Seemed nice to me The leader can choose one (not more) of the members of the team, and that member gets a great skill, which is replaed his Elite skill. Every class has it's own skill, and each owns in it's own way For example:
Warrior: Fury. For 20 seconds your attack speed and movement are increased by 33%. When you hit an enemy, he is Crippled and Dazed for 10 seconds.
Ranger: Spirit of Gods. All teammembers gain 100 maximum Health and 10 maximum Energy, skill recharge 25% faster. This spirit dies after 60 seconds.
Mesmer: Confusing Blast. All surounded enemies are interuped and Dazed for 15 seconds.
Elemetalist: Burninate! All surounding peasents, eeeh.. Enemies are burned for 5 secons.
Necromancer: Minion Army. All surounding corpses spawn a level 17 Minion.
Monk: Uberpacifism. For 20 seconds none of your teammembers can be attacked.
Heroes' Ascent - Godly Powers
/not signed
If someone has an elite skill they probably have it for a reason and this would mess up their build. Also about the Monk skill: Uberpacifism would not only imply that party members can't be attacked but that they also can't attack ie. Gaseous form. Not very handy IMO.
If someone has an elite skill they probably have it for a reason and this would mess up their build. Also about the Monk skill: Uberpacifism would not only imply that party members can't be attacked but that they also can't attack ie. Gaseous form. Not very handy IMO.
/not signed
The skills arnt even althoguh sounding really cool and the name uberpacifism lol suppose as new skills (elites) it couold work hmmm choice choices but still a no! :|
The skills arnt even althoguh sounding really cool and the name uberpacifism lol suppose as new skills (elites) it couold work hmmm choice choices but still a no! :|
Stupid Shizno
I see you picked up an innovention artifact with +5
downside to this idea though has already been claimed, an Elite skill is your anchor for your build, and not all Necros are death. Orders necros for example would not want this "great" spell, and you didnt mention the energy cost on any of these spells, which would become a problem as well. good idea though.
downside to this idea though has already been claimed, an Elite skill is your anchor for your build, and not all Necros are death. Orders necros for example would not want this "great" spell, and you didnt mention the energy cost on any of these spells, which would become a problem as well. good idea though.
Ranger: Spirit of Gods. All teammembers gain 100 maximum Health and 10 maximum Energy, skill recharge 25% faster. This spirit dies after 60 seconds. |
Ouch holding Halls just was made easier.
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
Monk: Uberpacifism. For 20 seconds none of your teammembers can be attacked.
that ele skill were a little weak burn for 5 sec?
mind burn (elite) burns for 7 sec LOL +50dmg +50dmg
mind burn (elite) burns for 7 sec LOL +50dmg +50dmg
Phoenix Avenger
/not signed
skills unbalanced much?
skills unbalanced much?