Whisper: This problem is partly due to my brother not reading the text I send him. But when I send him a whipser when he is on, he never knows. Maybe a small noise kind of like when yahoo messager sends you a message and it is not the active window. "Ding". Something.
Also maybe change the text color of not just the player name who messages you but the message it self.
Whisper more like Yahoo
Dumb Quixote
Originally Posted by jbeadle
Whisper: This problem is partly due to my brother not reading the text I send him. But when I send him a whipser when he is on, he never knows. Maybe a small noise kind of like when yahoo messager sends you a message and it is not the active window. "Ding". Something.
Also maybe change the text color of not just the player name who messages you but the message it self. |
[Either that or they are *all* avoiding me. Hmmm... something to think about

Just don't add the YIM "buzz" feature...