Hello to all Leaders out there!
I recently made a alliance section in the forums of my site to be able to set Unrated Guild Battle events with Allied Guilds for training purposes!
Our Guild is a equal PvE/PvP playing Guild and some of our members are totally new. I think that many of you have also such people in your guild and you would love to train them in Guild Battles instead of running in the arenas or the tombs the whole time.
So if you would like to build a alliance with us so we can do some training sessions together (mostly on weekends), feel free to register on our site and forums and drop me a posting in our general discussion so I can give you a Ally access.
After you got the ally access you will be able to post in our
Alliance parts of the forums which are viewable only by allies and members.
You can find our Site here: LOB Site
If you want a bit more information about us you can also check our posting here: LOB Thread
Thanks in advance and I hope to hear from you soon!
Dumeka Shoren
Guild Alliances for training reasons!
Heretic's Fork
I think that's a great idea! We'd love to do some unranked competition with someone. The thing is, I don't know who we want for allies right now and I don't believe we have to be allies to duke it out in a guild hall. I'm on my way to check out your site now. And if anyone wants to schedule some unranked GvG with us http://www.guidedbyvoices.net. There's a visitors section in the forums, show some interest there and I'll be sure to hit your sites as well. Hope to see some of you there!
I think this is an excellent idea. As a guild leader, Ive often wondered what kind of strategic initiatives could be created to increase familiarity with guild combat, offensive/defensive tactics, etc.
Not having any way to practice without actually doing GvG is a major obstacle to success on the battlefield.
Hell, Im still having trouble getting the gates to work properly in our hall. Anyone know anything about the gates in Isle of the Dead hall? (not meaning to threadjack....just cant figure it out)
So far our initial strategic focus has been on establishing rallying points in different areas of the hall to refocus based on off/def positions of the enemy guild.
I'd be interested in joining in the alliance with your guilds and GBV, etc. We dont have a full guild site yet, but we are the official guild of Club Overclocker, and have a whole section on the forums there where we can be reached. We schedule weekly meetings in our hall on Saturday nights around 9pm EST. Reply or get in touch, we'd love to get involved with a training alliance.
BTW, how does that occur? I mean, so that it is not considered official or ranked? Im assuming you just dont kill the leader or something.
Not having any way to practice without actually doing GvG is a major obstacle to success on the battlefield.
Hell, Im still having trouble getting the gates to work properly in our hall. Anyone know anything about the gates in Isle of the Dead hall? (not meaning to threadjack....just cant figure it out)
So far our initial strategic focus has been on establishing rallying points in different areas of the hall to refocus based on off/def positions of the enemy guild.
I'd be interested in joining in the alliance with your guilds and GBV, etc. We dont have a full guild site yet, but we are the official guild of Club Overclocker, and have a whole section on the forums there where we can be reached. We schedule weekly meetings in our hall on Saturday nights around 9pm EST. Reply or get in touch, we'd love to get involved with a training alliance.
BTW, how does that occur? I mean, so that it is not considered official or ranked? Im assuming you just dont kill the leader or something.
Just wondering how this worked out for you guys? I pulled this off of the very last page and I'm wondering how many more threads like this there are (already found one on the first page.) We really need a way to form alliances in game between different guilds. (tho this would also make for bigger guild wars wouldn't it?)
Our guild would also like to have some unrated GvG matches. We are Knights and Heros tag BEER. Always great to have the chance to run some newer members/builds in an unrated enviroment. You can whisper me, Zilm Trufar. I'm usually on later in the evening.
Originally Posted by Talinna
Just wondering how this worked out for you guys? I pulled this off of the very last page and I'm wondering how many more threads like this there are (already found one on the first page.) We really need a way to form alliances in game between different guilds. (tho this would also make for bigger guild wars wouldn't it?)

Well we actually built a Alliance with the guys above aswell with other 3 guilds.
It turned out that from this 5 Alliances, we were able to do ONE training session with the Guild Bound By Blades ONCE!

Everytime I tried to reach the others or tried to run a guild battle with the others it didn't worked so..... I still keep the alliance up but if this won't change until next month, I will probably break up until we got a Alliance with a Guild which really would like to do some Tombs runs with us or Guild Training Battles once in a while.
Just thought I'll let you know since you asked.

Cymboric Treewalker
Sacred Forge Knights would be available as well.
I will register at your site when I am at my home PC instead of work.
I will register at your site when I am at my home PC instead of work.