i have a necro/mesmer and i was looking for a good weapon/idol or something for it, i currently have a truncheon which does 10-18 damage, and a cesta which adds +6 energy and 10 health, i also have a staff that is 5-8 damage, but adds +30 health and +10 energy
so my question is, which combo is better, with the staff i get 4 more energy and 20 more health, but alot less damage, will a necro even do that much damage with a 10-18 damage or is that not enough fo justify having 20 less health and 4 less energy?
question about necro weapon choice
dwarf stomper
I'd say use the staff just so you could get your squishy necro hind-end out of melee range and let the wariors do the tanking. The healers will thank you for it.