I'm making this new w/r ranger build.
And I want try and stay away from stances as much as possible. So basically that leaves me no nice 75% blocking.
So I was wondering.. are the shouts that a warrior has subsitutes for evasion?
The shouts give you high armour.. and more health. If you have a couple of these.. plus good healing. Can you steal alive when your getting pounded? Or is that something only a stance can help with.
I'm using melandru's resilience as my main stance. I don't want anymore.. except for maybe frenzy or tiger's fury.
Armour or evasion?
Lady Lorwinia
If you want to be as defensive as possible, then you are going to need Stances. That's how Tanks can stay alive for so long: They don't get hit at all.
Also, this would be better served in the Warrior Discusion.
Also, this would be better served in the Warrior Discusion.
If the enemy can't hit you, it doesn't matter how much armor you have.
Count to Potato
The only like evasion shout out there is shields up but thats to projectile attacks only so your best option is Stances, why are you staying away from them btw?
stick with stances, thats the only way i play with my warrior and gets me tons of money through farming.
You forgot "Watch Yourself!"
nirhan shadowmauler
but AL Shouts and such reduce the damage you take from casting too. whereas stances dont. try it out if you dont like it dont use it again.
Armour is the far better choice.
The only time you'll need evasion stances are against enemies who actually use +damage skills (warriors and rangers) since that damage can't be reduced by any means available to your warrior/ranger professions. Other damage sources (most smiting prayers, various mesmer spells, pretty much every necro skill) cannot be reduced through armour or evasion either. No stance can block elementalist spells either which any warrior should know is where they'll be taking the most damage. Degeneration... well, both are useless in that case.
There are exceptions, hammer warriors who do not have the option to use a shield will be without a possible 16AL and upwards of -7 damage (-2 in stance/enchanted, -5. while hexed). Gladiator's Defense has its obvious benefits being among the best warrior skills in PvE. Synergy with Spirit/Price of Failure, but on the reverse side Healing Seed, Healing Hands, Mark of Protection will be of no benefit to an ally that isn't getting hit.
I personally think you should try both and see which you prefer. I enjoyed the benefits of stances as well but found in the long run that +defense can go a long way in almost every situation.
The only time you'll need evasion stances are against enemies who actually use +damage skills (warriors and rangers) since that damage can't be reduced by any means available to your warrior/ranger professions. Other damage sources (most smiting prayers, various mesmer spells, pretty much every necro skill) cannot be reduced through armour or evasion either. No stance can block elementalist spells either which any warrior should know is where they'll be taking the most damage. Degeneration... well, both are useless in that case.
There are exceptions, hammer warriors who do not have the option to use a shield will be without a possible 16AL and upwards of -7 damage (-2 in stance/enchanted, -5. while hexed). Gladiator's Defense has its obvious benefits being among the best warrior skills in PvE. Synergy with Spirit/Price of Failure, but on the reverse side Healing Seed, Healing Hands, Mark of Protection will be of no benefit to an ally that isn't getting hit.
I personally think you should try both and see which you prefer. I enjoyed the benefits of stances as well but found in the long run that +defense can go a long way in almost every situation.