Bug or a new feature? [skill trainers]



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Fremen Warrior Front



Why is the ascalonian skill trainer giving me every single non-elite skill? o_O

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Thats not the factor.

The Ascalon and Lions Arch Skill Trainersnow offer any skill you have previously unlocked for that class on different characters.

Its so you dont have to grind future characters through quests and stuff to get skills you've already unlocked.

Or a bug...Who knows.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Yay! Who needs emberlight anymore!

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Cherno
Yay! Who needs emberlight anymore!
People that haven't went through the game 5 times already.

Neriandal Freit

Neriandal Freit

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Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Originally Posted by Former Ruling
People that haven't went through the game 5 times already.
I dont think I like this if it's made to be this way, it's unfair to newer players and not fun for older players (who enjoy the game rather then being bullies)

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


If they dont want to buy the skills on future characters at Ascalon - They dont have too, they can grind through all the quests and stuff again. This is just an OPTION they have.

This game is advertised as NO GRIND - and this just fits wtih that. If you've unlocked it before why should you have to grind through quests and stuff that get boring just to get the skill again?

You have the option too - but most characters made after the fisrt 2-3 are made for some propose in PvE - not to grind through the boring (IMO) missions and quests. If I want a 55 monk, I'm probably going to be ran where I want, and just buy all the skills I need.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I think this might be a bug. While I like the idea for my new characters, I can see it as potentially unbalancing. Some skills are higher level and shouldn't be available to the early player. New level 1 ele out of presear goes and buys meteor storm and arcane echo then goes into the Ascalon arenas?

Yeah, yeah attribute points, etc but you get the idea. Sure it is an option to not buy those skills if you don't want them (but really who isn't going to?)

Some skills are meant to be a stictly worse version than another early in the game, and then as you progress you get the replacement. You shouldn't be able to get those too early.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Fremen Warrior Front


I still think it's a bug they introduced with the latest update..

Since i don't actually have ANY mesmer and necro skill unlocked.. my only other char is a w/mo..



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Flying Gophers


Originally Posted by Cherno
I think this might be a bug. While I like the idea for my new characters, I can see it as potentially unbalancing. Some skills are higher level and shouldn't be available to the early player. New level 1 ele out of presear goes and buys meteor storm and arcane echo then goes into the Ascalon arenas.
These people, who are the ones with the skills, are the ones who probably just run themselves to where they need. ANd then go into ascalon arena with the skills and droks armor.
I like the idea, mainly because it's not overpowering IMHO unless you want to make a character with the same primary as another pve character, which I don't see a lot of people do. I figure it will allow for more flexibility for secondaries.

Aeris Gainsboroughe

Aeris Gainsboroughe

Frost Gate Guardian

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Red Lion, PA

The Demonic Horde (Leader)


If this is a new feature I have mixed feelings about it. As said before it could be unbalancing. But it would also make it easier to make new characters. I'm really not sure if it is just a bug or a new feature. The update page didn't say anything about this lastnight. And if it is not a bug does it work if you unlock the skills using faction as well?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



This is completely fair. PvP players have a large assortment of skills unlocked for then, so why not for PvE also. This is a godsend if it stays this way. I don't want to do the Thunderhead mission with my 4th character just to get to Emberlight to get skills from other towns that I skipped while being run thru the game. After the 4th or 5th time thru the game, alot of people just don't want to grind for skills. I personally hate the jungle area of this game and prefer the desert. I only go to Lions Arch to trade or TOA for farming, the rest of the towns in the Jungle I completely skipped over with my 4th character because I dislike the area so much. I agree, that it's another option for people to get there skills quicker. If you've never unlocked the skill from a previous primary or secondary character, then I don't see how it's unbalanced. The players that get this feature have invested hundreds of hours of there time already to unlock skills and shouldn't have to do it again imo. The new players don't get the skills till there unlocked, so this sounds perfectly fair to me.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Originally Posted by TGgold
These people, who are the ones with the skills, are the ones who probably just run themselves to where they need. ANd then go into ascalon arena with the skills and droks armor.
Yeah, and we all know how well that has gone over with the community. So Anet decides to eliminate that need, they will legitimize it and make it easier for everyone to do?

Casey, there is a huge difference in comparing this to PvP. All PvP created characters start out on equal footing, level 20, etc. You also don't have monsters to deal with. This is more than just a concern regarding the early arenas.

How many people say that PvE is too easy? Well let's just make it easier by making the best skills available too early. While we're at it, make all the creatures outside of post searing ascalon and beyond level 20+

I also see how nice it can be for those making new characters and have already been through the grind. I have one of every character class and have gone through the grind on every one of them, the long way (and fun way ) And I can definately see the convenience in it. That doesn't make it right. If this is not a bug, it was a poor choice.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Fremen Warrior Front


Well there used to be a point in PVE..
getting levels.. going to places and doing quests for skills.. getting ur char to the crystal desert for the skills there etc'..

what's the point in pve if i can buy every single non-elite skill as soon as i leave pre searing? -_-
might aswell delete every single skill-quest in the game and put all of the elites in lion's arch area.

GG anet.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



I haven't check yet because im at work, but does this include Elite skills? I can see it being unbalanced if the Elites are available. However, Droks armor and Elite skills are in the Ascalon Arena anyways, this just makes it easier for those people. If the Elites skills are not there, then its really not that unbalanced. You may have more skills to choose from, but if your low level, then you only have so many attribute points to go around anyways. If your low level and your fighting monsters around the same level, then you still dont really have that much of an advantage, you just have more choices of skills to use. All the skills your using are providing the correct damage output for your character level no matter what skill it is.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


uhh...you guys know that you have to have SKILL POINTS in order to buy the skills right? You still have to grind through PVE to earn the skill points needed to buy all those neat skills so it does not really unbalance anything.

Neriandal Freit

Neriandal Freit

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Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)

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Originally Posted by Dazzler
uhh...you guys know that you have to have SKILL POINTS in order to buy the skills right? You still have to grind through PVE to earn the skill points needed to buy all those neat skills so it does not really unbalance anything.
True Dazzeler, but this encourages "fast-leveling" by people for people and the ability to earn these skills quickly..


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Of course you have to ahve skill points, but a typical person leaving presear at around level 5-6 will have enough to fill up their bar with some nice spells.

Of course they don't have elites. You can't buy those from trainers.

As for the attribute points, ask the people who face level 9 in ascalon areana with later spells if attributtes matter.

In any case, with superior runes you can stack all your points into one attribute at a lower level and get a very nice punch out of your new skills, beyond what should be normal for the area.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


But since everyone can do it, it doesn't unbalance anything. I like the idea. When I made my first character, I wanted to use earth and water magic but was forced to use fire magic for 3/4ths of the game because that was the only line that I had good spells for. Now a new character can deck themselves out however they wish.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


It does unbalance it. I am pretty sure the devourer's and gargoyles outside of ascalon don't like being meteor showered.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

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----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Originally Posted by Cherno
I think this might be a bug. While I like the idea for my new characters, I can see it as potentially unbalancing. Some skills are higher level and shouldn't be available to the early player. New level 1 ele out of presear goes and buys meteor storm and arcane echo then goes into the Ascalon arenas?

Yeah, yeah attribute points, etc but you get the idea. Sure it is an option to not buy those skills if you don't want them (but really who isn't going to?)

Some skills are meant to be a stictly worse version than another early in the game, and then as you progress you get the replacement. You shouldn't be able to get those too early.
You can do this at lvl 2 with friends anyway...but you'd lose to a lvl 10 or 11...yay for less grind

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


I'm scratching my head here..its in the update notes..why do people think its a bug??



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Zaxan Razor
I'm scratching my head here..its in the update notes..why do people think its a bug??
Maybe the update notes are bugged.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Fremen Warrior Front


Originally Posted by Zaxan Razor
I'm scratching my head here..its in the update notes..why do people think its a bug??
People think it's a bug because it wasn't in the update notes when i first posted it, among other things that Anet added later on.

Guess this is it then, officialy a new feature.

*slaps Anet around a bit with a large trout*


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Cherno
Some skills are meant to be a stictly worse version than another early in the game, and then as you progress you get the replacement. You shouldn't be able to get those too early.
NO! That's not the case. ANet never designed the game that way. Skills are skills and it shouldn't matter which ones you have on your character - just the ones you have as the player.

No skill is meant to "replace" or "upgrade" another.

konohamaru heaven

konohamaru heaven

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Some where in Cantha beyond the Petrified Forest and the Jade Sea

The Amazon Basin

This is a new Feature feature AN released. The skill trainers offer you all non-elite skills that you have unlocked on your account.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Modified Soul Society [SOUL]


If its not a bug it sucks, I had to run all over the world to find the skills I needed for the builds I wanted, I had to do the missions to get to the next towns and then fight my way to the next place the skill trainers were, If this was like this from the get go, at least on my 3rd lvl 20 I would have just gotten all the skills I wanted in ascalon city.




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


Originally Posted by Cherno
Yay! Who needs emberlight anymore!
Ember Light still has all the skills you haven't gotten yet. The only skills that are there are ones you've unlocked. It's better, but it's not like you can get all the skills at Ascalon. Ember Light Camp is still a very popular place to go to get skills that you haven't unlocked. So no, you do still need Ember Light Camp.

And, the general misconception that every skill trainer is like Ember Light Camp...
It is only for the skills you already have, so you can't get EVERYTHING in Lion's Arch. N8DOGG, your work was not in vain as you wouldn't have been able to get them in Ascalon anyways.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Plus they still cost skill points: it's not like you can just post-sear and buy all the skills, however rich you are.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

I fail to see the problem. If it's a skill you've actually gotten in another character because you want to use it in that character, why not be able to buy it for a skill point for another character?

If it's a skill that you're Level 20 in another class doesn't really want, but buys just to unlock it for a second char -- well, then you're spending TWO skill points on something that if you do it the slow way will cost at most one.

I'm considering buying a couple of the basis MM skills for my elementalist and then for the MM who just got to Lion's Arch, but the elementalist doesn't have an unlimited supply of skill points, and he hasn't yet acquired every last skill that he might some day buy himself.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Besides, other things are at least as imbalancing. Can first time chars easily afford a Drok's run and Drok's armor before they've earned it?

And since top of the line weapons only req 9, even characters at Level 7 or so can use them. My MM was given a collector's staff with +10 AL the moment he got to Post-. Imbalancing? You be the judge.