(how sad is it that i know i have to say this or else i will get some flames. and odds are it will be flamed anyway cause someone wants to be a smartass)..
So with that said here is my question. I have preorderd factions with my hard earned cash because i heard that i would be recieving a preorder package soon there after. what i have not seen is any difinitive answers from either best buy (the people who i orderd from) or guild wars staff.
Now to me this is a serious problem because i know that if you as in anet are to sell someone such as myself the game and you state all these great facts about it if i preorder.. then i spend money on it. you get the money and i get nothing other than the fact that i just became 50 dollars poorer.
So in game what do you call a person.. that promises somthing and you buy it.. then they go and change it up on you and your stuck with somthing that is wayyyy less than what you originally wanted?
Thats right we call them scammers. and that is what i feel happend to me. i was promised all these great things from preorder and i have nothing.. they said in stores on the 28th.. and that was a lie. they also said that the stores on there site (ie best buy) would have info. No one in best buys upper managment system has even the slightest clue about this
So i ask, what the hell is goin on? why is all this jacked up. why do i not have a clue about what is goin on. even though i spend hours searching for answers. This is beyond the point of worthless ingame problems. this is real life money we are talkin about here, and i for one want some answers.Now please do not flame for the resons previously stated above or the poor grammer and sentence structure. just try to be helpfull.. its what a forum is for right?
if the mods wanna close this thread then have at it.