When armour is customised...
Say for example, I had a character called "A B C" and I bought Drox armour. I then put the armour in storage, deleted "A B C" and then created a new character with the same name, would the new character be able to wear the old armour as it would still be customised to "A B C"?
Auntie I
The answer is no. You cannot re-use the armor, it is customized for the character it was created for. Each Character has a unique ID created by the game. All information is tied to that ID not the name of the character.
I tried this before and you definitely can't do it.
It kind of saddens me that you can't do this sort of thing. I mean sure..armor has to fit and all, because every person is different...
But if people thought they were cool getting 15K armors and FoW armor, I think it'd be pretty cool to get all Devourer armor or something.
I just see a whole armor market of trading, buying, and selling that would give us all one more thing to do. I guess that'd kind of kill the material trade tho..
I see unique tradable armors in the future...I mean this game was made by some of the Diablo guys right?
But if people thought they were cool getting 15K armors and FoW armor, I think it'd be pretty cool to get all Devourer armor or something.
I just see a whole armor market of trading, buying, and selling that would give us all one more thing to do. I guess that'd kind of kill the material trade tho..
I see unique tradable armors in the future...I mean this game was made by some of the Diablo guys right?
Personally, I tried to do it to see if I could get one of my pumpkin hats to another character...even that didn't work.
Yes quite a few of ArenaNet are Ex-Blizzard staff, but ti doesn't mean there going to mimic aspects of a previous game some of them helped design and create.
- Where's the uniqueness in that?
Yes quite a few of ArenaNet are Ex-Blizzard staff, but ti doesn't mean there going to mimic aspects of a previous game some of them helped design and create.
- Where's the uniqueness in that?