How much could have possibley changed over night!?!
leeky baby
lol, how long did it take u to download
Originally Posted by leeky baby
lol, how long did it take u to download
Just finished.
brute blake
it took me 10mins to load tombs....
Yeah, I tried to load into LA and it had over 1 MB. It took me 10-15 minutes just to load in.
storm of daeth
took me 30 mins to start up guild wars right away when it usually takes me 30 secs. when i traveled to my guild hall it took 10 mins
2 meg broadband ftw! except when it breaks! for 8 hours!
lol it normaly takes me like 2 seconds when it update this 1 took me like 30 must suck going 42kb/sec i go like 350-400kb/sec
I also downloaded alot of updates upon entering any town, even if its the same town, I would still download something new everytime I cam to that same town, also downloaded a little bit when entering a misison. I wish these updates came when you started up GW, not ingame where your shown as online and poeple are asking for you.
ya im one of the slow people as well who it takes 4ever to download... today started the download at 4:30... its 9 right now and ive zoned 2x... and its currently downloaing again... about 1mb~10-15 min
dont feel no pain
1mb broadband ftw
The Mighty Toe
I've noticed a lot of this. Earlier today Ventari's Refuge was impossible to leave... not just for me, but for everyone
4mbs ftw!!
ive downloaded about 400mb in the login screen today so ... its alot. 8mbs ftw
Let us not forget, Anet didn't just decide to change some numbers around last night, they have been planning these updates for a Loooooo0o0o0ong time.
Originally Posted by dronex
ive downloaded about 400mb in the login screen today so ... its alot. 8mbs ftw
+1! and it still took me 5 minutes to just load the opening screen, 10 for amnoon oasis. odd.
Numa Pompilius
As long as we're bragging... I have 100MBit broadband. Yes, really.
It took me just under 4 minutes to download those 470MB. Yes, really.
I love my cable company. Hugs & kisses @ bredbandsbolaget!
It took me just under 4 minutes to download those 470MB. Yes, really.
I love my cable company. Hugs & kisses @ bredbandsbolaget!
Blind Rage
Originally Posted by Caldec
lol it normaly takes me like 2 seconds when it update this 1 took me like 30 must suck going 42kb/sec i go like 350-400kb/sec
uhhhh you think that sucks? try downloading at 7kb
New Zealand has the worst RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing broadband ever, it is down 25% of the time, has pretty much one supplier i pay 40 bucks for 256k and it is a 1gb cap. and when i ring up and complain they patronise me and give me bullshit.
uhhhh you think that sucks? try downloading at 7kb
New Zealand has the worst RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing broadband ever, it is down 25% of the time, has pretty much one supplier i pay 40 bucks for 256k and it is a 1gb cap. and when i ring up and complain they patronise me and give me bullshit.
Jiao Yang
I had a massive download in droks too.. and it cant JUST be to fix the previous problem with Glint
Check out news page. They are pre-loading tons of stuff for the Cantha pre-event next weekend.