word of healing capture problem
Hi all, just a quick question, I went on wiki to find out who the bosses are for word of healing in the desert, then did elona's and dunes missions 3 times each. In each of them the same bosses appeared but not the two guys i was after, wisper and the other one. Do the names change? Do they spawn randomly? Woudl they be off the beaten track of these missions?
Here are a couple maps of the possible spawn points for WoH in the 2 missions you spoke of.
If you are checking all those Xs and not finding your appropriate boss - report it as a possible bug to anet.
If you are checking all those Xs and not finding your appropriate boss - report it as a possible bug to anet.
Aeris Gainsboroughe
Thirsty River is the best place to cap it in. It can be found on the monk boss in the last stage of the mission.
All 6 bosses should always spawn in elona so Whisper should be there.
In Elona there should be about 3 bosses each in the area around the last 2 crystals.
In dunes theres only 2 bosses that you have to fight the one guarding the front gate and one that comes in during the seige
theres 3 other bosses for the bonus outside the exit directly in front and the monk boss might spawn among them its not guaranted since its possible for multiple bosses of the same profession to spawn in dunes
you can also cap it on thirsty river the monk boss is the boss to the left in the loss group of enemies you have to beat
In Elona there should be about 3 bosses each in the area around the last 2 crystals.
In dunes theres only 2 bosses that you have to fight the one guarding the front gate and one that comes in during the seige
theres 3 other bosses for the bonus outside the exit directly in front and the monk boss might spawn among them its not guaranted since its possible for multiple bosses of the same profession to spawn in dunes
you can also cap it on thirsty river the monk boss is the boss to the left in the loss group of enemies you have to beat
Stupidity abounds in the desert. The easiest place that I found to get it was Elona. I had very bad luck with the spawning at dunes. I'd suggest using henchmen to get it. No matter how many times you tell people, I just need a skill cap but I'll help with mission, they will decide to run past the boss you need. Rather then taking the 2 minutes to just clear the area. I tried it with several different groups. All of whom decided to flip out at me when I wouldn't go with them past the boss I needed.
maps aren't linking caleb
thanks to you all for advice though. I guess I'll plug away at Elona, though given how hard it was for a pickup group to get anywhere when it came to first crystal i'm not sure how i'm going to manage aggro on the mobs around first crystal where i've died the most.
Is it possible that the bosses you do come across directly, such as the one in front of gate in dunes mission and the one just around where the first crystal is in that pinch point where there are arcanists and enchanteds, spawn differently and I was just unlucky to get the exact same ones spawn in those places 3 times on the trot?
Is it possible that the bosses you do come across directly, such as the one in front of gate in dunes mission and the one just around where the first crystal is in that pinch point where there are arcanists and enchanteds, spawn differently and I was just unlucky to get the exact same ones spawn in those places 3 times on the trot?
Manic Smile
flickr.com for picture hosting
as stated before Thristy is a guarenteed place to get it...just get a guildy to help
as stated before Thristy is a guarenteed place to get it...just get a guildy to help
Sorry you can't see the maps. They are both direct links to this site, which I use for all my elite skill capture needs. Click the name of the boss you want under each skill to see the map in your browser.
Originally Posted by Aeris Gainsboroughe
Thirsty River is the best place to cap it in. It can be found on the monk boss in the last stage of the mission.
(Priest dies)
(Josso Essher dies)
Monk: "plz don't kill all enemies, i ned 2 cap, plz leave 1 enemy alive"
(Waamo pays no attention; finishes off the last Enchanted Bow)
Monk: "nooooo >_<"
When you get to the last area of thirsty, just do the boss on the left first, he's the monk boss for woh, makes it much easier and you don't have to worry about not having time to cap it before the movie starts.
just be careful of the aggro that can come up behind you if your group hangs back a little.
just be careful of the aggro that can come up behind you if your group hangs back a little.
Originally Posted by mm00re
When you get to the last area of thirsty, just do the boss on the left first, he's the monk boss for woh, makes it much easier and you don't have to worry about not having time to cap it before the movie starts.
True, it can be a hastle sometimes, but you might try and ask your guild for assistance.
Bring yourself an interrupt ranger and you can rock through a lot of these groups in no time though.
Bring yourself an interrupt ranger and you can rock through a lot of these groups in no time though.