One to each piece of course, but can you say, have 3 minor and one major scattered over your 4 armor pieces?
Also, can you apply Runes that pertain to both your primary and secondary class?
Thx for any answers

Ashleigh McMahon
Originally Posted by Ashleigh McMahon
I think you can add as many as you like, but only one takes affect, this is the " highest" class.
But, you can add more than 1 different type of rune( eg: Superior Vigor and Superior marksmanship would work, but Superior Marksmanship on 2 different pieces of armour wouldnt add +6, only +3.) Hope this helped. Regards, Ashleigh. |
Originally Posted by Mav
Um, why? Some builds need alot more than the max level of points you can obviously spend in the attribute, so I wanna stock up on Superiors and Superior Vigors to bump my stuff up high...