Now that the game has been released for almost a year, there are many players who have 100% unlocks, thanks to faction. This then results in no reward from PvP other than GvG (ranking) and HA (fame). I would argue that increasing rewards for the "lower-level play" found in 4v4 would help newer players as higher-level players would have more of an incentive to play in random arenas or team arenas. By playing with better players, newer players can increase their skills too. This would probably help improve the overall level of play of the game.
I suggest the implementation of some new rewards to help maintain faction usefulness. Trading in 1-10 faction for 1 gold (yay 1-10 platinum for 10k faction...) or the like could help alleviate the feeling that players with 100% unlocks have about "wasting faction." Other ideas include rewarding 1k faction for 1 fame or 1 fame for every 10 wins in 4v4 (unless ANet wants to maintain that fame is only gained in HA, but it's not like you should gain much fame from the 4v4 anyway). Basically, anything to use up the extra faction 100% players have would be appreciated, not necessarily gold or fame.
Please post any suggestions along these lines.
More use for faction.
Originally Posted by careofapathy
Please post any suggestions along these lines. Thanks, -careofapathy |
faction is a tool to unlock things for PVP ONLY.
when you have unlocked everything faction is put away,done, and finished so stop asking for more from it
Mandy Memory
unlock new pvp weapons/ pvp weapon skins
more character models only purchacable with faction
etc...there are a lot of pvp only ideas that could go with faction
just think loviatar
more character models only purchacable with faction
etc...there are a lot of pvp only ideas that could go with faction
just think loviatar
Like Loviatar said...this has been beaten to death...not once...not twice...but like 5 million times...
Go read those other threads if you want to know more about this.
Go read those other threads if you want to know more about this.