New Skill Ideas
IJs de Beer
Yo I was just wondering that if you were the one to design a new skill how would you make it? What profession will you pick to make it for? What type of skill is it?
Come up with some ideas and post em all here!!
Come up with some ideas and post em all here!!
IJs de Beer
The skill I really like to see in GW is something as provocation or taunt.
For the people that played Diablo or Final Fantasy 11 should know this skill. For the others ill explain it.
Skill: Provocation/Taunt
Profession - Warrior
MP - N/A
Adrenaline - 7
Duration - N/A
recast - everytime you have 7 adrenaline
Casttime - instant
Target - all the monsters in the adjacent area
Downpoint - Some monsters could ignore the skill such as bosses and undead.
Description - Draws the enemy's attention towards the warrior and away from
his group members.
I'd think this skill would improve GW in such a way that it is easier to go hunting with just 1 warrior and 1 monk. For as I know is that if a monk casts a healing spell near a monster the monster goes directly to the monk ignoring the damage done by the warrior. Provocation/Taunt would lure the monster back to the warrior but since the high cost of adrenaline he should use it wisely.
For the people that played Diablo or Final Fantasy 11 should know this skill. For the others ill explain it.
Skill: Provocation/Taunt
Profession - Warrior
MP - N/A
Adrenaline - 7
Duration - N/A
recast - everytime you have 7 adrenaline
Casttime - instant
Target - all the monsters in the adjacent area
Downpoint - Some monsters could ignore the skill such as bosses and undead.
Description - Draws the enemy's attention towards the warrior and away from
his group members.
I'd think this skill would improve GW in such a way that it is easier to go hunting with just 1 warrior and 1 monk. For as I know is that if a monk casts a healing spell near a monster the monster goes directly to the monk ignoring the damage done by the warrior. Provocation/Taunt would lure the monster back to the warrior but since the high cost of adrenaline he should use it wisely.
I agree that would be great to see warriors keep the agro off the weaker members, usually it doesn't take more than 2 - 3 hits to kill a spellcaster in those farming areas.
And the word Tank would get a new meaning in Gw ^^
And the word Tank would get a new meaning in Gw ^^
IJs de Beer
Jup imo a warrior is not much of a tank right now...
Soul Shaker
well if ya check my necro skills thread down a bit...hmmm...i'll find my favourite out of them...
Venegance of Souls {E}
Cost 25, 3 cast, 5 recharge
Exploit nearest corpse to bring forth a large shadow which attacks all foes in the area. This shadow does 26...70 (dunno?) damage per attack. All foes that are attacked suffer health degeneration of 3...8 and energy degeneration of 1...3 for 5 seconds.
The effects on that one...*drool*
That's prolly my favourite...or the bone mage idea...
Animate Bone Mage
Cost 25, cast 3, recharge 5
Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1...14 bone mage.
Ok, the details. This will summon a random element ele that spams a weak spell and a medium spell for their element. So, a fire would do flare and fireball(or something of the like), ice would do ice spear and maybe shard storm, air would do lightning strike and chain lightning, and earth would do stone daggers and i dunno.
Another way would be simply to give them monster only skills, that gain extra effects or damage as they go higher lvl. So, ice would say start off with low damage, and maybe 5...60% slow attack, fire would have a 1...6 sec burn and low damage or just med damage, air might have medium damage, but their spell slowly turns into a chain lightning from say 1...6 targets. Earth, a knockdown of some sort or maybe armour ignoring damage.
those are my favourites...i miss the bone mages from diablo...
no, i'm not promoting my thread, just my ideas that i really want to see...
Venegance of Souls {E}
Cost 25, 3 cast, 5 recharge
Exploit nearest corpse to bring forth a large shadow which attacks all foes in the area. This shadow does 26...70 (dunno?) damage per attack. All foes that are attacked suffer health degeneration of 3...8 and energy degeneration of 1...3 for 5 seconds.
The effects on that one...*drool*
That's prolly my favourite...or the bone mage idea...
Animate Bone Mage
Cost 25, cast 3, recharge 5
Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1...14 bone mage.
Ok, the details. This will summon a random element ele that spams a weak spell and a medium spell for their element. So, a fire would do flare and fireball(or something of the like), ice would do ice spear and maybe shard storm, air would do lightning strike and chain lightning, and earth would do stone daggers and i dunno.
Another way would be simply to give them monster only skills, that gain extra effects or damage as they go higher lvl. So, ice would say start off with low damage, and maybe 5...60% slow attack, fire would have a 1...6 sec burn and low damage or just med damage, air might have medium damage, but their spell slowly turns into a chain lightning from say 1...6 targets. Earth, a knockdown of some sort or maybe armour ignoring damage.
those are my favourites...i miss the bone mages from diablo...
no, i'm not promoting my thread, just my ideas that i really want to see...
IJs de Beer
Sounds good enough for me :P
IJs de Beer
Sorry for bumping but I want to see some more ideas here....
Kool Pajamas
I like the taunt thing. It could even work in PvP. Lets say you are playing an Elementalist. You start casting Meteor shower on a Monk over in the corner and right before you finish casting, an opposing warrior runs up to you and uses this skill. Your target is switched from the Monk to the Warrior.
I would make it energy based and a long recharge though.
I would make it energy based and a long recharge though.
Mandy Memory
Way of the master
Energy: 25-air magic
recharge 100/earth magic
cast time: 32/fire magic
Does 17*water magic/3 water damage to target for and all surrounding foes. Target foe is set on fire for firemagic/3 seconds, knocked down after 1/earthmagic seconds, slowed by 90% for watermagic/10 seconds. This spell has airmagic*2 armor penetraition.
Energy: 25-air magic
recharge 100/earth magic
cast time: 32/fire magic
Does 17*water magic/3 water damage to target for and all surrounding foes. Target foe is set on fire for firemagic/3 seconds, knocked down after 1/earthmagic seconds, slowed by 90% for watermagic/10 seconds. This spell has airmagic*2 armor penetraition.
IJs de Beer
Way of the master sounds cool but dont you think its a bit to good comparing to the other skills in GW?
Mandy Memory
no...i think its vastly underpowered for what it takes...which it is
18 in each stat...not even possible, but would only yeild
energy: 7
recharge: 5.5
cast: 1.7
does 102 water damage to target for and all surrounding foes. Target foe is set on fire for 6 seconds, knocked down after .05 seconds, slowed by 90% for 1.8 seconds. This spell has 36% armor penetraition.
18 in each stat...not even possible, but would only yeild
energy: 7
recharge: 5.5
cast: 1.7
does 102 water damage to target for and all surrounding foes. Target foe is set on fire for 6 seconds, knocked down after .05 seconds, slowed by 90% for 1.8 seconds. This spell has 36% armor penetraition.
K just so u all know, just about everyone who comes up with a skill makes it way too overpowering. And yes that spell is overpowering. Max out water and fire and thats super strong.
Dr Strangelove
Monk Skill:
Signet of Anti-Wammo
Recharge: 30 seconds
Disable frenzy and healing signet on target friendly warrior for (1-5). Warrior moves 25% slower, and thus can't charge ahead. Target player may not use chat for (1-5) minutes
Signet of Anti-Wammo
Recharge: 30 seconds
Disable frenzy and healing signet on target friendly warrior for (1-5). Warrior moves 25% slower, and thus can't charge ahead. Target player may not use chat for (1-5) minutes
Minus Sign
I love the idea of bringing EQs "Taunt" to GW warriors, but it'd be hard to use in PvP. Maybe some changes, since this is a PvP oriented game:
same 7 Adreniline, but the effect is All enemies in the area (or area of effect) target you; spells cast on other allies BEFORE Taunt is "shouted" are not redirected to you.
That makes Taunt an annoying skill to have on your bar for PvP and as it has the effect of saving castors from spammers but only once and only when the adreniline cost is met. It also has the effect of becoming "the interupt that isn't". Do that though, and it would probably have to be Elite.
Other than that, my wishlist is some decent E.managers for monks. Something simular to P&H but actually decent:
Saving Grace (Divine Favor) {E}
mana: 5
Stance: Remove all enchantments. For 10-45 seconds, you gain +1 to +3 energy regeneration and suffer -2 to -6 health degen. Saving Grace ends if you cause damage to an enemy. Enchantments cast on you last half as long.
Since its linked to Divine favor, its not going to be a great alt proffession quick regen. Also, the Enchant strip+self removal reduces its "uberness" because you can't drop mending before a fight to negate most of its damage and then forget about it. In order to negate the health degen, you have to regularly reapply Mending (or Breeze, which would have a 5 second uptime instead of 10 due to self nerf+2) every 30-45 seconds. Also, since its a stance, it won't heal you with your Divine favor, meaning you have to watch your healthbar before you, in essence, CoP all your enchants, leaving you exposed while you reapply Prot Spirit, Boon, what have you.
lastly, you CAN'T CoP/Strip it off. Its a stance, which very few (all too UNused) skills negate. It would promote build re-thinking since suddenly there is a stance in the game that everyone wants to kill...even if its not as great as it first seems.
So its got oodles of energy, self nerfing (so people have to think about it for a few minutes before they throw it on and go), and built to help monks do what we do best: Heal/Prot.
same 7 Adreniline, but the effect is All enemies in the area (or area of effect) target you; spells cast on other allies BEFORE Taunt is "shouted" are not redirected to you.
That makes Taunt an annoying skill to have on your bar for PvP and as it has the effect of saving castors from spammers but only once and only when the adreniline cost is met. It also has the effect of becoming "the interupt that isn't". Do that though, and it would probably have to be Elite.
Other than that, my wishlist is some decent E.managers for monks. Something simular to P&H but actually decent:
Saving Grace (Divine Favor) {E}
mana: 5
Stance: Remove all enchantments. For 10-45 seconds, you gain +1 to +3 energy regeneration and suffer -2 to -6 health degen. Saving Grace ends if you cause damage to an enemy. Enchantments cast on you last half as long.
Since its linked to Divine favor, its not going to be a great alt proffession quick regen. Also, the Enchant strip+self removal reduces its "uberness" because you can't drop mending before a fight to negate most of its damage and then forget about it. In order to negate the health degen, you have to regularly reapply Mending (or Breeze, which would have a 5 second uptime instead of 10 due to self nerf+2) every 30-45 seconds. Also, since its a stance, it won't heal you with your Divine favor, meaning you have to watch your healthbar before you, in essence, CoP all your enchants, leaving you exposed while you reapply Prot Spirit, Boon, what have you.
lastly, you CAN'T CoP/Strip it off. Its a stance, which very few (all too UNused) skills negate. It would promote build re-thinking since suddenly there is a stance in the game that everyone wants to kill...even if its not as great as it first seems.
So its got oodles of energy, self nerfing (so people have to think about it for a few minutes before they throw it on and go), and built to help monks do what we do best: Heal/Prot.
Originally Posted by IJs de Beer
The skill I really like to see in GW is something as provocation or taunt.
For the people that played Diablo or Final Fantasy 11 should know this skill. For the others ill explain it. Skill: Provocation/Taunt Profession - Warrior MP - N/A Adrenaline - 7 Duration - N/A recast - everytime you have 7 adrenaline Casttime - instant Target - all the monsters in the adjacent area Downpoint - Some monsters could ignore the skill such as bosses and undead. Description - Draws the enemy's attention towards the warrior and away from his group members. I'd think this skill would improve GW in such a way that it is easier to go hunting with just 1 warrior and 1 monk. For as I know is that if a monk casts a healing spell near a monster the monster goes directly to the monk ignoring the damage done by the warrior. Provocation/Taunt would lure the monster back to the warrior but since the high cost of adrenaline he should use it wisely. |
Lol yeah in diablo 2 it was a tad bit cheesy. "GRRRRR" "UHHHHH" "YAAAHH"
Mind Jam
Description: For the next 3...7 seconds, whenever target enemy uses a skill, that enemy takes 10...37 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 5 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.
Mind Game
Description: Regain 3...7 energy back. Disgues the casting as if you were casting Mind Jam. If this is interupted during casting, the interupter take 42/150 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 5 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Spell.
Mind Counter
Description: In the next 8 seconds, if the next spell you cast is interupted, the interupter takes 35/119 damage.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 seconds.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Spell.
Description: For the next 3...7 seconds, whenever target enemy uses a skill, that enemy takes 10...37 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 5 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Hex Spell.
Mind Game
Description: Regain 3...7 energy back. Disgues the casting as if you were casting Mind Jam. If this is interupted during casting, the interupter take 42/150 damage.
Energy Cost: 15.
Casting Time: 5 seconds.
Recharge Time: 10 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Spell.
Mind Counter
Description: In the next 8 seconds, if the next spell you cast is interupted, the interupter takes 35/119 damage.
Energy Cost: 5.
Casting Time: 1 seconds.
Recharge Time: 15 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Domination.
Skill Type: Spell.
Mandy Memory
Originally Posted by Sniper22
K just so u all know, just about everyone who comes up with a skill makes it way too overpowering. And yes that spell is overpowering. Max out water and fire and thats super strong.
Energy: 25
recharge 100
cast time: 1.7
Does 102 water damage to target for and all surrounding foes. Target foe is set on fire for 6 seconds, knocked down after 1 seconds, slowed by 90% for 1.8 seconds. This spell has 0% armor penetraition.
100 recharge is overpowered....right....
Originally Posted by actionjack
Mind Jam
Description: For the next 3...7 seconds, whenever target enemy uses a skill, that enemy takes 10...37 damage. Energy Cost: 15. Casting Time: 5 seconds. Recharge Time: 10 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Hex Spell. |
IJs de Beer
Originally Posted by actionjack
Mind Jam
Description: For the next 3...7 seconds, whenever target enemy uses a skill, that enemy takes 10...37 damage. Energy Cost: 15. Casting Time: 5 seconds. Recharge Time: 10 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Hex Spell. Mind Game Description: Regain 3...7 energy back. Disgues the casting as if you were casting Mind Jam. If this is interupted during casting, the interupter take 42/150 damage. Energy Cost: 15. Casting Time: 5 seconds. Recharge Time: 10 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Spell. Mind Counter Description: In the next 8 seconds, if the next spell you cast is interupted, the interupter takes 35/119 damage. Energy Cost: 5. Casting Time: 1 seconds. Recharge Time: 15 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Spell. |
Originally Posted by actionjack
Mind Jam
Description: For the next 3...7 seconds, whenever target enemy uses a skill, that enemy takes 10...37 damage. Energy Cost: 15. Casting Time: 5 seconds. Recharge Time: 10 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Hex Spell. |
Mind Counter Description: In the next 8 seconds, if the next spell you cast is interupted, the interupter takes 35/119 damage. Energy Cost: 5. Casting Time: 1 seconds. Recharge Time: 15 seconds. Linked Attribute: Domination. Skill Type: Spell. |
Based on this site about fainting goats...
a skill for the Illusionary Weapon mesmers!
Drop Dead (Illusion)
The mesmer falls to the ground, apearing to be dead for 5...15 seconds during which time he gains health regen of 1...5 and armor +10...30 and cannot be targeted by attacks.
Hmmm, I wonder if the "corpse" can be exploited?
a skill for the Illusionary Weapon mesmers!
Drop Dead (Illusion)
The mesmer falls to the ground, apearing to be dead for 5...15 seconds during which time he gains health regen of 1...5 and armor +10...30 and cannot be targeted by attacks.
Hmmm, I wonder if the "corpse" can be exploited?
IJs de Beer
Originally Posted by DeanBB
Hmmm, I wonder if the "corpse" can be exploited?