about adrenaline . . ??

Justis Guy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


I started playing Saturday, love it so far, have just one character build to date.
I am curious about my first char, a W/E
what is the adrenaline energy max and how long does it take to fill from 0-max?
he is lvl 7or8 and has done the warrior missions for skills and I think there is more for the elementalist to be gained, he just has the trio from Azuire in wizards folly, are there more there to be gained?
well thanks for reading and answering this
Justis Guy



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

For every hit that you land as a Warrior, you get one strike of adrenaline. The number associated with the skill, like 8 , is approximately how many strikes it takes to charge and use that skill. Every adrenaline skill charges separately, and using an adrenal skill takes one strike from all your other skills. There's an old thread here about it that's a bit more indepth.

Justis Guy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


so in that case . . my sever atery skill costs "7" and gash costs "8" so if I use sever for 7 it takes one off of gash, and if the total "point bank" was low enough I would lose the gash ability until I made one more hit or took more damage, is that right? so what is the total "points" (like 4point cyclone ax, 7 point sever) that you have inthe "bank' as you fight, the max you can build up be fore you use them in a deadly combo.
I think that is what I am trying to ask, lol.
Justis Guy



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The max strikes for a skill is however many it takes to use; for Sever Artery at 7, the max you can have is 7. Also to note, if you're using an adrenal attack skill, when you hit you regain that one strike of adrenaline that is taken away from the other skills, so you can chain together adrenaline skills this way if they're all fully charged. So in your case, if Sever and Gash were fully charged, you'd use Sever and Gash would be at 7 strikes, but when Sever hits you get one strike, putting you back at 8.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Your adreline stills are grayed and not useable until you hit enough for it to be charged than the skill lights up. Skills like frenzy and flurry will charge it but keep in mind frenzy gives double damge back to you and flurry does less.

Justis Guy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


ok I get what has been said so far, but I have one question unresolved . .
what is the maximum level the "adrenaline points" can be charged to. is it ten points, 25 points, ??? that is my ultimate question, how full can I fill the energy bar?

Justis Guy



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The maximum level is however many strikes it takes to use the skill. If the skill takes 7 strikes to use, its max is 7. If it takes 8, its max is 8.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

There is no pool of adrenaline, each skill charges up individually and discharges upon use and then start over. Some skills remove all adrenaline though, draining all adrenaline built up on all skills.

Also, air skills are gained in Foibles Fair.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Energy and adrenaline are two different things. Your energy bar is for skills that require energy. For your swords, skills such as Hamstring or Seeking Blade require energy. While skills like Sever, Gash and Final Thrust require Adrenaline. You shouldn't be focusing so much on the # for adrenaline but more so on the skill becoming "fully" charged. I usually wait until my highest adrenaline skill is fully charged and then rip off my attack chain. You are only in pre-sear if you're in Wizards Folly. Once you choose to go post-sear then you will start to get more skills. As for energy for the warrior, 20 is max unless you are wearing armor (gladiators) to increase your energy pool. You could also equip an off hand to get you more energy, I wouldn't recommend this until much later in the game and then it would depend on your secondary and skill set-up.

Justis Guy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Ok!! I got it thanks to everybody for the help! I realy appreciate it, especially the foibles fair for the air skills! I was about to leave pre-searing not fully prepared!!
I must say this game is fun. Looking forward to my next build, perhaps a W/R, do they get the pet ability, hmmm, guess I will find out then! Going to shy away from the 55monk, and play a more balanced/strategic build.
I found a black dye and sold for only 3k. The guy offered 4.4k but I did not want to clean him, I am not that greedy, and hey its just a game!
Justis Guy
Clan Gryffindor, Dragon Court
Clan Leader, Giver of Gifts


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

sins will never vanish [NoiR]


lol as for ur next char dun't worry bout makn another warrior because once u ascend u can do quests to where ur charactor unlock new secondaries and u can alternate between them not having to worry about losn skills. for ur second char ide go with either a monk if u like healing ranger if u like well range lol. or necro which is fun to. i current have a warrior a necro and a ranger. then apvp slot. i have all secondaries unlock on each char and yeah im set up for different builds on each.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Justis Guy
Ok!! I got it thanks to everybody for the help! I realy appreciate it, especially the foibles fair for the air skills! I was about to leave pre-searing not fully prepared!!




Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Angry Dragons


And by the way, if you held onto your black dye until you got to post-searing you could have sold it for 6 or 7k, so the other guy got a deal. But, you are right, it's only a game.