Tactical Maneuvers/Unit Command

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


As most of us know, Factions will introduce a Border Conflict, style of

Hence, I would like to introduce a way individual Alliances can influence the conflict for their faction.

These things would be classified as Strategic Resources, and based on a combination of guild size AND member performance in combat, Alliances would be given certain amounts of each of these resources to help defend/attack territory.

Gaining Resources:

Alliances would gain access to more advanced resources and more of the basic ones. Alliances would need to have at least 3 guilds to have access to resources. Resources are given to the Lead Guild in the Alliance but may be divided up and given to other guilds in the Alliance.

Strategic Resources:
Troop Resources are dealt out as Squadrons, Legions and Corps. Normal Troop Recruitment occurs on a weekly basis. Victory Troops are given within 24 hours. See below for explaination.

-Squadrons: For every 20 members in an Alliance, you recieve a squadron consisting of 5 random NPCs. Each squadron has a Leader NPC. You click on a Leader NPC to cause the entire squad to follow a certain individual. Extra Troops join you for every 3 victories in Alliance Missions, no Alliance matter the Alliance size.

-Legion: Legions are given for every 40 members in an Alliance, or for every 5 victories on Alliance Missions. Legions have 15 NPCs in them.

-Corps: Corps are given for every 80 members, or 10 victories. Corps have 30 NPCs in them.

Troops are deployed by a Guild Leader or Deputy Leader through the main map screen. Troops are deployed to certain missions by dropping a Squadron, Legion or Corp Token on the target mission or area.

If NPC Troops are killed in combat, they remain dead, you will have to recruit more troops. Partial surviving units are compiled into whole units, excess troops are disbanded. Example: 2 Squardrons have 3 NPCs left, they become 1
whole Squadron and 1 troop is discarded. Only a total of 30 NPCs may be deployed. Hence, 1 Corp, or 2 Legions, or 6 Squadrons, or any combo of Squardrons/Legions.


Commanders are special NPCs of better strength and provide a small bonus to the associated unit. Commanders can be created one of two ways. A particular troop unit suffers no casualties in battle, or if your Alliance achieve 20 victories.

-Lieutenant: Squadrons ONLY, provide a +2% morale boost to Unit. This commander has 6 skills.
-Captain: Squadrons or Legions, provide a +5% morale boost to Unit. This commander has 8 skills.
-Commander: Legions or Corps, provide a +8% morale boost to Unit. This commander has 8 skills, one of which is an Elite.

Commanders created in 0 casualty situations are assigned to the unit they come from. Victory Commanders are assigned manually.


As in all wars, supplies are crucial. Supplies effect how well your troops are equipped. Supplies are deployed the same way Troops are.

-Minimal Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Ascalon City Level Armor/Weapons.
-Mediocre Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Lion's Arch Level Armor/Weapons.
-Basic Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Henge of Denravi Level Armor/Weapons.
-Improved Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Amnoon Oasis Level Armor/Weapons.
-Advanced Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Droknar's Forge Level Armor/Weapons.
-Superior Supplies: Unit NPCs are equiped with Droknar's Forge Level Armor/Weapons, weapons have modifications.

Troops may not be deployed without supplies. Alliances recieve 1 set of Minimal, Mediocre, and Basic Supplies every week normally. All other Supplies must be captured. The level of supplies captured is determined how easily you achieve victory in battle.

Troops assigned to defend an allied area automatically recieve Basic Supplies.

These units are deployed the same way other resources are, except they may only be deployed in areas you are attacking. Spies can be assigned to 3 types of Missions.

-Recon: When the Alliance Mission begins you recieve a report of enemy Troop Strength, Supplies, and Leaders.
-Assassination: 75% chance of Assassinating a Lieutenant, 50% for Captain, 25% for Commander. If the Spy fails, he is automatically executed.
-Sabotage: For each Spy Assigned, 1 enemy unit loses 1 level of supply. 50% chance of success, if failure, spy is executed.

Spies automatically join at a rate of 20 members/1 spy/per week.

May only be used to defend territory.

Trenches: Enemies must now navigate a set of trenches before reaching the Main objective of the mission.
Defensive Seige: Creates a Ballista to defend the Main objective of a mission.

Preparations are gained by trading in supplies for them.

1 Preparation = Any of the following:
-30 Minimal Supplies
-25 Mediocre Supplies
-20 Basic Supplies
-15 Improved Supplies
-10 Advanced Supplies
-5 Superior Supplies

You may only activate 1 set of Trenches and Ballista per battle. Hence, 2 Preparations per battle.

This would add even more to the factional conflict, and provide a more tactical premise for attack and defense. Before you say, how do i know how this and that will work, I don't, just giving out ideas.

Also, before you say, that's WAY to many NPCs. Not really, GvG has extra NPC forces at each base. So it can work. Now time to go check back on my Concept Class Thread...*Prays for new suggestions* Enjoy Everyone.