Best char for solo? Paladin?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

I'm kinda new to this game (playing for 2 weeks maybe) and I need to know which is the best char/build to solo with, cuz I need to make money, buy items for my main char and so on...

I'm thinking about the Paladin. He is excellent at surviving (I think) but I'm still not sure about soloing. Any suggestions are welcome


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


/me checks for Paladin on his character list....nope not there

Play the game as normal with any charcter, you will get plenty of money for your every day needs by just progressing through the game. You can find runes along the way as well as materials.

My advice, pick up everything you can. If it can be id'd do so. Most of the time in the early game it isn't worth it to salvage materials unless the item you would be geeting is worth more than the cost of a salvage (4gld/salvage usually)

Any items you don't salvage sell. This is usally true for all blue and white items.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Ohio, USA

There Will B Blood [Rock]


I agree with the pick up anything you can. But anyways, 55 monk is best for farming/soloing any warrior "monsters". Anything else will strip you of your enchantments and then, bye bye. lol


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

So I dont need to make a char good at solo to gain plenty of money in this game? Strange... :P

Ok just finish th sentence: The best character to solo is ../.. .


Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


depends on the area :P

55hp monk most of the time, but you need money to set that up
w/mo can be good
r/me can be good
well actually... you'll find a solo build for just about every possible class out there.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Ohio, USA

There Will B Blood [Rock]


Originally Posted by Pevil Lihatuh
depends on the area :P

55hp monk most of the time, but you need money to set that up
Yeah, thats the only thing that sucks about 55 monk. You want it so you can get money. But you gotta pay a lot to get it. But you can't get the money unless you are a 55 monk..haha..Or if you've got some good weapons. Gotta love greens.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Sorry but im noob... whats a 55 monk?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005



Paladin?? this is not D2 or WoW

the 55 hp monk uses protective spirit to stay alive and can pretty much tank any creatures except for ones that strip enchants

Since you are new(and probably poor), you should try a warrior/monk build, i find that i can solo most of the places with my warrior that the 55 hp monk can, also they are much cheaper to make, with the monk costing at least 50k to make(5 sup runes)

Naxohs Seralna

Naxohs Seralna

Frost Gate Guardian

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House of the Silver Phoenix (HSP)


Originally Posted by Nerubz
Sorry but im noob... whats a 55 monk?
55 monk = monk with 55 HP. I'll try to explain the concept for you.

First off, the monk pushes his/her HP down to 105 by having a superior rune on all 5 armor parts. He/she will then utilize the (in)famous Grim Cesta which is given as a quest reward after doing the quest Cities of Ascalon. This item has a -50 HP penalty, making the monk's HP go down to 55. The next step is to have mending, healing breeze etc. on the skillbar. But the spell which makes the build work: Protective Spirit! While you have it on you, you cannot lose more than 10% health from a single attack or spell. So you lose max 5 HP. However, you can't die because this amount of health will be regenerated by mending+healing breeze all the time.

I hope that wasn't too long-winded and that it was somewhat comprehensible.

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Originally Posted by Rodderz
Yeah, thats the only thing that sucks about 55 monk. You want it so you can get money. But you gotta pay a lot to get it. But you can't get the money unless you are a 55 monk..haha..Or if you've got some good weapons. Gotta love greens.
Or you use a warrior to farm.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



Or you can use a Me/Mo E/Mo or N/Mo to still farm with 55hp, and Me/Mo is very inexpensive (or was at least).

Turbo Wombat

Turbo Wombat

Lion's Arch Merchant

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Centeral Texas

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Yep... they're still cheap as hell. 5 sup fastcasting runes = 500 gold.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


But wouldn't you want something other than just fast casting? hehe
What would you do damage with?
Your fast casting...dresses..?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

At our Finest Hour


Yeah I have a N/MO that I farm with.
I originally had made a N/ME but rerolled to farm.

I now run N/MO.
It helps with energy too even without doing anything...

You use the same spells as mentioned, then you just run into, say the cave full'a mountain trolls outside the forge, or the infamous minotaurs...

Wherever you'd like.

It's simple really.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

At our Finest Hour


Originally Posted by Opeth11
But wouldn't you want something other than just fast casting? hehe
What would you do damage with?
Your fast casting...dresses..?

You use the runes merely to get your health down to 105

You can use whatever rune you want.

I use all curse runes on my necro just cause they were the cheapest at the time...

For damage, you can do a few things, since you arent ACTUALLY attacking, either use SS if you've got a necro build, thats spiteful spirit.

Or use Retribution...

Theres a few monk spells that kill the target attacking slowly thats attacking you...

So you tank 10-12 guys, and they all slowly kill themselves.

Your sole purpose is to survive.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Yes. I understand the concept of the non stacking runes. I was merely playing with the idea of using 5 Fast Casting Runes as opposed to the fact that average 55/105 character puts use to all four attribute sets and doubles up on one of their choice.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

At our Finest Hour


You really don't need to use your secondary class, pretty much at all, unless for the sake of energy management...

But even still, you should be okay if you use balthazars...

As for using four dif attributes...

You've been talking to all dif. 55 hp monks than I have, lol.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Efficiency is key, my friend!

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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Originally Posted by FlammingRose
Paladin?? this is not D2 or WoW
Paladin = W/Mo.
Yeah, apart from 55 monk it's the best solo FARMER. Get a good axe & cyclone axe your way to fortune. Dont confuse solo PLAYING with solo FARMING, though, two different things.

Chopping down 5 million trolls and 3 million griffin is boring as hell, though, so you better be sure you really really want that stuff for your main char (why don't you farm with that, btw? Any build can farm something, somewhere.).

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

W/Mez > War/Mo



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by Opeth11
But wouldn't you want something other than just fast casting? hehe
What would you do damage with?
Your fast casting...dresses..?
As far as I know, a 55hp mesmer not only costs less (5 runes = 500gp, thx) but can clear more of UW than a solo monk. This is not a guess by the way, unless solo monks have way of interrupting Lingering Curse (10s recharge, people!) that I don't know about

Best farming char = warrior
2nd place = I'd say necro, AotL/DA is pretty awesome
3rd = Monk and mes are fairly close



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Xen of Onslaught [XoO]

For UW you need a 55 and a necro.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Man you don't have to solo every little bit of the whole Guild Wars map to get good drops. Go to an area GRAB HENCHIES, a high level area and just do relentless killing runs.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

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Originally Posted by Nerubz
I'm kinda new to this game (playing for 2 weeks maybe) and I need to know which is the best char/build to solo with, cuz I need to make money, buy items for my main char and so on...

I'm thinking about the Paladin. He is excellent at surviving (I think) but I'm still not sure about soloing. Any suggestions are welcome
Once you get all your skills a warrior/ranger is an excellent solo build.... I also like the Ele/Mo or Me/Ele solo builds but they are more difficult to perfect.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Middle of Space, Corner of No and Where



Go to an area GRAB HENCHIES, a high level area and just do relentless killing run
ive been wondering about this, (very new, been playing about 3 months)

does haveing henchmen affect drops, or do you really have to be "solo", as in no AI in group

sorry to hijack been wondering

Wicked Shadow

Wicked Shadow

Academy Page

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Gamerz Unlimited [GU]


Having henchies affects drops just as much as having people in the party. They take their share, it just doesn't appear to drop. Soloing is the only way to ensure you get every possible drop.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Middle of Space, Corner of No and Where



good to know for sure, TYVM


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

So my conclusion is: cheapest & ONE of the most effective = Me/Mo (or Mo/Me? correct me).

In fact, a 55 monk + every other proffesion is good at solo eh? *confused*



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

BloodBath & Beyond


I think this should all be irrelevant to you at this point. Right now, you should just make the character that seems like it will be the most fun, and go play. You'll easily make enough money to have good armor and weapons thoughout the game, as long as you don't spend it frivolously.

By the time you've gotten to a point where you could benefit from making serious money, you'll be immersed in the game enough that you'll be able to answer your own question, because you'll understand the enemies, and the skills you'll have available.

This game is soooo not about saving money before you can play. Quite the opposite. Save the farming for later, trust me.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


IMO best char for soloing= 55 monk
IMO cheapest char for soloing either paladin or w/me

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

guys hes new! to be 55hp monk you gotta have alot of experience! just start from a ranger (you can get a pet and thats like anouther player for you that doent get drops) or be warior, after you get to know the game do a minion master necro or 55 monk...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

At our Finest Hour


In what ways are people using W/me to Solo?

Other than just Energy management/interrupts?

Black out warriors? etc?

Whats the basis on that one.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


w/me can be soloed by using armour buffs e.g. phys resistance