I just read some posts and i am led to believe that u can extract runes from items with the improved salvage kit depending on what mod the item has? Could someone explain to me how this works?
Runes! How do u get them out of items?
You can expert/superior salvage blue, purple, and gold armors to get runes.
Is there any way to tell which items drop which runes? Like if the item has a certain mod on it, will i extract a specific rune?
If you have a weapon with multiple mods, you might get one or the other, and you might get a pile of raw materials too. It's all chance.
Originally Posted by yangerang
Is there any way to tell which items drop which runes? Like if the item has a certain mod on it, will i extract a specific rune?
same for the other runes for example robes of minor/major/superior blood magic/etc
Only Armor Expert salvages into runes - not weapons.
P.S. It's always a good idea to ID the rune before salvaging it. Because in 99% of the cases, it's worth more at the merchant still in the armor!
P.S. It's always a good idea to ID the rune before salvaging it. Because in 99% of the cases, it's worth more at the merchant still in the armor!
so no weapons can be salvaged into runes? What do they salvage into? like rare materials? =s
If a weapon has mod on it (furious fell blade for example) you *can* salvage for that Furious hilt. I say can since it's not 100%. If you fail to get the mod off you'll get either common or rare crafting materials.