Chest Drop Nerf?
Did Anet nerf drops on FoW/UW chests again?
Over the past week drops seemed to get worth and worth from FoW chests.
I opened 20-25 chests in the past week, and all i got was a huge crap. Sometimes i got golden weapons (bow, axe, sword) with no damage mod at all, only a shitty +4 armor or somethin "uber" like that.
Are the chest runners sucking everything out of the chests or were the drops nerfed again?
Is it only me? I got to the point where i decided to sell the keys I find. Really, it's just not worth it, I better sell it at 1k aor 1.2k than "exchanging" it for a 230 gp woth piece of crap.
Over the past week drops seemed to get worth and worth from FoW chests.
I opened 20-25 chests in the past week, and all i got was a huge crap. Sometimes i got golden weapons (bow, axe, sword) with no damage mod at all, only a shitty +4 armor or somethin "uber" like that.
Are the chest runners sucking everything out of the chests or were the drops nerfed again?
Is it only me? I got to the point where i decided to sell the keys I find. Really, it's just not worth it, I better sell it at 1k aor 1.2k than "exchanging" it for a 230 gp woth piece of crap.
Just Another Dude
seems much worse recently for me too
probably some people found out how to dupe or something, and they wanna keep them on the downlow...or they wanna boost ingame economy. It stinks either way!!!
Lex Talionis
Yea i've had the same crap happen to me lately. I go to fow see the chests open them + get the worst crap ever. Totally useless purples + rares of all types with the worst mods ever. Many of the rares also had req 13 5 times in a row wtf!!!?!??! Luckily those nice obsidian shards more than made up for the garbage that came outve the chests so it balanced out
Whenever I solo FoW, I still get get 90% gold chests. =X
Drops are always RANDOM people. We've got too many threads about this type of thing and the answer is always the same: Drops are RANDOM! Nobody starts a thread saying, "Notice how great the UW/FoW drops from chests are lately?" Just keep playing and things even out.
Manda Panda
Agreed as far as randomness goes. I think the only way anet could adjust chest drops is by changing the gold/purple ratio. Beyond that, if a chest is gold, it's gold. Whether that gold is a req. 8 15>50 fellblade or a war hammer of pruning (actual gold drop I got from a chest once) is all randomly generated.
Soul Shaker
Why did they add the pruning mod? No-one likes it...
There's at least three different plant types in FoW alone. And who knows what will be in Factions.
That's assuming ANet can get 'random' right. Which, according to the update logs hasn't necessarily been 100% as far as loot goes.. I doubt its a simple random algorithm, or else they may have problems with their seeds..
My problem ain't with random.
Let's see, before the update i never for a golden drop from the chests that had no damage mod at all! Maybe i`m a retard (course i`m not) and golden means only the color not the stats. I read somewhere in the update archive that golden drops (weapons mainly) were updated some time ago so that they have a damage mod.
Let's see, blue chaos axe usually has damage mod of +10% in whatever condition and sometimes you can get it as max dmg.
Now if i get the same crap from aa chest as a golden drop, namely golden chaos with no damage mod, how is that better than the blue one?
I have screenshots with this kinda golden, aka RARE drops. Aren't golden supposed to be (at least in "theory") better than pirp and blue?
I can't hardly wait to get a shadow bow , req 13 energy storage or death magic Of course it's very very unlikely, and would be worth tons of stone badges and charr hides
Let's see, before the update i never for a golden drop from the chests that had no damage mod at all! Maybe i`m a retard (course i`m not) and golden means only the color not the stats. I read somewhere in the update archive that golden drops (weapons mainly) were updated some time ago so that they have a damage mod.
Let's see, blue chaos axe usually has damage mod of +10% in whatever condition and sometimes you can get it as max dmg.
Now if i get the same crap from aa chest as a golden drop, namely golden chaos with no damage mod, how is that better than the blue one?
I have screenshots with this kinda golden, aka RARE drops. Aren't golden supposed to be (at least in "theory") better than pirp and blue?
I can't hardly wait to get a shadow bow , req 13 energy storage or death magic Of course it's very very unlikely, and would be worth tons of stone badges and charr hides
Originally Posted by KANE OG
Drops are always RANDOM people. We've got too many threads about this type of thing and the answer is always the same: Drops are RANDOM! Nobody starts a thread saying, "Notice how great the UW/FoW drops from chests are lately?" Just keep playing and things even out.
If this crap will last long enough Obsidian key manufacturers will "strike" because they`ll lose their job cause of the low demand.