Things a nebie should know but might not
I figured we could try to get a list started and have everyone post a few tips they didn't know when they first started playing guild wars but they found out later on. Here is mine.
Henchmen do NOT cost money to use. I thought they did because in Neverwinter Nights they cost money and in the manual it says you can 'hire' them.
Henchmen do NOT cost money to use. I thought they did because in Neverwinter Nights they cost money and in the manual it says you can 'hire' them.
Poison Ivy
First, its "Newbie"
Second, newbies don't go on Guru unless given the advice, but the one that gave the newbie the advice will be providing him with all the help he needs.
Third, Henchmen do not cost money, that is ture, but they will take a share of the loot.
For example.
you/alesia (alesia takes 1/2 of the loot)
you/alesia+stephan (they both take 2/3 of the loot, meaning 1/3 for each)
So on ~
Second, newbies don't go on Guru unless given the advice, but the one that gave the newbie the advice will be providing him with all the help he needs.
Third, Henchmen do not cost money, that is ture, but they will take a share of the loot.
For example.
you/alesia (alesia takes 1/2 of the loot)
you/alesia+stephan (they both take 2/3 of the loot, meaning 1/3 for each)
So on ~
This thread is gunna be a major spoiler to ruin the whole game for newcomers.
My tip- Don't ever talk 1337-leet or say noob to anyone or bad things will happen to you.
My tip- Don't ever talk 1337-leet or say noob to anyone or bad things will happen to you.
My advice for new players...
There are no combs, brushes, or even hairstylists in the game, so choose your hairdo at the start very carefully.
There are no combs, brushes, or even hairstylists in the game, so choose your hairdo at the start very carefully.
also don't do what you don't like being done to you...
also don't do what you don't like being done to you...
Holding left ctrl while left clicking on anything does some cool stuff.
(Funny...when I started I was trying to figure out why everyone was using the same format to tell me what weapon they were using and how they typed so like an idiot when I found out how it was done)
(Funny...when I started I was trying to figure out why everyone was using the same format to tell me what weapon they were using and how they typed so like an idiot when I found out how it was done)
Please and oh please do not press ALT+F4, this happens so many times in PvP.
Save your gold as much as possible, you will need it later in the game. Buy only what you need to survive, and get the collector armor and items to help with your savings. The armor and items from collectors will have the best stats/mods for the area that your currently fighting in.
Watch out for scammers. Don't buy something from another player unless you understand the value of what your buying, ask people you can trust first.
Watch out for scammers. Don't buy something from another player unless you understand the value of what your buying, ask people you can trust first.
New Players - Don't sell your Dye to the trader or any other players in Pre-Searing. Save them until after you can see what they're actually worth! =)
And to repeat what wsmcasey said - always get the collectors armor for a new area. Save your money for when you get to Droknars forge and beyond and you'll be glad for every gold piece you held on to.
Even if you prefer to solo/hench your way through the game, group with people every now and then for the play-experience. Group dynamics work differently and if you aren't careful you'll find you've become a level 20 newbie. =)
And to repeat what wsmcasey said - always get the collectors armor for a new area. Save your money for when you get to Droknars forge and beyond and you'll be glad for every gold piece you held on to.
Even if you prefer to solo/hench your way through the game, group with people every now and then for the play-experience. Group dynamics work differently and if you aren't careful you'll find you've become a level 20 newbie. =)
Originally Posted by DeanBB
My advice for new players...
There are no combs, brushes, or even hairstylists in the game, so choose your hairdo at the start very carefully. |
Same thing applies to your name, can't change it unless you get reported as offensive.
Ignore all the "Running to ________ for ____ gold" in the chat, you really don't need it. Just play the game and you will end up at wherever they are running to, including storage.
![Big Grin](../Img/biggrin.gif)
Learn about the salvage and ID kits in pre-searing. I ran into one guy in Yaks who had never heard of either and only had his backpack for storage, no belt pouch, nothing else.
Also, don't leave pre-searing immediately, do the quests and get some skills and experience before going to post.
Also, don't leave pre-searing immediately, do the quests and get some skills and experience before going to post.
ALWAYS verify the Trade Window shows exactly what was agreed to:
1. That the amount of Plat/gold is right (1p 5g = 1,005g, NOT 1,500g)
2. Any weapon being purchased is what was advertised (I'm talking STATS & MODS here!)
3. Any material being purchased is what was advertised (bleached carapaces are NOT bleached shells, and Mursaat tokens are not Ecto!)
If the other party modifies the trade - check everything again before accepting - they may have switched things up on you. If they did, cancel the trade and don't deal with them at all. (or take Screen shots and report them for scamming.)
Don't buy a guild from anyone - many times this is a scam.
Don't rush through the character creation process - you may not like the results.
If a quest has skills as the rewards, do it!
Collectors have some pretty good items. You can get full sets of armor from them - saving your money for the best armor later in the game.
1. That the amount of Plat/gold is right (1p 5g = 1,005g, NOT 1,500g)
2. Any weapon being purchased is what was advertised (I'm talking STATS & MODS here!)
3. Any material being purchased is what was advertised (bleached carapaces are NOT bleached shells, and Mursaat tokens are not Ecto!)
If the other party modifies the trade - check everything again before accepting - they may have switched things up on you. If they did, cancel the trade and don't deal with them at all. (or take Screen shots and report them for scamming.)
Don't buy a guild from anyone - many times this is a scam.
Don't rush through the character creation process - you may not like the results.
If a quest has skills as the rewards, do it!
Collectors have some pretty good items. You can get full sets of armor from them - saving your money for the best armor later in the game.
If you want to join a group you say: "LFG for _______(Name of quest or place you want to go)" If you are in a group you type: "GLF ________" Those mean "Looking for Group" and "Group Looking For."
Before buying or selling anything, price check it on here. Black Dye is worth about 7k and silver about 600g.
Weapons have requirements that you have to have the attributes for otherwise they will do like 1-3 damage.
If you are the party leader in a mission you have to hit the button for "Enter Mission" not just leave the area.
Before buying or selling anything, price check it on here. Black Dye is worth about 7k and silver about 600g.
Weapons have requirements that you have to have the attributes for otherwise they will do like 1-3 damage.
If you are the party leader in a mission you have to hit the button for "Enter Mission" not just leave the area.
A Leprechaun
Not All People Are Nice And Want To Help Out Of The Decencyof Their Hearts!!!
Here's my list for new players:
1. If someone calls you a noob they might be right but it's almost certain that they're an idiot.
2. Keep track of the skilled and friendly players you meet along the way - add them to your friend's list - they're rare finds and worth more than fow armor.
3. Don't become too obsessed with perfection - whether it is in the weapons you use, or with your own play. It's OK to make mistakes, unlike neurosurgery or piloting a 747, making mistakes is a good way to learn.
4. Even if you are a PvE player at heart, try some PvP along the way. You'll learn a lot.
5. Never beg.
6. Play with people, instead of henchies, when you can. It can be frustrating but if you avoid human players you're missing out on some of the most fun the game can offer.
7. Play the game the way you want to play it (even if it means ignoring my advice).
1. If someone calls you a noob they might be right but it's almost certain that they're an idiot.
2. Keep track of the skilled and friendly players you meet along the way - add them to your friend's list - they're rare finds and worth more than fow armor.
3. Don't become too obsessed with perfection - whether it is in the weapons you use, or with your own play. It's OK to make mistakes, unlike neurosurgery or piloting a 747, making mistakes is a good way to learn.
4. Even if you are a PvE player at heart, try some PvP along the way. You'll learn a lot.
5. Never beg.
6. Play with people, instead of henchies, when you can. It can be frustrating but if you avoid human players you're missing out on some of the most fun the game can offer.
7. Play the game the way you want to play it (even if it means ignoring my advice).
Originally Posted by Tictac
If you want to join a group you say: "LFG for _______(Name of quest or place you want to go)" If you are in a group you type: "GLF ________" Those mean "Looking for Group" and "Group Looking For."
Don't beg, and don't pay anyone for their dancing!
Before joining a guild, get to know the guild members - do missions & quests with them.
Learn about all the professions - (Mesmers, for example, do a lot of good that goes unnoticed by many, many people)
Don't blame the Monk if you die. Finger-pointing is a waste of time.
Try out different skills & skill combinations within your professions.
All guilds have "cool capes."
Never buy anything that is customized for another player (armor and weapons). You will not be able to use it.
If you are going to have someone run you someplace, never pay up front. Only pay after the run is done. In fact, only use runners who are running for tips.
If you are going to have someone run you someplace, never pay up front. Only pay after the run is done. In fact, only use runners who are running for tips.
How much is "tips" anyways?
I like the tips you guys are dishing out. I would add these:
1. Join a guild. Your guild will take you farther than you can by yourself. I give away green/gold/purple items to guildies all the time and they have done the same for me. You can actually develop some great friendships.
2. Join a guild that plays during the time that you normally play. If you're in India and the guild you joined is in the US, you'll never get to play with them.
3. Join a guild that uses TeamSpeak or similar. It seems wierd at first dealing with strangers, but in the end you'll benefit immeasurably.
4. Find a guild that has people in your age group. I can't stand hearing 9 year olds on teamspeak and as a result don't extend a great deal of patience.
And this one is not related to guilds, dont EVER EVER EVER EVER ask anyone for money. Ask me for items, runs, or help with quests and I'm more than happy to help. But ask me for 1 piece of gold and you can goto hell.
1. Join a guild. Your guild will take you farther than you can by yourself. I give away green/gold/purple items to guildies all the time and they have done the same for me. You can actually develop some great friendships.
2. Join a guild that plays during the time that you normally play. If you're in India and the guild you joined is in the US, you'll never get to play with them.
3. Join a guild that uses TeamSpeak or similar. It seems wierd at first dealing with strangers, but in the end you'll benefit immeasurably.
4. Find a guild that has people in your age group. I can't stand hearing 9 year olds on teamspeak and as a result don't extend a great deal of patience.
And this one is not related to guilds, dont EVER EVER EVER EVER ask anyone for money. Ask me for items, runs, or help with quests and I'm more than happy to help. But ask me for 1 piece of gold and you can goto hell.
u can draw on ur radar in the corner and people in ur team can see it. (usually the guy talking stupid, and the one drawing penises in the radar on one in the same), and if u hit "c" and then "space" after, u default (usually attk) the closest enemy. This is useful for ele's instead of finding the monsters name in the mass of allies names, or finding his body ^^
Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
Second, newbies don't go on Guru unless given the advice, but the one that gave the newbie the advice will be providing him with all the help he needs.
Picked up very useful information from here during that week, and tried my best to avoid spoilers. Gave me a very good start when I finally got in to the game.
Thank you all who help the newbies in this forum.
Anyway here's my small tip:
On the quest log window you can click on a name of that quest and it will show the direction you need to go on the radar for that particular quest.
Found that really handy once I figured it out. I have met several people who didn't know about this feature.
Numa Pompilius
* You're not supposed to get run. Anywhere. Ever. Even for free.
* Droknars Forge is a town you'll get to in due time, quite late in the game.
* The game doesn't end when you reach level 20, or ascend. There's plenty left.
* Pre-searing is big, with lots of content. Spend some time there.
* You CAN leave pre-searing at level 1 and survive, but there's no point. Pre-searing is nice and has content to last you to about level 8.
* You need an EXPERT salvage kit to get armor upgrades off the armors you find which have names in other colors than white, the ordinary salvage kit will just give you raw materials. Same for weapons.
* Runes and weapons upgrades and dyes are applied by double-clicking them, and then clicking the thing you want to upgrade/dye.
* Don't sell silver or black dyes in pre-searing.
* Try the Ascalon and Yaks Bend arena if you want, but be warned that they're overflowing with twinks using unfair methods to kill new players. Your experience there wont reflect what pvp's really like. If you want to try PvP, you're better off making a dedicated PvP character.
* Some people are natural assholes. It's just the way it is. If you get in a group where people are behaving badly - leave. Same goes if you happen to join a guild with a lot of assholes in it, just leave, there's too many guilds out there that you should put up with assholes.
* Droknars Forge is a town you'll get to in due time, quite late in the game.
* The game doesn't end when you reach level 20, or ascend. There's plenty left.
* Pre-searing is big, with lots of content. Spend some time there.
* You CAN leave pre-searing at level 1 and survive, but there's no point. Pre-searing is nice and has content to last you to about level 8.
* You need an EXPERT salvage kit to get armor upgrades off the armors you find which have names in other colors than white, the ordinary salvage kit will just give you raw materials. Same for weapons.
* Runes and weapons upgrades and dyes are applied by double-clicking them, and then clicking the thing you want to upgrade/dye.
* Don't sell silver or black dyes in pre-searing.
* Try the Ascalon and Yaks Bend arena if you want, but be warned that they're overflowing with twinks using unfair methods to kill new players. Your experience there wont reflect what pvp's really like. If you want to try PvP, you're better off making a dedicated PvP character.
* Some people are natural assholes. It's just the way it is. If you get in a group where people are behaving badly - leave. Same goes if you happen to join a guild with a lot of assholes in it, just leave, there's too many guilds out there that you should put up with assholes.