Randomized layout of some instanced areas!
(I know it would require significant upgrdes to the game engine, but it could be made a major feature for a future Campagin.)
Randomization was key to the success of Diablo games ( ex-Blizzard employees in ArenaNet have to know something about it) and is going to be the backbone of Hellgate:London aswell (proof it can work in 3D environmewnts aswell)
Imagine a high level instance, like the Underworld, where each time you enter it, a new semi-random setup of corridors, hallways, rooms, mobs is generated. And the exploration begins! Challenging every time you enter, unpredictable and fun. Certain elements would appear always somewhere (like Monuments of Grenth in UW) and some quests/areas/types of enemies/etc.. would be optional and may not appear. These areas would be impossible to be soloed and would require a flexible team build prepared for everything. You wont be able to just prepare and do a certain part of the zone or hunt a certain mob as you dont even know which way to go to find it. Of course the areas would need rewards for completing them (not completely clearing), rewards that UW and FoW lack. The idea of randomized areas would work perfectly for the realms of Lyssa, Dwayna and Melandru, which may be added in future chapters.
Doing the end-game areas nowadays is just repeating step-by-step the same moves and gets boring after several trips. Also, there are dominating builds used for farming them, like Barrage/pet teams for Tombs or the usual 5-man groups for SF. If you aren't one of the proffesions used there, you got a hard time finding a group. Unpredictable areas would change it.
GW:Factions went a different way to bring replayability, adding scoreboard-challenges, missions more than 1 team and lots of connections between PvE and PvP. But for simple 1-team exploring "dungeons" hunting bosses and searching treasures, no better improvement comes to my mind than making them different every time.
Don't you all think it would be cool?
Sorry four my bed English