Char Hides @ Piken Square
Why do people buy them? And how much do they go for?
Originally Posted by wahoyaho
Why do people by them? And how much do they go for?
However, quite a few jerks buy them for dirt cheap at Piken Square from people who have no idea how to turn them into Fur Squares.
The Herbalizer
Can you actually make much gold from doing this? By much I mean 10k plus an hour.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
Can you actually make much gold from doing this? By much I mean 10k plus an hour.
250 hides bought at 10-15 and turned into fur and sold makes a nice profit.
they jump in for a short time and grab whatever quick sales they can and hold them until the fur price goes up a bit and sell until it goes down a bit.
as a sideline it is very profitable
jerks on the scale of black dye grabbers in presear
While some people may be making a lot of money by buying hides cheaply and crafting fur squares, I use them for my own armor. I also gave a few to a ranger the other day in Borliss Pass. Otherwise, I guess you could salvage them to tanned hide squares.....