Henchman AI Behavior Issues


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Fredericksburg, VA

Littleman Clan


Originally Posted by WasAGuest
The real point for me, I guess, is to make the henchies more useful than fodder.
If someone puts a group together and can't find a monk, wouldn't it be nice to be able to take the monk henchmen and know the nitwt wont suicide or try to tank? Yea, I know, I've seen some human monks try and tank too... but that's beside the point. lol
Hmmm, with the PvE Tombs Monks, the only frustration I have with them is double casting the same spell on the same person and running off to rez. I would assume they have the same AI as Alesia/Mhenlo?

I do feel they're more useful than fodder and less useful than decent GW player. It's sad, but they're probably more useful than what I feel to be the average GW player. Henchmen take a certain skill to use, just like setting up your skillbar and developing new builds. You have to learn that to pull with henchmen, you don't want to attack and how far you need to pull back with them. How to get them to step out of AoE spells more effectively. And you have to setup your skill bar with them in mind.

Since GW claims they read these forums, we could suggest an upgrade skillset for the henchmen, as well as AI improvements (such as not casting healing touch on anyone but yourself, at least I always use it as a self heal only). Do all of the henchmen even have elites? The monk and warriors do, I really don't know about the others.

For the necro & mesmer henchies, adding the AI to target different mobs and spread multiple hexes would be beneficial. Perhaps give the ranger the ability to use apply poison and cycle through the nearby mobs poisoning them all? The ele has some nice nuking ability, but I'm torn between removing firestorm or not from them. Perhaps switch it with meteor shower? Changing the warrior elite to something other than charge? 100 blades/Eviscerate, Glads defense or I think someone even suggested using a few attack skills & Flourish (don't those annoying bird people do this?). Perhaps giving the necro spells like well of blood/power, additional hexes and maybe even Spiteful Spirit? I don't know mesmers very well, though some interupting ability would be nice. I am about sick of being hit by multiple interrupts in Tombs And of course, the double healing/ressing problem that appears if you have both healers, they should be bright enough to recognize what the other is doing. Perhaps add in heal party?

Originally Posted by Toben_Hexx
Besides, we're "paying" them, they should do what we want.
They take their fair share, just like a human player. How often do human players do what you want? How often do they even listen?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

looking for a guild

meh. Henchies aren't great, but they don't suck either. I think anet would like to make them a second choice to playing with other people and used mostly for filler slots. I somewhat agree. As it stands it's better to play through the whole game using nothing but henchies and never have to say a word in local chat. But until there's some real consequence for being an asshat to your own teammates, that's not likely to change.

And since the game is supposed to be about skill, I don't mind having it take some skill to control henchies. I think they're pretty good right now if you've got a good mix of people who want them better and people who think they're fine/too strong. If a person can beat every mission, bonus and probably quest with no live teammates, then I don't see henchies as being too underpowered.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

Originally Posted by AnnaCloud9
... we all know ... that Orion uses Fire Storm after everything is dead...
This has more to do with the cast time than anything. Many eles do the same. If you're going to do something about this, you'd have to script him to not cast if an opponent's health is down around 10% or less, or at a specific # of health. This might be unfortunate, though, if you end up in a situation where someone's equally matched with, say, a monk boss who's healing exactly as much damage as is being put on him, or if you get down to that 40 health and he hits Aura of Faith + Mark of Protection. In that situation, you'd be cussing at Orion for not casting.

Originally Posted by AnnaCloud9
... If your party includes 2 healer henchmen, they will both try to resurrect the same target simultaneously...
Resurrection duplicity and running-into-aggro-to-rez must both be addressed. The latter will be more difficult to do satisfactorily, as sometimes you will need the henchie to get in there. But the henchies don't need to stand on the body to rez....

Originally Posted by AnnaCloud9
... Area of Effect - Henchmen (particularly casters) are still not responding to AoE spells ...
Yesyesyesyesyes. Someone also mentioned lava and poison. Of course, we don't want them to react as erratically as the beasties are currently doing. Warriors, for example, should stay on the target regardless of aggro. Casters and rangers need to know how to step aside, and get back to their original battleplan outside the AoE.

Originally Posted by Manda Panda
... I moved out from under it and they followed. Then they realized they weren't killing hydras, so they ran back in. Then they realized that those meteors HURT so they ran back out. Then they realized they weren't killing hydras...you get the picture. I'd almost rather they just stand under the damn thing and maybe do some damage while they're getting themselves killed...
This is what's making the enemy pattern so erratic. The henchies need to remember not to step back into the area, or sidestep it to achieve the original objective. In other words, they need to detect the area of effect, not react afterward to an AoE-specific type of damage that's hitting them.

Originally Posted by Lowly Peasant
I'd like to see the henchmen given some better skills...
They're already overpowered, though, unless you're unsure of what you're doing or not used to taking henchies. We don't want them to make things too easy. It's already more practical to take henchies much of the time, rather than other players. So be careful with trading up skills.

My only other comment not yet stated, albeit with reservations (as I just said, I don't want the henchies to make things too easy):

I'm elated that Eve brings Blood Ritual, but she's erratic with it. Perhaps a more intuitive use of it, or having her use it on the player if they ping their energy might help. Of course, doing so might spoil us rotten....



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


Has anyone else noticed a change in henchie behaviour since the last couple of updates? My casters used to be able to briefly break from a fight and run to a safe distance, without the henchies following. But now, the instant the caster runs, the henchies turn and run, too. It's very annoying. I'd love a set of basic commands to issue to henchies, like "stay on target" or "stay here". Just basic, nothing fancy, that would make them so much more useful. ("Get out of the damn swamp, idiot!" would be useful, too. So would, "Healers, don't rez until all opponents are dead")

I also had a weird thing happen to me on Saturday. I was out with henchies and my monk. We were waging a pitched battle and were down to one opponent, who was quite a distance from me. All of a sudden, I'm taking major damage. WTF? Who the heck is hitting me? There's only one red dot on the mini-map, and it's way over there. I turn around, and Little Thom is whacking the crap out of me. Needless to say, I wasn't impressed. He stopped the moment that last opponent dropped, and it hasn't happened again.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

globally warmed england

the discarnate

Originally Posted by Lowly Peasant
I'd like to see the henchmen given some better skills, like Stefan...
.... Also how about a better stance than Balanced stance, maybe Defencive stance.
Stefan has balanced stance in ascalon, he uses it throughout the game but doesn't bring it to augury, where hydra meteors rain down constantly, someone explain that to me please.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by felinette
Hmm. Every time I cast, the henchies change target to the opponent I'm casting on. What's the key combo to change target and cast without alerting the henchies?
I don't seem to have that problem. Call target for henchies (ctrl+shift+space), switch your target (Tab), use number keys to cast at other target and henchies will stay on original target, unless you actually attack (spacebar).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


Originally Posted by quickmonty
I don't seem to have that problem. Call target for henchies (ctrl+shift+space), switch your target (Tab), use number keys to cast at other target and henchies will stay on original target, unless you actually attack (spacebar).
Thanks. I'll give it a try.