Curious about builds
Ok, right off the bat, I should let it be known that I've never played this game, in beta or BWE, and so my questions all derive from information I've read, 95% of which is from this website. Therefore, my question is thus; are there any builds that just do _not_ work? Specifically regarding PvP, is there any sort of build that is just despised, and discriminated against? Just curious, as I've played FFXI extensively, and the job/subjob was pretty rigid in its requirements in that game, you HAD to be X/Y or you simply weren't viable. I've heard otherwise here, which is excellent news, but just wondering if there's a certain combo that's taboo amongst the PvPers.
if that were so, i think the developers would feel that they have failed... because that was one of the main points of this game that everything was balanced...
any build you can think up theres a build that can beat it, and theres builds that it can beat... since theres about 150 skill combos for each build its pretty hard to find something in a build that wont work well
You could probably come up with a build that would suck, but you'd really have to be trying to suck to make that happen
just my oppinion i havnt played half the builds so i cant say for sure
any build you can think up theres a build that can beat it, and theres builds that it can beat... since theres about 150 skill combos for each build its pretty hard to find something in a build that wont work well
You could probably come up with a build that would suck, but you'd really have to be trying to suck to make that happen
just my oppinion i havnt played half the builds so i cant say for sure
you can try to handicap yourself by bringing useless skills to the table, low level armor, etc. but why would you?
balance is a big deal in this game, so each profession has its strong points. the fact is, you will most likely find at least 1 useful skill in your secondary profession that makes your character better than one that is limited to a single profession.
if you are asking what kind of character is singled out and killed the most quickly, then that would be the monk. go with a monk primary and you are basically painting a big red target on your forehead.
but healers are practically a necessity in almost all situations..
balance is a big deal in this game, so each profession has its strong points. the fact is, you will most likely find at least 1 useful skill in your secondary profession that makes your character better than one that is limited to a single profession.
if you are asking what kind of character is singled out and killed the most quickly, then that would be the monk. go with a monk primary and you are basically painting a big red target on your forehead.

but healers are practically a necessity in almost all situations..
I played FFXI also, and I was asking: "Should I do this build, or that one?", "What build is best?" and "Is this one good?" There was a lot of stress going on then because I had no clue what GW was like.
Have no fear, all builds are equally good. It just depends what you want to do. First, read a ton about GW, and then when the BWE comes, try every job possible. Then you'll know what you like and what you think is good.
Have no fear, all builds are equally good. It just depends what you want to do. First, read a ton about GW, and then when the BWE comes, try every job possible. Then you'll know what you like and what you think is good.
Sausaletus Rex
A profession combo? No, not really. I mean, you might get soem odd looks as a Mesmer/Necromancer or as a Elementalist/Warrior or somethign that's not overly popular or well-known to be effective. The professions are all relatively alright and there's somethign to recommend each combination, so it's really just a matter of preference.
But there are ways of making characters that will be extraordinary failures. A build isn't just as simple as taking two professions. You only get eight skills and 200 attribute points to distribute and if you were to say, take all skills that used Air Magic as an Elementalist and decided to concentrate your points into Fire Magic you'd be pretty useless. Or if you picked skills that didn't work very well together like my awesomely bad joke build of a Mesmer with Signet of Capture, Mind Wrack, Wastrel's Worry, Ether Lord, Signet of Humility, Arcane Echo, Echo, and, of course, Unnatural Signet. Arcane Thievery almost makes the build but it locks a skill on your opponent so it's actually useful at some point and, thus, not what you're looking for in a crushing failure.
But, the thing is, in GW is that if you happen upon a bad build it's ridiculously easy to change it to something new. You can slot different skills, redistribute your attrributes, and all the rest, just so long as you're not actually in a map where you're in danger. If your build isn't working, you can adapt and try again.
But there are ways of making characters that will be extraordinary failures. A build isn't just as simple as taking two professions. You only get eight skills and 200 attribute points to distribute and if you were to say, take all skills that used Air Magic as an Elementalist and decided to concentrate your points into Fire Magic you'd be pretty useless. Or if you picked skills that didn't work very well together like my awesomely bad joke build of a Mesmer with Signet of Capture, Mind Wrack, Wastrel's Worry, Ether Lord, Signet of Humility, Arcane Echo, Echo, and, of course, Unnatural Signet. Arcane Thievery almost makes the build but it locks a skill on your opponent so it's actually useful at some point and, thus, not what you're looking for in a crushing failure.
But, the thing is, in GW is that if you happen upon a bad build it's ridiculously easy to change it to something new. You can slot different skills, redistribute your attrributes, and all the rest, just so long as you're not actually in a map where you're in danger. If your build isn't working, you can adapt and try again.
Awesome, thanks... this is really very heartening news. From what I've read, I'm going to go Mesmer/something (maybe monk?). We'll see.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, Kiwi, what server/jobs for you? I'm kind of a powergamer, I was a 75blm, 75rdm, 66whm, 65thf, and 60nin, everything else 30+ Tarutaru of course.. Server was Kujata!
Oh, and on an unrelated note, Kiwi, what server/jobs for you? I'm kind of a powergamer, I was a 75blm, 75rdm, 66whm, 65thf, and 60nin, everything else 30+ Tarutaru of course.. Server was Kujata!
Kyraith Mentara
I tried a 100% beast master ranger, hopeingn that i could make it so that the pet did the dmg, and i was just kind of his support...
Came out horrible, pure beastmastery just doesnt make for a powerfull pet lord the way a pure death necro might.
Came out horrible, pure beastmastery just doesnt make for a powerfull pet lord the way a pure death necro might.
Any PvP build that has signet of capture and unnatural signet together in the skill bar is destined for failure.
What? you mean I can't capture someone else's skill???

Sausaletus Rex
Originally Posted by whiskas
Any PvP build that has signet of capture and unnatural signet together in the skill bar is destined for failure.
Not just U-Sig and SoC. But Arcane Echoed Echo to get two U-Sig with SoC...
And that's the real ke to this build. Sure, SoC is a bit of a cheat and U-Sig is cliche. But it's that twist of spending 30 energy in order to use one of them twice that turns things from awful to horrid. Coming up with poor builds is fun. Anybody can make a bad build, course. You could, say, take a bunch of Ranger Beastmastery Calls without Charm Animal. Or a Warrior full of stances. But top make a beautifully awful build takes a lot of planning and work.
And that's the real ke to this build. Sure, SoC is a bit of a cheat and U-Sig is cliche. But it's that twist of spending 30 energy in order to use one of them twice that turns things from awful to horrid. Coming up with poor builds is fun. Anybody can make a bad build, course. You could, say, take a bunch of Ranger Beastmastery Calls without Charm Animal. Or a Warrior full of stances. But top make a beautifully awful build takes a lot of planning and work.