Fixed priceing on all in game items from merchants

Chris Blackstar


Join Date: Apr 2005

United States

As everyone knows the game economy works in a way of suppy and damand, or so they say. I feel the only way it really works is by a select few who inflate prices of certain items for their own greedy needs.

I would like to see fixed priceing on items, so all can afford them, not just select few, who are of course the "farmers" players, and Anet seems to dispise. Fixed pricing I feel would also eliminate certain types of farming as well.

Their will still be players who will go on hunts for items, that is ok, but runes, and upgrades, as well as dye, that should be fixed, so all can enjoy them.

The reason I address this is because their will come a time were a group of players will use the market system to take a low priced item, buy loads of that item, then inflate the price to astronamical price, as a get rich quick scam. In fact I wonder if it has not been done already, because I am sure it has. At that point, it then becomes apparent that the only way to buy certain items, due to price inflation would be to farm for gold, and Anet seems to frown on all players when they exploit a certain area of the game for that reason. In the end, they just need money to buy or upgrade their armor or weapons. Items, well they drop everywhere, and more so in the hardest of areas.

I just feel that it should be a little fair for pricing of certain items, yes make a scale, if an item is popular then yes it would be priced higher, but for god sakes, 8K for black dye or ecto's, or 70 to 100K for certain runes is a little steep.

Does anyone else feel the same or am I just waisting time?

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Personally I would vote on the wasting time part.

Most of the items are high because everyone wants them. Like sup vigor or abs, they are high because everyone wants them...not because a few people buy them all. They are usually cheaper from people than from the merchant these days.

Also black dye and ectos are rare. Ectos used to be ~15k and they fell as the supply increased, not people mass selling them to lower the price. I cant think of many runes in the 70k+ range either.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

You seem to be saying, 'people don't have money, things are expensive, Anet should freeze prices or at least slow the rate at which prices change.'

The question is really that of how much artificiality we want in the economy. I remember reading one guy's account of his attempt to corner the market in monstrous items- though the price was driven up in the short term, it was back in its typical range the next day. Was that because the price bubble was spotted and players sold their own stockpiles, or because the price was automatically reset from above?

Disconnecting prices from the actions of players seems unwise to me. Making the economy less responsive to actual buying and selling means that Anet has to step in and oversee it- and unlike Adam Smith's Invisible Hand, Anet employees do sleep.