Build Ideas for factions

Kane Inverse

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Under your bed.

V A M P [Vamp]


Ok. Through my recent desert runs with my E/Mo... yes It is a runner, I have been unsatisfied with the profession switches...

Anyways, back to my point of this.

Hmm... I didn't get to play the factions preview in february (or whenever it was, If i'd known about it would'a played it lol) so I'm still a little skeptical about thenewest bunch, Ritualist and Assassin. Now. I have a few questions.

Can Assassins "Teleport"? Kinda like a Chaos Control thing, ya know?

Are Ritualists specialized in summoning spirits to ATTACK, like a FF summon, or ranger-type spirits?


o-o; Ok. Now that I have everything cleared on that, Let me move on:

Builds for Guild Wars: Factions. I have put little thought into this, so bear with me ^^;

Assassin/Warrior. Good speculation; I.E. Warrior's Shouts (including "Coward!", which I refer to as "Get back here, Biznatch!") plus the assassin's off-hand attacks and use of weapons. Combine dagger mastery and shadow arts with axe mastery and tactics, and we have a really good build here.
I was also thinking after a few weeks of factions I may try out a solo charr run for LDD with an A/W... see how that turns out after I get out of Cantha Academy. ^^

Ritualist/Monk. Maybe... Because I know Ritualists can sacrifice spirits for health regen, hexes, etc... that would work well with healing prayers/protection prayers for a monk, or smiting prayers and attacking spirits. ^^ Just some Ideas....

Assassin/Ranger: "I'm not a ranger! They just stole my dance!"

Lol. Anyways, this would be good to interrupt enemies and then close in on them with a shadow step or something... Or a teleport! *zoom*

Anything else you would like to add, you may do so... >>;

Peace out mah homiez.

~ Kane



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


I thought a Monk/Assasin would be cool. *teleport-in, heal, teleport-out*