I was just thinking the other day, about how the chapters are like "Stand-alone games." and I had an interesting idea.
What if... the town/explore area barrier was broken.
Say, a few outposts always had the possiblity of being attacked by NPCs, and skills were useable within the... (This is when A new idea hatched and I thought of a whole chapter.)
Getting started
Ok, this chapter would introduce 4 new proffesions. The 4 elements!
They would be dedicated to one element and ONLY one element. Skill list FULL of fire for the Infernal's (or whatever they would be called), for example.
Now each proffesion as secondary or primary will automaticly have their weapon using their proffesion's sort of damage. Because of this, each of the proffesions can use the same type of weapon, for example, Iceman trades his Elemental Staff to Dustman and it switches to earth damage.
And that would explain some of the new items, all 4 of the new proffesions can use the same items.
Now these proffesions are starting to sound like brothers now, aren't they?
Well, its time for the Family Feud!
Like factions, you will have sides to pick.
You MUST have one of these proffesions as your primary or secondary.
You can NOT have 2 elemental proffesions, that would make you double side.
However, you CAN be an Elementalist/Elemental or the other way around.
*Elementalists are the eles we know today
*Elementals is just a name I am using for the 4 new proffesions
These 4 factions are fighting to get around and island (an island suspended in the air, like that castle in the Villany of Galrath(sp?) quest).
The Forgotten (Those cool creatures in the desert) will be the friendly NPCs.
They hold the outposts on the island, are neutral, and are willing to do business with any of the factions.
There are 4 major outposts on islands below the main island, these are seperated from the large explorable area, you may set your skills here and can not be attacked. They will be the home bases. You can be booted from these districts if another faction takes your area of the map.
If a faction takes a home base, it becomes that faction's home base and the original owners are assigned to that faction's previous base.
Why does fire want to take lightning's base? Caves!
Each base will have its own unique caves (PvE areas like The Underworld and Sorrow's Furnace.)
Not only that, but the bases will have different traders and transports.
Airborne transports, an interesting factor. Players that die may spawn far away from where he were fighting, however, a player may pilot a transport and fly his group back to the action.
In between the four home bases is a neutral zone, and a universal outpost. In the zone, players may only fight NPCs. In the outpost, players from all factions can trade.
When you are in the middle outpost, you may switch your secondary proffesion and you will be assigned to that faction. To make it even stranger, the 4 new proffesions will look exactly alike and you may change your primary if you are an elemental. (Though the new proffesions may look alike and can use the same items, they each have their own full amount of skills and their own skin tint. Fire: slightly orange-ish glowing skin-\-Ice: Slightly Blue and you can see through them slightly-\-Earth: Greyscale with cracks-\- Air: VERY slight purple tint with a pulsing glow)
If you change your faction (Say to match your guild) you will be without a home base until the next time your faction conquers one (or if you participate in a conquer attempt.)
Because the island is all one big exploreable area, monsters may use transports to drop in and say "Hello".
**((This would not be like the average MMORPG, standing around waiting for enemies to spawn, they can fly in from anywere in large organized groups and even set up camps))**
Groups can be made outside, if someone leaves your group, you can pick someone else up. Groups are like squads, they have their advantages, but you can go out alone and still be allied with your element.
To enter the caves at the home bases, you must set up the group before as always.
There will be a large ring shaped island around the middle one i've been talking about. The Forgotten are dealing with Elemental minions leaking though the center island through a portal, help them push through the minions and close the portal.
Basicly the ring outside the floating island has the standard PvE play, and the floating one in the center is your PvP, with more than a few few npcs thrown in there. Sort of a free-style PvP&E style.
These are a few of my ideas thrown into a full chapter, the ideas can also be thought of as induviduals.
Full Chapter Ideas