Skill Quests
Dunno if this has been suggested before (the search option seems to be down more often than not these days). I was thinking that when you change your secondary profession that they made it so that the quests that have skills for rewards open up again. Like say I was a Necro/Monk and I changed my secondary to Mesmer. Wouldn't it be nice if I could go back to Ascalon and start the quests over again? Just so that I didn't have to spend 1k per skill to have them on that particular character? I don't want ALL the quests open again, just the ones that have skills as rewards. Just a thought......
I think it's a good idea.

Well, the few quests in Ascalon that are only available to different professions you can do to get some skills, but I agree, it would be nice to be able to redo quests to get more of the skills you need - spending time rather than money. Besides, some profession combos/builds provide an experience of the game that is almost as different as using different first professions. For example, playing as a hammer warrior is considerably different to a sword warrior, and then there is also the secondary profession difference. This gives enough reason to be able to replay old quests to get skills.
Going back to Ascalon as a lvl20 would be a little too easy don't ya think.
On the topic of skill quests, why aren't there more "here, have these skills and use them to complete the quest" quests after Yaks Bend?
|the antichrist|
i agree it would be if you could do the quests over again...kinda sucks paying 1k per skill
sucks even more when you are like me....poor! like hell

I just wish there were more skill quests period. All these skills are expensive.
(except for cap sig, 1k is alright)
(except for cap sig, 1k is alright)
Tuoba Hturt Eht
This issue has been brought up before, discussed, and agreed upon.
Most unfortunately, ANET has yet to do anything about it.
/signed for more skill quests, of course
Most unfortunately, ANET has yet to do anything about it.
/signed for more skill quests, of course
|the antichrist|
the max price on all skills is 1k not just cap.sig.
but it gets really expensive when you got to buy loads of them
but it gets really expensive when you got to buy loads of them

I just unlock skills with Faction. It's a lot easier to get 1k faction than to get 1k gold.
But then again, I am almost exclusively PVP, so it is not too much in my interest to unlock every skill on my RP character. He's got enough to make him useful, and I'm not ambitious ^.^
Once I unlock EVERYTHING in PVP, then maybe I will start working on "maxing" an RP char, but that could be a while.
But anyway, I think the price for new skills is necessary. I think it's best that there is some additional cost associated with changing your secondary (which there is in buying new skills) so you can't just sweep through the Ascalon quests with every secondary to unlock a ton of skills.
But then again, I am almost exclusively PVP, so it is not too much in my interest to unlock every skill on my RP character. He's got enough to make him useful, and I'm not ambitious ^.^
Once I unlock EVERYTHING in PVP, then maybe I will start working on "maxing" an RP char, but that could be a while.
But anyway, I think the price for new skills is necessary. I think it's best that there is some additional cost associated with changing your secondary (which there is in buying new skills) so you can't just sweep through the Ascalon quests with every secondary to unlock a ton of skills.
I think they ought to get rid of skill quests all together, so earning XP actually means something. It was such a rare and wonderful feeling during the Factions preview to be level 20 and still care about XP.
Let all skills be learnable right away, and get rid of the money cost for skill training, and make the skill points actually matter.
Let all skills be learnable right away, and get rid of the money cost for skill training, and make the skill points actually matter.
Dougal Kronik
I agree with SpeedyKQ on the Factions preview where skill points and XP actually mattered.
I think you should be charged 1k and 1 skill point per Sig. of Capture. Additionally, reset your skill points when you change your secondary to 0, so you have to play and get XP to acquire skill points to purchase skills. If you change your secondary back to one you were already, you do not reset your skill points. Only on the first change to the new secondary.
I understand that farmers will be able to accummulate skill points, but for now that would suffice.
And create quests that only give a reward for one profession. That would result in more quests and more replay once your secondary was changed. Rewards from quests would be as they are now except only for one profession.
I think you should be charged 1k and 1 skill point per Sig. of Capture. Additionally, reset your skill points when you change your secondary to 0, so you have to play and get XP to acquire skill points to purchase skills. If you change your secondary back to one you were already, you do not reset your skill points. Only on the first change to the new secondary.
I understand that farmers will be able to accummulate skill points, but for now that would suffice.
And create quests that only give a reward for one profession. That would result in more quests and more replay once your secondary was changed. Rewards from quests would be as they are now except only for one profession.
Mandy Memory
This is a great idea! Thats why its already in the game.