What to do after pre-Searing?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


I'm new to the game. I took the time to do all of the quests in pre-searing. I got all of the collector-upgrade armors, did all of the quests except the Charr one at the end and had a lot of fun doing it with my N/Me.

Now I'm in post-searing. I did a couple of quests that I found around town (mostly they involved talking to a guy right outside and running a couple of errands for him). Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do next!

I did also upgrade all of my armor except my leggings again so now I have 15 armor on each piece. I'm L8 (almost 9) N/Me with only the skills that came from Pre-searing.

Any suggestions on what to do next? Where should I go?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Follow the primary quest and the string of missions to do the main story. The first primary quest leads you to the Great Northern Wall, which is a mission outpost.

In a mission outpost you will see a button added to the party dialog to enter the mission. So grab some henchies and hit the button to check it out. If you don't beat it, join a team to do so.

Completing that mission drops you off in the next outpost.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Jordster
Any suggestions on what to do next? Where should I go?

here are some guides that may be of help





Reverend Jekyll

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Army of None (AON)


Another good idea is to try and find some of the towns that you visited in pre-sear Ascalon. You'll find some nice skill quests for a N/Me in Sardelac Sanitarium for instance.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Look around the place where Ashford Abbey just to be for Sardelac Sanitarium



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Or... just explore and have fun!

It can be very overwhelming when first going into Ascalon City, all the level 20's running around, the buying and selling of everything.

Don't feel like there's a correct order for doing anything. Just explore and have fun... I think that's the best way to play this game.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


The real part of the game has just begun for you, follow the beginner guides that were listed here, also lookup all of the guildwars fansites and become familiar with them, check them often, there are always new players that you can party with as well as seasoned veterans that like to help out new players.

If you go to the main guildwars website, be sure to look around there, they also have listing for fansites that will help you along, quest and mission information and all kinds of helpful things.

Best of luck to you!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


now that you are in Post, avoid runners at all costs. Enjoy the game, explore everywhere, talk to everyone. Don't rush past all the fun.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

You would be better off with AL 30 armor from Corwen, also in Ascalon. And I hope you have Minor Runes.

But yes, in pre-searing you just scratched the surface. Getting to Sardelac Sanitarium is a great first step. Depending on your professions, you'll have a bunch of additional quests available in Ascalon City, near Ascalon City (the old Lakeside County), in Sardelac Sanitarium, near Sardelac Sanitarium, and so on.

Other locations that will be familiar (in some sense of "familiar") are Regent Valley, Fort Ranik, and the area north of the Wall (now called "The Breach").

By the time you have complete the first Mission quest referred to above, and have Sardelac and Fort Ranik on your map, you should be pretty oriented as to how to move forward.

And here's a tip that is NOT in as many guides as it should be -- when you get to Yak's Bend, don't actually do the Helping the Dwarves quest. Accept it, but don't do it. You'll get the skill rewards anyway. Much later in the game, you'll have a chance to abandon and re-acquire the quest, getting more free skills as rewards.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


The real game just begun, have fun explore, do missions.

Hint to save you a ton of money. Keep 5 of every monster drop. There are npc (collectors) in towns, outside of towns, and in the explore zones that will take those monster drops and give you good weapons / off hand items and "basic" armor.

Once you move to a new region, dump your items from the previous region and keep 5 of each of the new monster drops.

Here are the regions w/o any names to cut down spoilers.

Wasteland (Ascalon) -> Winter/Moutains -> Forest/Swamp -> Deep Jungle -> Desert -> Winter/Moutains -> Volcano Islands.

The Desert and the Winter/Moutains (2nd time around) offer the best items in the game for mere monster drops.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

If you havn't pressed "M" and looked at your map yet, do so RIGHT NOW!!!

Doing that will make you realize what people mean when they tell you that your are "just scarthing the surface," or, "at the tip of the iceberg."

The quets you have will always lead you to the next place you ought to be. If you seem to be lacking one, hunt around for more NPC's, you may have missed one. Also, look around in AScalo City for Sir Bertran[Skills]. This NPC will sell you skills that either you missed in pre-searing, or were not available to you in pre-searing.