Help with what do next for preorder




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


well im past the stage of ranting and into desperation. so i could use some opinions on what to do.
Although i ordered my factions directly off of the guild wars website that clearly stated if you preorder the game off of any one of the links you would get the preorder package as part of an "exclusive preorder offer".

Aparently that is not the case. Even though directly links to the online best buy store as a way to preorder factions and get the preorder pack. it is not available at best buy online. only the preorder game is that is releasing on the 25th of april is.

To just bring this into perspective.. i have just spent about 2 hours talking to best buy people that had no clue about a preorder package.. all they know about is the actual game to preorder that you would recieve on the 25th of april...

So in a nutshell i have payed for the perks im really not going to get now. because had i known i would have just recieved the game and not the preorder package. i really woulda just waited and went to wallmart.... if anyone has any help they could offer that would be great cause im just runnin outa options.. thanks



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


Check this post:

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


True, ArenaNet went about this in Horrible fashion, but you can still pick up the pieces.

Talk with and get a confirmation on whether or not your purchase came with a Pre-order (I know for a fact on atleast, they offer a version of the preorder with and a version without the presale package with it).

If your purchase did not qualify for presale package for some reason, they should gladly send you one free of charge anyway if you ask them. It costs them nothing.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


In the end after talkin to best buy for a while.. i just ended up cancling my order. I am amazed at how little they know about this. they really have not one clue about it.. I hope i can find a local store that will sell the package

Stealthy Trapper

Stealthy Trapper

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Cincinnati, Ohio

Knights Assassins [Kill]


Yeah it wasn't advertised very well. You'll get that when the product isn't important to EVERYBODY in the world. Gamers are looked on as we are jobless nerds with no lives. The only recognition we get are from the people that make the money off of us, such as Best Buy and Eb games. Therefore I too can't understand why this was advertised so badly.

Anyway be serious and come down man. We have a month to get it before the sneak peek and when you do get it you will take all of 10 minutes looking over and getting giddy over the content. Then you will throw it aside and flick to a porn site or something. It will be something you look forward to for days and then get tired of it in a few minutes.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Yes, i had same problem with Best Lie i mean Buy and ended up canceling my order also. It took me 2 phone calls to them to realize i "may or may not get the preorder box" with my shipment, they had no clue at all. DO Not get from I went with eb games rom the gw website and it specifically says you get preorder box in seperate shipment, sounds a lot more promicing.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by nuggz
Best Lie i mean Buy
quoted for truth.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


I know what you mean! I pre-ordered Factions way back on 16th January from Only to find out last month that they've removed it from their website. My order still shows up as active but from the various emails I've sent them they know nothing about a pre-order kit at all!




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


Im glad but also at the same time kinda pissed we all have had simalar problems. i mean if you cant trust the main website of a videogame for reliable information.. who can you trust....oh ya thats the the guru