant to be fun
Elitism, lets call it what it is, puts newer players off in my opinion. I wander around here these shouts and think , well no point going there as will just get shouted at if I'm not up to speed with thier levels. Not my fault that in life I haven't had the free time til now to learn a gaming system inside out back to front and polish it till its shiney.
A little patience for some of us "noobs" and you might find a really good team player who was only needing that break or aid in the right direction.
Everyone has to start somewhere and hey after all the shouting and bitching is done one thing still remains the same its only a game, games are meant to be fun

i always make no-morons-only groups and i spam it in chat until my group is full
if someone is so offended by another player wanting to group with non-idiots, then that's the offended party's tough cookies. players have to be able to form good parties, and the absolute best way to do that when your friends are not online, is to ask for a no-morons-only party
a lot of idiots will tell you they're idiots right away if you simply ask them. so making it clear up front saves a lot of aggravation.
some people get mad at my spam. well sorry about that...but there is no efficient way to advertise that you have a party and what you need other than to spam that message until your party is full. unfortunately that is a drawback of the limited party-forming interface of Guild Wars
the original poster said people like me are immature for posting for no-morons-only parties. no - that is not immature. wanting to win, rather than lose because you have idiot allies, is not immature at all. in fact, it is the measure of a man to do everything (legally) necessary in order to win. if that includes ruffling some feathers by being honest and upfront about what you need in your party, then oh well those feathers need to be ruffled then.
in my view it is immature to look down on people who are bold enough to call a spade a spade and say exactly what they need up front, no censorship. no sugarcoating.
FTR, in my experience, 90% or more of the parties i have formed via this method have been dramatically smarter than random "LFG" parties.
that is because it takes a bold man to admit he's not a moron and be man enough to acknowledge the existence of many people who are horrible at the game (and thus will make you lose if you party with them). it takes a bold man to have the fortitude to speak up and say "no, i do not want idiots in my party either!", and then join one where he won't get any. bold men like that are Winners. they are the best people to have in a party.
if someone is so offended by another player wanting to group with non-idiots, then that's the offended party's tough cookies. players have to be able to form good parties, and the absolute best way to do that when your friends are not online, is to ask for a no-morons-only party
a lot of idiots will tell you they're idiots right away if you simply ask them. so making it clear up front saves a lot of aggravation.
some people get mad at my spam. well sorry about that...but there is no efficient way to advertise that you have a party and what you need other than to spam that message until your party is full. unfortunately that is a drawback of the limited party-forming interface of Guild Wars
the original poster said people like me are immature for posting for no-morons-only parties. no - that is not immature. wanting to win, rather than lose because you have idiot allies, is not immature at all. in fact, it is the measure of a man to do everything (legally) necessary in order to win. if that includes ruffling some feathers by being honest and upfront about what you need in your party, then oh well those feathers need to be ruffled then.
in my view it is immature to look down on people who are bold enough to call a spade a spade and say exactly what they need up front, no censorship. no sugarcoating.
FTR, in my experience, 90% or more of the parties i have formed via this method have been dramatically smarter than random "LFG" parties.
that is because it takes a bold man to admit he's not a moron and be man enough to acknowledge the existence of many people who are horrible at the game (and thus will make you lose if you party with them). it takes a bold man to have the fortitude to speak up and say "no, i do not want idiots in my party either!", and then join one where he won't get any. bold men like that are Winners. they are the best people to have in a party.
Originally Posted by Navaros
bold men like that are Winners. they are the best people to have in a party.

Originally Posted by Redfang
See "I have an inflated ego" reference in the original post. Thanks for proving my point.
![]() |
the point is: i am a good PVE player who very rarely dies unless my allies play stupidly. even then, i'm usually the last to die. that's not ego, that's just a fact of life. therefore, i want to play only with other players of my skill caliber or better. Guild Wars is balanced around multi-person team gameplay. if your team sucks in Guild Wars, then you are going to fail the mission. period. not everyone is content with failing. some of us have a Winner's ethic and will abide by it instead of wasting hours and hours partying with morons just so the morons can have some fun too. if morons wanna play the game, well that's fine...but they certainly don't need to be in my party, or in the party any person who takes winning seriously.
hence, it is the most logical and sensible thing in the world for players such as myself to ask for a no-morons-only party
it's not about ego. it's just about not wasting time, and not having to repeat the same missions 10 billion times because stupid people got you killed
Originally Posted by Navaros
i am a good PVE player who very rarely dies unless my allies play stupidly.
Keep those replies coming! You are on fire proving what I said.
Originally Posted by Redfang
See "I blame other people for anything that doesn't go my way" reference in my OP post.
Keep those replies coming! You are on fire proving what I said. |
but it's not that at all. again, you're missing the point
it does not matter how good you are in Guild Wars because if your allies suck, you will die. that does not mean you died because you did anything wrong. it just means because the game is designed so that one individual person is not uber and therefore must rely on his allies to not be idiots in order to survive in the game world.
of course no one is perfect, and no one is expecting perfection in their allies,
i do indeed blame people when they do incredibly stupid things that gets me and my team killed. but the way you have stated it with the word "anything" is an over-generalization
i blame people only for violating basic common sense and playing moronically which results in the whole team having to suffer for their stupidity. they are fully-deserving of such blame for having wasted my time and the time of other competent players. therefore there is nothing morally wrong with giving them such blame.
Even I get it, in fact I said it in my first post. The people who did this are just laying their expectations on the table. They're just not that tactful in doing it. Navaros, sorry but your not tactful, well that last post was. Kinda. But it's been my experience that the winners are not the "Bold" ones, they're the ones that have patience. That is what the other side is,and I believe these people are trying to put across. You want to go, and go now. Which this haste is what people view you by. Therefore they think inside the mission it will be the same. You spamming orders etc... and running. May not be true, but what else do they rely on?
Originally Posted by JohnCoke
Even I get it, in fact I said it in my first post. The people who did this are just laying their expectations on the table. They're just not that tactful in doing it. Navaros, sorry but your not tactful, well that last post was. Kinda. But it's been my experience that the winners are not the "Bold" ones, they're the ones that have patience.
as for patience...it's one thing to be patient, but it's quite another to have to repeat the same mission multiple times due to some guy screwing it up needlessly. i do play the game patiently. i tell my allies to lure mobs one by one. i tell them to stand still and wait til the mob has passed and it's safe to run by them without having to fight. in fact, i am overly-accomodating with being patient as it pertains to playing Guild Wars; just so long as that patience is conducive to successful gameplay
here is an example (one of many) of the stupid things i've seen in Guild Wars; just as we were about to do the vase bonus after having successfully saved Benji and killed all the undead by Dorian, some guy went ahead and finished the mission despite repeated instructions by the entire team to stop going that way, and to stop talking to NPCs because it would screw up the bonus. right there, one idiot wasted an hour of my time and the time of the other 4 allies also.
it is a cumulative experience of being shafted by morons from "random LFG groups" in such a manner repeatedly that drives people to insist upon no-morons-only parties.
Navaros, let me share something with you about teamwork.
A team has a leader.
Everyone knows who the leader is.
Let's stop right there. If your teams don't have a known and agreed upon leader, then of course there will be some people running all over the place not acting in unison. They don't know who to follow.
Whoever is the leader needs to tell people in advance what their role on the team is.
What tactics are being used? What skills are needed? Who is calling targets? What is known and not known about this mission that will help people succeed?
If you simply throw a group together and tell them not to be morons, you aren't leading squat.
Real leaders accept responsibility for the performance of their team.
If something goes wrong, instead of telling everyone it's everybody's fault but yours, did it occur to you that as the team leader you didn't communicate the plan well enough?
I don't know you, but from your posts I can tell that you lack experience as a raid leader. Instead of counting your deaths and rationalizing them in terms of who you can blame, try learning something about what makes a good team leader and how you could become a better one.
A team has a leader.
Everyone knows who the leader is.
Let's stop right there. If your teams don't have a known and agreed upon leader, then of course there will be some people running all over the place not acting in unison. They don't know who to follow.
Whoever is the leader needs to tell people in advance what their role on the team is.
What tactics are being used? What skills are needed? Who is calling targets? What is known and not known about this mission that will help people succeed?
If you simply throw a group together and tell them not to be morons, you aren't leading squat.
Real leaders accept responsibility for the performance of their team.
If something goes wrong, instead of telling everyone it's everybody's fault but yours, did it occur to you that as the team leader you didn't communicate the plan well enough?
I don't know you, but from your posts I can tell that you lack experience as a raid leader. Instead of counting your deaths and rationalizing them in terms of who you can blame, try learning something about what makes a good team leader and how you could become a better one.
Hint: Navaros, don't try to define the game. ITS whatever the player wants it to be. A chat room, a questing game, a way to make new friends. Share stories. Whatever they think is fun.
Dred Skullord
This is my favorite useless thread. To sum up, some people like "LFG- no morns" and other think it's highly discriminatory to morons.
I define moron as a player who either does not assist the group or draws in a new mob while already under attack. Morons I can deal with.
The real problems is "players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage."
Sadly, "LFG no-players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage" is too long for the chat box. LOL
BTW- I am in Thunderhead Keep if you want to team up. Mad props to my non-moronic group from Iron Mines.
I define moron as a player who either does not assist the group or draws in a new mob while already under attack. Morons I can deal with.
The real problems is "players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage."
Sadly, "LFG no-players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage" is too long for the chat box. LOL
BTW- I am in Thunderhead Keep if you want to team up. Mad props to my non-moronic group from Iron Mines.
I would join a "LFG-No Morons" group! I would be so proper and intelligent-like.
Then when we get to a boss, I would pull a "LEEEEEEROOYYYYYYYYY!!!!!one!11"
Then when we get to a boss, I would pull a "LEEEEEEROOYYYYYYYYY!!!!!one!11"
Dred Skullord
Don't forget to grab all the gold and pull some more mobs in for an attack. LOL
Navaros, I spent the better part of 15 minutes having to tolerate your all caps spam for non-moron monks in Amnoon Oasis. It was later revised to non-idiot monk and then you trying to condemn another player for being an idiot. During that time, I never saw anyone group with you and pretty much all of the outpost was informing you how futile your spam was toward reaching your goal of having "no morons".
Apparently your group advertising methods didn't prove too fruitful as you had just failed whatever mission you were on. Everyone wants to win, no one wants to have to replay a mission. You are deceiving yourself if you think you are not part of the problem as to why your groups fail.
At a minimum, you deserve the lions share of the blame as party leader regardless of how your teammates acted......you're the one that recruited them!! Furthermore, you weren't able to keep them together functioning as a team. Considering your method of advertising for groups and the attitude you've expressed in your posts here, it's a small wonder that you're able to get through a mission without a mutiny.
As was stated before, "no morons" advertisements only attract people that have failed at a mission and think it was "the moron's" (read everyone else's) fault. These are usually alpha-type personalities and always want the leadership role. A party of all self-perceived leaders is a recipe for failure.
The best leaders are those willing to serve the team. They're liberal with praise and eager to accept blame. "No morons" doesn't fit that template.
Apparently your group advertising methods didn't prove too fruitful as you had just failed whatever mission you were on. Everyone wants to win, no one wants to have to replay a mission. You are deceiving yourself if you think you are not part of the problem as to why your groups fail.
At a minimum, you deserve the lions share of the blame as party leader regardless of how your teammates acted......you're the one that recruited them!! Furthermore, you weren't able to keep them together functioning as a team. Considering your method of advertising for groups and the attitude you've expressed in your posts here, it's a small wonder that you're able to get through a mission without a mutiny.
As was stated before, "no morons" advertisements only attract people that have failed at a mission and think it was "the moron's" (read everyone else's) fault. These are usually alpha-type personalities and always want the leadership role. A party of all self-perceived leaders is a recipe for failure.
The best leaders are those willing to serve the team. They're liberal with praise and eager to accept blame. "No morons" doesn't fit that template.
Robos Stavanis
Originally Posted by Dred Skullord
This is my favorite useless thread. To sum up, some people like "LFG- no morns" and other think it's highly discriminatory to morons.
I define moron as a player who either does not assist the group or draws in a new mob while already under attack. Morons I can deal with. The real problems is "players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage." Sadly, "LFG no-players who abandon the quest before it is finished or players who pounce on gold as soon as it drops even while taking damage" is too long for the chat box. LOL BTW- I am in Thunderhead Keep if you want to team up. Mad props to my non-moronic group from Iron Mines. |
Well..While I agree that folks who abandon a quest as well as a HOH team are not my favorite folks, I am in Thunderhead Keep as well, and last night on the mission to save the king, etc. We ( PUG ) were an hour into the mission, doing fairly well. Lost my power during a nearby lightning hit. Systems remained up due to a UPS, however I did not have my router or modem on the UPS....so I lost connection. I was only off line for a minute, however I had effectively abandoned the mission. Luckly, I had another Guild member on the mission. I sent him an FYI on what happened, and he assured me he would inform the team. I found out that 20 minute later, the king died, and they lost. I felt real bad about that, knowing I was partly to blame since they were a member short, but had it not been for my guild member able to expain what happened, I am sure they would have marked it down as another moron who abandoned the group.
Dred Skullord
Good point. Everyone loses connections.
I'll be in Thunderhead Keep tonight and I am looking for a good group. Look for my request, "LFG- No Star Wars names, especially anyone with Darth in his name." LOL If you are reading this, then you are not at Star Wars III with the rest of your kind.
I'll be in Thunderhead Keep tonight and I am looking for a good group. Look for my request, "LFG- No Star Wars names, especially anyone with Darth in his name." LOL If you are reading this, then you are not at Star Wars III with the rest of your kind.
Wow, I hate to say it. I do advertise the group I am forming and ask that I get people who know what they are doing. I don't use words like "morons" "idiots" etc...However, I do say things to the effect..."lvl x x/x LFG for mission. Need people who know what they are doing" "lfg for mission...if you know how to run in a group and not charge into every mob while your monk is healing, I need you" "lfg for mission....if your wanting to group and actually stay for the entire mission, I need you" etc....Bottom line, this has got to be one of the dumbest group of players (if the shoe fits, wear it) I have EVER seen.
Dred Skullord
I beg to differ. This is the 2nd dumbest group of players. If you want to see #1 check out this pitiful group:
Originally Posted by Granamyr
Navaros, I spent the better part of 15 minutes having to tolerate your all caps spam for non-moron monks in Amnoon Oasis. It was later revised to non-idiot monk and then you trying to condemn another player for being an idiot. During that time, I never saw anyone group with you and pretty much all of the outpost was informing you how futile your spam was toward reaching your goal of having "no morons".
Apparently your group advertising methods didn't prove too fruitful as you had just failed whatever mission you were on. Everyone wants to win, no one wants to have to replay a mission. You are deceiving yourself if you think you are not part of the problem as to why your groups fail. |
that is why a lot of you guys' comments about "a good leader takes the blame for his team" is invalid when it comes to a computer game. in a real life situation i'd tend to agree with the principle that the leader does not blame his men. but in real life there are many different factors in play which make the situation uncomparable to that of a video game. such as: in real life, you know the people on your team - and chances are if they were not competent, they would have been screened-out from ever getting on your team in the first place. plus in real-life, your orders will be followed whereas in Guild Wars many moron players have the mentality to "attack anything that moves ASAP!", no matter how much you tell them not to.
in Guild Wars, you do not always have the same such resources to you, as you would in real life, when forming a team. hence the best fallback option is a no-morons party.
as for the spam being futile; that is not the case at all. yes occassionally a moron will slip through even after a no-morons screening process; but more often than not, the highest quality of players can be acquired in the requesting no-morons manner. yes this party takes longer to form than a "random LFG group"...but the tradeoff is worth it because for investing some extra time to recruit only non-morons prior to the mission, you end up being rewarded by saving time in the long run by not having to repeat the mission multiple times
Originally Posted by Navaros
a lot of idiots will tell you they're idiots right away if you simply ask them. so making it clear up front saves a lot of aggravation.
Totally. Everytime someone joins my group, I always say, "Hey, you aren't a moron, are you?" And if they are, they ALWAYS say, "You know what? I am. But since you asked I just felt compelled to tell you that I am indeed a complete dumbass. Thank you for saving me the embarrassment." To which I say "Np" and move on.
Happens everyday.
Originally Posted by Fantras
Totally. Everytime someone joins my group, I always say, "Hey, you aren't a moron, are you?" And if they are, they ALWAYS say, "You know what? I am. But since you asked I just felt compelled to tell you that I am indeed a complete dumbass. Thank you for saving me the embarrassment." To which I say "Np" and move on.
Happens everyday. /sarcasm |
it seems many/most of you are closed-minded to the idea of even trying it out. you are just assuming that they won't tell you so up front. but in reality, most of the time they will be honest and do indeed tell you so up front. it really is just as simple as asking the question.

Lemme ask you this. Do you specifically say, "Are you a moron?" And do they specifically respond, "Yes." ???
Originally Posted by Fantras
Lemme ask you this. Do you specifically say, "Are you a moron?" And do they specifically respond, "Yes." ???

hmmmm.... it would be interesting to try something like this:
LFG - mor(m)ons, n00bs, idiots and handicaped ONLY!
LFG - mor(m)ons, n00bs, idiots and handicaped ONLY!
Galatea Orea
Originally Posted by Siren
Yeah, I know how you feel. Some of the LFG requests ("no morons," especially) are simply abysmal, which is why I try to make mine eye-catching and bouncy.
"Fiery redheaded Elementalist looking for big, strapping Warriors, soothing Monks, to accompany her on explorations out into the wild outdoors!" Stuff like that. It actually really gets people's attention. XD |
Originally Posted by Navaros
well indeed the Monk player who was with me prior to the messages you saw was a moron. that moron is the one who got us killed. we told that person that to do, but the player did not listen to reason or follow instructions
Just asking as I have been in your group and I remember some of the monks you have had and was curious which monk couldn't 'cut it' with you.
Teh Azman
The only group of people who are worse than those who shout things like LFG no morons are those who insult toher peoples religions on the forum. Maximus, there are mormons reading this, including me, so STFU.
Unfortunately, the "real" morons are probably too stupid or self-centered to realize that they are indeed morons.
IMHO, the best people to team with are probably people who are pretty critical of themselves. They think about how they can improve themselves and their teams. They don't try to surround themselves with pompous know-it-alls.
IMHO, the best people to team with are probably people who are pretty critical of themselves. They think about how they can improve themselves and their teams. They don't try to surround themselves with pompous know-it-alls.
i think it would be funny,
"lfg- morons!!!"
"they might not like noobs, but i do"
"if your [r] button is stuck, msg me"
"i laph in the face of contionual failer, come laph with me"
"lfg- morons!!!"
"they might not like noobs, but i do"
"if your [r] button is stuck, msg me"
"i laph in the face of contionual failer, come laph with me"
Hey I want this complaining to stop right now dammit. Don't you know that people who complain about morons are highly superior to us all and in no way were they at fault. For shame, go sit in the corner
Navaros is the biggest spammer of "LFG NO MORRONS" i've ever seen in guildwars.
I've first seen him spam the chat in d'alessio seaboard while i was gathering henchmen to do the mission. Then after i finished the mission, i am selling my items at the merchant and who i see entering the district? Navaros Own U. The first thing he do is "LFG NON RETARD AND NO MORRONS FOR MISSION + BONUS" about 150 time in the chat.. When i told him it was the worse way to get "non-retard" people by spamming like one, he shown his good racist skills calling me a paki..
No wonder he get his party killed or people going to talk to dinas when they want to do the bonus. When you ask for non retard or non morrons.. that's the only thing you will get because in the eyes of real "non-retard" people you already look like one by asking that.
I've first seen him spam the chat in d'alessio seaboard while i was gathering henchmen to do the mission. Then after i finished the mission, i am selling my items at the merchant and who i see entering the district? Navaros Own U. The first thing he do is "LFG NON RETARD AND NO MORRONS FOR MISSION + BONUS" about 150 time in the chat.. When i told him it was the worse way to get "non-retard" people by spamming like one, he shown his good racist skills calling me a paki..
No wonder he get his party killed or people going to talk to dinas when they want to do the bonus. When you ask for non retard or non morrons.. that's the only thing you will get because in the eyes of real "non-retard" people you already look like one by asking that.
well actually, i believe i called you my friend...i was trying to make the point that even though you are not of my race, we can still be friends. funny how you neglected to notice that part where i called you my friend.
anyhow i had had many morons on that mission who ruined it. if you had seen what i had seen on that mission, you'd understand my spam a lot better. in fact it peeved me off so much i even used that as an example in an earlier post in this thread. and furthermore you should know that if someone is hostile to me in-game, i have no problem being hostile right back at 'em. that's just called being fair. so if you're a jerk to me, why can't i be a jerk back to you (not that i was in your case in particular, because i did try to be friends with you).

anyhow i had had many morons on that mission who ruined it. if you had seen what i had seen on that mission, you'd understand my spam a lot better. in fact it peeved me off so much i even used that as an example in an earlier post in this thread. and furthermore you should know that if someone is hostile to me in-game, i have no problem being hostile right back at 'em. that's just called being fair. so if you're a jerk to me, why can't i be a jerk back to you (not that i was in your case in particular, because i did try to be friends with you).
hehe sorry. I remember you said "juhanah my paki friend"
Just thought the "friend" was sarcastic.. I'm not someone who get angry easily over stuff so don't worry about that.
I still think asking for non-retard or morrons people is the worse way to get a good team tho
I think the best team member are usualy the one who stay in the party after you have failed. And wish to restart the mission with new aproach.
..or npc.. I play alot with npc. Sometime they act like ultimate morrons but i manage to deal with them most of the time.
I understand how frustrating it is to get a bad party over and over. But by asking non morrons you have great chance of getting only the morrons of the place in the party.
I got pissed off at a team once and when i was back to the outpost i said "LF people who don't feel like attracting the whole map on them for mission+bonus".. It worked pretty good
Just thought the "friend" was sarcastic.. I'm not someone who get angry easily over stuff so don't worry about that.
I still think asking for non-retard or morrons people is the worse way to get a good team tho

I think the best team member are usualy the one who stay in the party after you have failed. And wish to restart the mission with new aproach.
..or npc.. I play alot with npc. Sometime they act like ultimate morrons but i manage to deal with them most of the time.
I understand how frustrating it is to get a bad party over and over. But by asking non morrons you have great chance of getting only the morrons of the place in the party.
I got pissed off at a team once and when i was back to the outpost i said "LF people who don't feel like attracting the whole map on them for mission+bonus".. It worked pretty good

i got another one
"i want YOU to run tward THEM"
"i want YOU to run tward THEM"
I've tried both methods ("LFG no morons" and simply "LFG") and there is a plain increase in my success rate when using the former. I find that those that join the "no morons" groups tend to be others that are fed up with the groupies that run around doing whatever they want, so there's at least a mutual respect among the group. Then again, my requests are usually along the lines of "LFG of people who can at least spell, or are mostly intelligent." At least there's no name calling =D
I want to officially and sincerely apologize to all mormons reading this thread and beeing offended by my post. My fragile adult mind is utterly damaged by constantly watching monthy python, south park and married with children.
"LFG-no morons" is not a nice way to invite people, even though it probably works somehow. My vote is: be creative. it's fun to read some original invitations some people can come up with.
LFG - only people who know the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow please!
"LFG-no morons" is not a nice way to invite people, even though it probably works somehow. My vote is: be creative. it's fun to read some original invitations some people can come up with.
LFG - only people who know the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow please!