Warlock Profession
Taint – When ever you Sacrifice health due to any skill. For every point into Sacrifice that health you sacrifice per skill is reduced by .33%
Possesion - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Possesion spells, become more effective with higher Possesion. Description: Degen hexes, summon buffs, and "take over" hexes.
Shadow Magic - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Shadow Magic spells, become more effective with higher Shadow Magic. Description: Kinda like smiting, but Shadow Damage
Summoning - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Summoning spells, become more effective with higher Summoning. Description: Summon demons, fiends, all that stuff…
Self Sacrifice - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Self Sacrifice spells, become more effective with higher Self Sacrifice. Description: Heals and Energy renewals.
Equipment(sample set)
(Head) Earrings of Darkness: 60 AP +1 Shadow Magic
(Torso) Warlock's Robe: 60 AP +15 HP (while summon is fielded)
(Hands) Warlock's Gauntlets: 60 AP +5 HP (while summon is fielded)
(Legs) Warlock's Leggings: 60 AP +10 HP (while summon is fielded) +1 Energy Pip
(Feet) Warlock's Greaves: 60 AP +5 HP (while summon is fielded) +1 Energy Pip
Will post when I find something decent.
HP: 480
Energy: 30
2 pips of energy
Shang Tsung, from Mortal Kombat.
What is Summoning?
A Summon does not require a corpse, and is much more powerful then a necromancer Minion. Although it requires a great deal of power to cast and maintain the summon. From having a pentagram fielded to draining blood. Creating a Pentagram is almost like a ward, but in the shape of a Pentagram drawn with blood. You can only cast a summoning spell while within a Pentagram. You may field two Lesser Summons at a time or one Greater Summon. While hosting a Lesser Summon you suffer from -1 energy degeneration. While hosting a Greater Summon you suffer from -1 health degeneration and -1 energy degeneration. While hosting an {Elite}Greater Summon you may not move out of your pentagram or the summon will become Masterless. A Summon will disappear if it dies, or its timer runs out. If you die, the summon will become Masterless. If you run out of energy and cannot maintain the Summon it will become Masterless.
Weak Mind: 15 Energy, 2, 30
Hex Spell. For 6...32 seconds when ever target foe is a victim of a hex spell under the Possession attribute, target foe takes 7....34 damage.
Corrupt Soul: 10, 1, 10
Hex Spell. For 4...14 seconds, foe suffers from -4 health degeneration.
Feeble Spirit: 5, 2, 5
Hex Spell. Possess target foe with a feeble spirit, causing Weakness for 5...12 seconds. Every time target foe attacks in melee or with a bow, Feeble Spirit is renewed for 8 seconds.
Tame Demon: 10, 1, 30
Spell. Sacrifice 10% of maximum health to tame a Masterless Demon, This spell cannot be used until demon has experienced more then 10 seconds fielded.
Hate {Elite}: 25, 4, 60
Spell. All pets, summons, and undead summons (Fiends, Horrors, Minions) become possessed with Hatred turning them all Masterless for 15...45 seconds.
Soiled State of Mind {Elite}: 25, 2, 60
Enchantment/Hex Spell. Experience -4….-3 Energy regain on original body while swapping player screens with target foe, during Soiled State of Mind your body becomes inactive while you control target foe for 4...22 seconds. While controlling target foe you can attack target foe's ally’s and they can attack you, any damage dealt to you will transfer 50%...35% of that damage to your original body. If your original body is attacked for more then 35....85 damage or goes bellow 33% of your original body’s maximum health you exit Soiled State of Mind. (The player who is affected by Soiled State of Mind will share your screen and have to watch until Soiled State of Mind is exited or the timer runs out, Its an enchantment on you and considered a hex spell on the player targeted.
Shadow Magic:
Dark Cloud. 15 Energy, 2, 45 Recharge
Stance. All ranged attacks, arrows or magical projectiles directed at you have a 75% chance to miss for 5...13 seconds.
Shadow Bolt: 5 Energy, 1, 10 Recharge
Spell. Deal 5....45 damage, If target foe was attacking, the foe now suffers from weakness for 5...17 seconds.
Shadow Charges {Elite}: 15 Energy, 2, 30 Recharge
Spell. Sacrifice 15% of Maximum Health. Send out 1…4 shadow bolts dealing 15....50 damage, for every enemy nearby target foe; one shadow bolt will change its destination to that enemy instead. (Cannot go through walls)
Creeping Darkness {Elite}: 15 Energy, 2, 25 Recharge
Spell. Create a shadow zone that lasts for 5...15 seconds (About the radius of a Chaos Storm) in which target foe cannot run out of, while target foe is within this shadow zone, he suffers 1...5 health degeneration and 1...3 energy degeneration.
Shadow Fingers: 10 Energy, 15 Recharge
Skill. Sacrifice 10% of your maximum health. Touch target foe for 20...65 damage causing a deep wound for 7...23 seconds.
Chains of Snakes: 5 Energy, 2, 20 Recharge
Hex Spell. Summon Corrupted Snakes which cling to target foe's legs crippling target foe for 7...15 seconds.
Snake Bite: 5 Energy, 10 recharge
Skill. If target foe is suffering from cripple, target foe is bitten by snakes causing 12..34 damage and bleeding for 9..23 seconds.
Venomous Snake Bite: 10 Energy, 25 Recharge
Skill. If target foe is suffering from cripple and bleeding, target foe is bitten by snakes causing 9..15 damage and poison for 7...18 seconds .
Aura of Gazule: 10 Energy, 1, 30 Recharge
Enchantment. For 10 seconds experience -1 energy regain while encased with the Aura of Gazule. During Aura of Gazule any melee attacks against you are blocked.
Shadow Clap: 15 Energy, 1, 8 Recharge
Skill. Encase target foe in darkness causing blindness for 4...16 seconds.
Shadow Zone: 15 Energy, 2, 25 Recharge
Ward. For 4...10 seconds enemies within Shadow Zone have a 65% chance of missing in melee in which they will be knocked down for 1 second.
Claws of Izekial: 15 Energy, 3, 45 Recharge
Weapon Enchantment. Enchant target summon increasing their base damage by 3...16 for 3.....30 seconds.
Summoning Pentagram: 15, 3, 30
Skill. Create a Pentagram and suffer from bleeding for 15 seconds.
Binding Circle: 15 Energy, 3, 45 Recharge
Ward. Create a Binding Circle which lasts for 2….22 seconds, as long as your summoned demon and yourself are within the summoning circle you do not experience -1 Energy Regeneration
Gargoyle: 15 Energy, 4, 45 Recharge
Lesser Summon. Summon a Gargoyle with 140....350 HP, 20....50 Armor, 3-13....14-26 piercing damage, and an attack rate of 1.5. Gargoyle will fly in midair and attack foes with a 5%...20% chance of causing bleeding for 3...11 seconds. Gargoyles moves 20% faster then normal running speed. Gargoyles last for 35…..125 seconds.
Hell Spawn: 20 Energy, 5, 60 Recharge
Lesser Summon. Summon a Hell Spawn with 340....480 HP, 30....60 Armor, 14-32 slashing damage, and an attack rate of 2.7. Hell Spawn will attack target foe with a 5%...15% chance of knocking target foe down. Hell spawn moves 10% slower then normal running speed. Hell Spawn s last for 45…..150 seconds.
Sentinel of Hell: 25 Energy, 6, 60 Recharge
Greater Summon. Summon a Demonic Soldier with 420...540 HP, 70...90 Armor +5...10 (Against Physical Attacks), 4-12...11-22 Slashing Damage, 5.....10% armor penetration and an attack rate of 2.4. Sentinel's of Hell cannot be knocked down and use Demonic Shield (Demon only Stance) in which for 8...16 seconds they have a 75% chance of blocking attacks. (The AI will fill in the time when they use it and when they don't, it has a recharge of 45 seconds) Sentinels of Hell last for 50…..165 seconds.
Renewed Sentence:10 Energy, 1, 30 Recharge
Spell. Sacrifice 15% of your maximum HP to add 15....30 seconds to the timer of your summoned Demon.
Gate of Abadon {Elite}: 25 Energy, 6, 60 Recharge
Greater Summon. Summon the gate to the underworld on to your playing field, with 480....1080 health and 100....160 armor. The Gate of Abadon has two towers which fire fireballs that deal 45….98 fire damage. (Used to block off exits, or trap runners in a contained position) The Gate of Abaddon lasts for 60….210 seconds.
Master's Promise: 10 Energy, 1, 60 Recharge
Spell. For the next 20 seconds, if the timer runs out on summoned demon or demon dies. It is re-summoned for half the original requirement and lasts for 1/2 of its original spawn capacity. (If used again, it will have half of half, and if used again it will half of half of half, and so on and so forth)
Phantom of Reaping: 25 Energy, 6, 60
Greater Summon. Sacrifice 25% of your health. Summon Phantom of Reaping, with 250...460 health and 30.....60 armor. Phantom of Reaping will attack targets stealing 6....24 Health and 1...2 energy which is redirected to you. When ever a creature dies, Phantom of Reaping optimizes it's soul's potential, giving you 25 health and 3 Energy. The Phantom of Reaping last for 35…..120 seconds.
Demon Mirrors: 15 Energy, 3, 60
Spell. Sacrifice 25% of your health, 1...4 Demon Mirrors form around your character. Each Mirror has 100...240 Health, any form of attack against you is absorbed with a 30....60% damage reduction, and a 20...40% damage send back. While encased by the Demon Mirrors you move 33…16% slower. The Demon Mirrors last for 35….120 seconds.
Un-Hallowed Soil{Elite}: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. If 10...5 people die in the area of effect before the ward disappears, all of your Demon summons are recharged, and any time someone dies in it your summoned demon has 1...5 seconds added to it's duration. This lasts for 15 seconds.
Self Sacrifice:
Shadow Cloak: 10, 60 Recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 45 seconds, 50% of all damage target ally takes is divided by 10 and that ally loses energy equal to that amount. If Shadow Cloak ends prematurely, you lose 175-75 life and Shadow Cloak is recharged.
Decepting Burden: 5, 2, 25 Recharge
Spell. Suffer 5..1 Health Degen and 2..1 Energy Degen for 20...10 seconds, when Decepting burden ends you gain 25..100 Health and 5...15 Energy.
Blood Signet {Elite}: 2, 24
Signet. Sacrifice 20% of your max health for 15 energy.
Blood Glyph: 5, 60
Glyph. The next 1..3 Shadow Magic, Possession, Summoning, or Self Sacrifice spells you cast cost 10 energy less. For every spell that would go under 10 energy you suffer 65...25 damage.
Catalyst's Thoughts: 10, 45
Stance. For 3...10 seconds you experience 24...12 damage every second while gaining 1....2 Energy points every second.
Summoner's Wish: 15, 3, 45
Spell. Sacrifice 10% of max health and heal target allu summon for +50....175 Health.
Defense of the Master: 10, 2, 60
Spell. Target allly summon gains 10...20 armor while you loose 15....10 armor for 7....45 seconds.
Enervating Rift: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. Sacrifice 15% of your max health. ny foes that enter the area of effect recieve -1 energy degeneration, which you recieve as regeneration. This lasts for 5...15 seconds.
Taint – When ever you Sacrifice health due to any skill. For every point into Sacrifice that health you sacrifice per skill is reduced by .33%
Possesion - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Possesion spells, become more effective with higher Possesion. Description: Degen hexes, summon buffs, and "take over" hexes.
Shadow Magic - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Shadow Magic spells, become more effective with higher Shadow Magic. Description: Kinda like smiting, but Shadow Damage
Summoning - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Summoning spells, become more effective with higher Summoning. Description: Summon demons, fiends, all that stuff…
Self Sacrifice - No inherent effect. Many Warlock skills, especially Self Sacrifice spells, become more effective with higher Self Sacrifice. Description: Heals and Energy renewals.
Equipment(sample set)
(Head) Earrings of Darkness: 60 AP +1 Shadow Magic
(Torso) Warlock's Robe: 60 AP +15 HP (while summon is fielded)
(Hands) Warlock's Gauntlets: 60 AP +5 HP (while summon is fielded)
(Legs) Warlock's Leggings: 60 AP +10 HP (while summon is fielded) +1 Energy Pip
(Feet) Warlock's Greaves: 60 AP +5 HP (while summon is fielded) +1 Energy Pip
Will post when I find something decent.
HP: 480
Energy: 30
2 pips of energy
Shang Tsung, from Mortal Kombat.
What is Summoning?
A Summon does not require a corpse, and is much more powerful then a necromancer Minion. Although it requires a great deal of power to cast and maintain the summon. From having a pentagram fielded to draining blood. Creating a Pentagram is almost like a ward, but in the shape of a Pentagram drawn with blood. You can only cast a summoning spell while within a Pentagram. You may field two Lesser Summons at a time or one Greater Summon. While hosting a Lesser Summon you suffer from -1 energy degeneration. While hosting a Greater Summon you suffer from -1 health degeneration and -1 energy degeneration. While hosting an {Elite}Greater Summon you may not move out of your pentagram or the summon will become Masterless. A Summon will disappear if it dies, or its timer runs out. If you die, the summon will become Masterless. If you run out of energy and cannot maintain the Summon it will become Masterless.
Weak Mind: 15 Energy, 2, 30
Hex Spell. For 6...32 seconds when ever target foe is a victim of a hex spell under the Possession attribute, target foe takes 7....34 damage.
Corrupt Soul: 10, 1, 10
Hex Spell. For 4...14 seconds, foe suffers from -4 health degeneration.
Feeble Spirit: 5, 2, 5
Hex Spell. Possess target foe with a feeble spirit, causing Weakness for 5...12 seconds. Every time target foe attacks in melee or with a bow, Feeble Spirit is renewed for 8 seconds.
Tame Demon: 10, 1, 30
Spell. Sacrifice 10% of maximum health to tame a Masterless Demon, This spell cannot be used until demon has experienced more then 10 seconds fielded.
Hate {Elite}: 25, 4, 60
Spell. All pets, summons, and undead summons (Fiends, Horrors, Minions) become possessed with Hatred turning them all Masterless for 15...45 seconds.
Soiled State of Mind {Elite}: 25, 2, 60
Enchantment/Hex Spell. Experience -4….-3 Energy regain on original body while swapping player screens with target foe, during Soiled State of Mind your body becomes inactive while you control target foe for 4...22 seconds. While controlling target foe you can attack target foe's ally’s and they can attack you, any damage dealt to you will transfer 50%...35% of that damage to your original body. If your original body is attacked for more then 35....85 damage or goes bellow 33% of your original body’s maximum health you exit Soiled State of Mind. (The player who is affected by Soiled State of Mind will share your screen and have to watch until Soiled State of Mind is exited or the timer runs out, Its an enchantment on you and considered a hex spell on the player targeted.
Shadow Magic:
Dark Cloud. 15 Energy, 2, 45 Recharge
Stance. All ranged attacks, arrows or magical projectiles directed at you have a 75% chance to miss for 5...13 seconds.
Shadow Bolt: 5 Energy, 1, 10 Recharge
Spell. Deal 5....45 damage, If target foe was attacking, the foe now suffers from weakness for 5...17 seconds.
Shadow Charges {Elite}: 15 Energy, 2, 30 Recharge
Spell. Sacrifice 15% of Maximum Health. Send out 1…4 shadow bolts dealing 15....50 damage, for every enemy nearby target foe; one shadow bolt will change its destination to that enemy instead. (Cannot go through walls)
Creeping Darkness {Elite}: 15 Energy, 2, 25 Recharge
Spell. Create a shadow zone that lasts for 5...15 seconds (About the radius of a Chaos Storm) in which target foe cannot run out of, while target foe is within this shadow zone, he suffers 1...5 health degeneration and 1...3 energy degeneration.
Shadow Fingers: 10 Energy, 15 Recharge
Skill. Sacrifice 10% of your maximum health. Touch target foe for 20...65 damage causing a deep wound for 7...23 seconds.
Chains of Snakes: 5 Energy, 2, 20 Recharge
Hex Spell. Summon Corrupted Snakes which cling to target foe's legs crippling target foe for 7...15 seconds.
Snake Bite: 5 Energy, 10 recharge
Skill. If target foe is suffering from cripple, target foe is bitten by snakes causing 12..34 damage and bleeding for 9..23 seconds.
Venomous Snake Bite: 10 Energy, 25 Recharge
Skill. If target foe is suffering from cripple and bleeding, target foe is bitten by snakes causing 9..15 damage and poison for 7...18 seconds .
Aura of Gazule: 10 Energy, 1, 30 Recharge
Enchantment. For 10 seconds experience -1 energy regain while encased with the Aura of Gazule. During Aura of Gazule any melee attacks against you are blocked.
Shadow Clap: 15 Energy, 1, 8 Recharge
Skill. Encase target foe in darkness causing blindness for 4...16 seconds.
Shadow Zone: 15 Energy, 2, 25 Recharge
Ward. For 4...10 seconds enemies within Shadow Zone have a 65% chance of missing in melee in which they will be knocked down for 1 second.
Claws of Izekial: 15 Energy, 3, 45 Recharge
Weapon Enchantment. Enchant target summon increasing their base damage by 3...16 for 3.....30 seconds.
Summoning Pentagram: 15, 3, 30
Skill. Create a Pentagram and suffer from bleeding for 15 seconds.
Binding Circle: 15 Energy, 3, 45 Recharge
Ward. Create a Binding Circle which lasts for 2….22 seconds, as long as your summoned demon and yourself are within the summoning circle you do not experience -1 Energy Regeneration
Gargoyle: 15 Energy, 4, 45 Recharge
Lesser Summon. Summon a Gargoyle with 140....350 HP, 20....50 Armor, 3-13....14-26 piercing damage, and an attack rate of 1.5. Gargoyle will fly in midair and attack foes with a 5%...20% chance of causing bleeding for 3...11 seconds. Gargoyles moves 20% faster then normal running speed. Gargoyles last for 35…..125 seconds.
Hell Spawn: 20 Energy, 5, 60 Recharge
Lesser Summon. Summon a Hell Spawn with 340....480 HP, 30....60 Armor, 14-32 slashing damage, and an attack rate of 2.7. Hell Spawn will attack target foe with a 5%...15% chance of knocking target foe down. Hell spawn moves 10% slower then normal running speed. Hell Spawn s last for 45…..150 seconds.
Sentinel of Hell: 25 Energy, 6, 60 Recharge
Greater Summon. Summon a Demonic Soldier with 420...540 HP, 70...90 Armor +5...10 (Against Physical Attacks), 4-12...11-22 Slashing Damage, 5.....10% armor penetration and an attack rate of 2.4. Sentinel's of Hell cannot be knocked down and use Demonic Shield (Demon only Stance) in which for 8...16 seconds they have a 75% chance of blocking attacks. (The AI will fill in the time when they use it and when they don't, it has a recharge of 45 seconds) Sentinels of Hell last for 50…..165 seconds.
Renewed Sentence:10 Energy, 1, 30 Recharge
Spell. Sacrifice 15% of your maximum HP to add 15....30 seconds to the timer of your summoned Demon.
Gate of Abadon {Elite}: 25 Energy, 6, 60 Recharge
Greater Summon. Summon the gate to the underworld on to your playing field, with 480....1080 health and 100....160 armor. The Gate of Abadon has two towers which fire fireballs that deal 45….98 fire damage. (Used to block off exits, or trap runners in a contained position) The Gate of Abaddon lasts for 60….210 seconds.
Master's Promise: 10 Energy, 1, 60 Recharge
Spell. For the next 20 seconds, if the timer runs out on summoned demon or demon dies. It is re-summoned for half the original requirement and lasts for 1/2 of its original spawn capacity. (If used again, it will have half of half, and if used again it will half of half of half, and so on and so forth)
Phantom of Reaping: 25 Energy, 6, 60
Greater Summon. Sacrifice 25% of your health. Summon Phantom of Reaping, with 250...460 health and 30.....60 armor. Phantom of Reaping will attack targets stealing 6....24 Health and 1...2 energy which is redirected to you. When ever a creature dies, Phantom of Reaping optimizes it's soul's potential, giving you 25 health and 3 Energy. The Phantom of Reaping last for 35…..120 seconds.
Demon Mirrors: 15 Energy, 3, 60
Spell. Sacrifice 25% of your health, 1...4 Demon Mirrors form around your character. Each Mirror has 100...240 Health, any form of attack against you is absorbed with a 30....60% damage reduction, and a 20...40% damage send back. While encased by the Demon Mirrors you move 33…16% slower. The Demon Mirrors last for 35….120 seconds.
Un-Hallowed Soil{Elite}: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. If 10...5 people die in the area of effect before the ward disappears, all of your Demon summons are recharged, and any time someone dies in it your summoned demon has 1...5 seconds added to it's duration. This lasts for 15 seconds.
Self Sacrifice:
Shadow Cloak: 10, 60 Recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 45 seconds, 50% of all damage target ally takes is divided by 10 and that ally loses energy equal to that amount. If Shadow Cloak ends prematurely, you lose 175-75 life and Shadow Cloak is recharged.
Decepting Burden: 5, 2, 25 Recharge
Spell. Suffer 5..1 Health Degen and 2..1 Energy Degen for 20...10 seconds, when Decepting burden ends you gain 25..100 Health and 5...15 Energy.
Blood Signet {Elite}: 2, 24
Signet. Sacrifice 20% of your max health for 15 energy.
Blood Glyph: 5, 60
Glyph. The next 1..3 Shadow Magic, Possession, Summoning, or Self Sacrifice spells you cast cost 10 energy less. For every spell that would go under 10 energy you suffer 65...25 damage.
Catalyst's Thoughts: 10, 45
Stance. For 3...10 seconds you experience 24...12 damage every second while gaining 1....2 Energy points every second.
Summoner's Wish: 15, 3, 45
Spell. Sacrifice 10% of max health and heal target allu summon for +50....175 Health.
Defense of the Master: 10, 2, 60
Spell. Target allly summon gains 10...20 armor while you loose 15....10 armor for 7....45 seconds.
Enervating Rift: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. Sacrifice 15% of your max health. ny foes that enter the area of effect recieve -1 energy degeneration, which you recieve as regeneration. This lasts for 5...15 seconds.
lol almost same as mine
Reminds me of WoW.. Hmm let me have a try at this.
I am just kidding...
I am just kidding...

You might try making it just a wee bit less of a necromancer clone.
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by NatalieD
You might try making it just a wee bit less of a necromancer clone.
Or do Warlocks play more into the Negative aspect? Perhaps things could be swapped for more Darkness/Negative things.
A warlock will be more useful to a team with out the need of corpses, a Necromancer will be useful for a team after dead bodies.
Blood Magic + Soul Reaping = Good constant regain for Necromancer
Corpse Feasting + Self Sacrifice = Good constant regain for Warlock
I always thought Soul Reaping should have some skills, and then rather then that I decided if it could have +HP... Then I applied it to warlock with addition of some skills.
They're both Dark casters theres no way around that.. But there is a difference.
Necromancers = Skeletons, Zombies..
Warlock = Demons
Blood Magic + Soul Reaping = Good constant regain for Necromancer
Corpse Feasting + Self Sacrifice = Good constant regain for Warlock
I always thought Soul Reaping should have some skills, and then rather then that I decided if it could have +HP... Then I applied it to warlock with addition of some skills.
They're both Dark casters theres no way around that.. But there is a difference.
Necromancers = Skeletons, Zombies..
Warlock = Demons
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Nevin
A warlock will be more useful to a team with out the need of corpses, a Necromancer will be useful for a team after dead bodies.
Blood Magic + Soul Reaping = Good constant regain for Necromancer Corpse Feasting + Self Sacrifice = Good constant regain for Warlock I always thought Soul Reaping should have some skills, and then rather then that I decided if it could have +HP... Then I applied it to warlock with addition of some skills. They're both Dark casters theres no way around that.. But there is a difference. Necromancers = Skeletons, Zombies.. Warlock = Demons |
Necromancers are one of three things. White, Gray or Black. White being they restore life, they're the postive side of death and what have you. Gray is a balance of the two, and Black is using corpses as your own (such as in the game.) - Thus making most Necromancers a Negative casters for the most part.
Warlocks are simply evil, the Dark portion. They deal with demons, devils, fiends, etc.etc.
Update: Added New Skills, and new attribute. Please leave feedback.
Gunz Blazing Smile
This seems alot similar to the necro and alot similar to a warlock from WoW.
Most of your spells seems very balanced. Overall I would LOVE to try this out!!! Just wondering: Would you only be able to have 1 summon & would they leave bodies? If they leave bodies it be great with a MM necro.
Most of your spells seems very balanced. Overall I would LOVE to try this out!!! Just wondering: Would you only be able to have 1 summon & would they leave bodies? If they leave bodies it be great with a MM necro.
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Gunz Blazing Smile
This seems alot similar to the necro and alot similar to a warlock from WoW.
Most of your spells seems very balanced. Overall I would LOVE to try this out!!! Just wondering: Would you only be able to have 1 summon & would they leave bodies? If they leave bodies it be great with a MM necro. |
Added a few visuals to get an idea of what they'd be wielding, and some more skills.
Note: If a demon dies while fielded it will leave a corpse, but if its timer runs out before it dies it simply dissapears in a firey effect.. Or what ever depending on what kind of demon it is, and only 1 demon fielded at a time.
Note: If a demon dies while fielded it will leave a corpse, but if its timer runs out before it dies it simply dissapears in a firey effect.. Or what ever depending on what kind of demon it is, and only 1 demon fielded at a time.
great idea, we need another more summoning class
i'd definetly play a warlock
i'd definetly play a warlock
Thanks for all the positive feedback.
Note: Added more Skills.
Note: Added more Skills.
Those sentinels are quite powerful O_o its like adding a 9th member to your team for the cost of a skill slot.
I think you should add some major draw backs to useing them. It would seem logical too, seeing as summoning a demon is supposed to require a pact with the deamon.
Also, the snake combo is too obvious. needs to be more versitile. I think it should say "if target foe is suffering from a shadow hex SPELLNAME deals 20-60 damage and inflicts bleeding for 3-10 seconds. if not, SPELLNAME deals 10-30 damage and you lose 10-5 energy." again, focusing on the double edged sword side of the pacts.
and i have a skill idea for your self sacrifice line
Shadow Cloak 10e, instant casting, 60 second recharge
"For 70 seconds, 30% of all damage target ally takes is divided by 10 and that ally loses energy equal to that ammount. If Everlasting armor ends prematurely, you lose 200-150 life and everlasting armor is recharged."
What doest thou think of it?
I think you should add some major draw backs to useing them. It would seem logical too, seeing as summoning a demon is supposed to require a pact with the deamon.
Also, the snake combo is too obvious. needs to be more versitile. I think it should say "if target foe is suffering from a shadow hex SPELLNAME deals 20-60 damage and inflicts bleeding for 3-10 seconds. if not, SPELLNAME deals 10-30 damage and you lose 10-5 energy." again, focusing on the double edged sword side of the pacts.
and i have a skill idea for your self sacrifice line
Shadow Cloak 10e, instant casting, 60 second recharge
"For 70 seconds, 30% of all damage target ally takes is divided by 10 and that ally loses energy equal to that ammount. If Everlasting armor ends prematurely, you lose 200-150 life and everlasting armor is recharged."
What doest thou think of it?
Update: Fixed up some skills. Added Warcheif Jonvals skill. Added some new skills.
this reminds me of a E/N i once knew
he use a simular build and got
he use a simular build and got
Note: Updated skills, added a few more.
Mandy Memory
Who would take this over a necro? HP is useless when you could be getting energy.
Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Who would take this over a necro? HP is useless when you could be getting energy.
a little wee bit overpowered from all that ive read so far (i havent finished all skills but you got a good selection there...
) but all that stat conditions + fragility and fevered dreams = AOE + HIGH DMG... not good to abusable, might wanna just got with 2 snake bite skills for cripple and bleed. give them an "x" factor (as ppl like to say to my prof)... too necromancer death magic close but yes there are a lot of new ideas here that are good, just shift off the necromancer a bit, demons are borderline but corpse feeding is too much like soul feast n stuff you should make it new IMO.
i have a problem with all these skills as well. glyphs are ELE ONLY PROFESSION. NO OTHERS. SO ARE WARDS its their unique skills! do u see any other caster with them? no. leave it at that. moving on, the next 2 skillsone elite and costs 50 more hp to use, ones not and you get 50hp more than the ELITE for the same energy. whats that???? blood signet should be in the unlinked attr.
The regain time with demons skills are too overpowered making them capable of staying in your control forever until they lose all their hp... fix that or make them like minions that lose hp over time... demons and stuff are a littl ebit to overpowered IMO
i dont even need an attribute POINT in this to get a great ranger with a bow summon WITH faster running speed? WHY would i invest in this if i could get a gargoyle here?
WAY to overpowered. sending 2 out would be overpowered. id make it elite and just have 10e, 2s, 7r sending one guided shadow bolt dealing 30...75 damage. that might even be hard to balance out.
im not going through all of it but thats all the things that would toss EVERYTHING off balance.
finish the skills casting time and recharge as some of them dont have this and i cant be mean about it until you write them.
ps whats with the daggers?

Blood Signet {Elite}: 2, 25 Signet. Sacrifice 100 HP for 15 energy Blood Glyph: 5, 60 Glyph. The next 1..5 Shadow Magic, Possession, Summoning, or Self Sacrifice spells you cast cost 10 energy less. For every spell that would go under 10 energy you suffer 65...25 damage. Catalyst Signet: 24 Signet. Sacrifice 125...50 HP for 3....15 energy. |
The regain time with demons skills are too overpowered making them capable of staying in your control forever until they lose all their hp... fix that or make them like minions that lose hp over time... demons and stuff are a littl ebit to overpowered IMO
Gargoyle: 10 Energy, 4, 45 Recharge Summon. Summon a Gargoyle with 350 HP, 60 Armor, 15-28 piercing damage, and an attack rate of 1.5. Gargoyle will fly in midair and attack foes with a 15%...25% chance of causing bleeding for 5...20 seconds. Gargoyles moves 20% faster then normal running speed. |
Shadow Charge {Elite}: 15 Energy, 2, 7 Recharge Spell. Send out 4 guided shadow bolts dealing 20....65 damage to target foe. (Cannot go through walls) |
im not going through all of it but thats all the things that would toss EVERYTHING off balance.
finish the skills casting time and recharge as some of them dont have this and i cant be mean about it until you write them.
ps whats with the daggers?
Originally Posted by Trylo
a little wee bit overpowered from all that ive read so far (i havent finished all skills but you got a good selection there...
![]() i have a problem with all these skills as well. glyphs are ELE ONLY PROFESSION. NO OTHERS. SO ARE WARDS its their unique skills! do u see any other caster with them? no. leave it at that. moving on, the next 2 skillsone elite and costs 50 more hp to use, ones not and you get 50hp more than the ELITE for the same energy. whats that???? blood signet should be in the unlinked attr. The regain time with demons skills are too overpowered making them capable of staying in your control forever until they lose all their hp... fix that or make them like minions that lose hp over time... demons and stuff are a littl ebit to overpowered IMO i dont even need an attribute POINT in this to get a great ranger with a bow summon WITH faster running speed? WHY would i invest in this if i could get a gargoyle here? WAY to overpowered. sending 2 out would be overpowered. id make it elite and just have 10e, 2s, 7r sending one guided shadow bolt dealing 30...75 damage. that might even be hard to balance out. im not going through all of it but thats all the things that would toss EVERYTHING off balance. finish the skills casting time and recharge as some of them dont have this and i cant be mean about it until you write them. ps whats with the daggers? |
Edit: Added and fixed skills.
Originally Posted by actionjack
Reminds me of WoW.. Hmm let me have a try at this.
I am just kidding... ![]() |

I like the sound of it, but your attributes are too much like Necromancer. Warlocks/Witches are about chaos magic, which is protrayed as Mesmer already.
can you say necromancer?
Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
can you say necromancer?
You just love posting pointless posts eh?, once again prove your point.
I'm starting to wonder, do you even READ these concepts?
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Nevin
You just love posting pointless posts eh?, once again prove your point.
I'm starting to wonder, do you even READ these concepts? |
I've been in favor for this class since it was posted as I like the idea, and considering that Demons where realsed basically with the realse of Cantha, it's possible.
Originally Posted by Nevin
You just love posting pointless posts eh?, once again prove your point.
I'm starting to wonder, do you even READ these concepts? |
Most of the skills you've listed, balance issues aside and possibly with changes in flavour, could fit nicely into Necromancer and/or Mesmer skill lists. Heck, some of them virtually already do - for instance, while it doesn't affect pets, consider the effect of using Verata's Aura against an unsuspecting MM.
So, the main thing you seem to be pushing for that doesn't already exist is a corpseless summon - from my scan of your list, most of the rest appears to be either supporting that summon or modifications of N or Me concepts (primarily the former). So... why not take a friendly flesh golem along? Okay, it requires the first corpse to get it started, but if you stay on the ball you can keep recreating it each time it dies, and I've seen discussions of builds based around supporting the flesh golem without excessive numbers of other minions.
Alternatively, you have ranger pets - and the snake attack skills do make me think of a certain trap now in the Beastmastery line.
On your issue with minion master Necromancers always having 16 in death - well, if you're going to be carrying along ally(s) that are going to be effective components to a team, expect to make a sacrifice for it (the same, incidentally, goes to beastmasters, requiring an attribute as well as a skill slot for every skill aimed towards the companion). In my experience, having 12 in death before enhancements does actually give you enough extra points to work with - the reason MMs tend to master minions and not much else comes as much from skill crowding and the fact that building and maintaining a swarm is usually a full time job as attribute spread. If you just had a flesh golem along for the ride, you could probably afford to be more proactive yourself - and you may not need such a high Death score (10 points, a death mask, and a minor rune will give you a level 21 golem, which would probably compare well to a level 20 animal companions whose owner has 12 beastmastery, without considering use of other skills).
And that brings me to another option - taking a pet along. That's something pretty much anyone can do if they're willing to take a Ranger secondary (or primary), spend the attribute points and skillbar slots, and train a pet (admittedly, the latter is one of the forms of grind that has made its way to the final version of the game, but that's a design issue and not a class balance one). So, essentially, we already have two ways in which you can have a single, reasonably powerful ally at your side. Maybe the Necromancer could do with a couple of other Flesh Golem-esque skills to give some choice, but that's a matter of expanding an additional profession, not creating a new one.
Conceptually - I'm not sure warlock-ish demon summoning really fits into the Guild Wars mythos, although I can see parallels between the Lich's control over the Titans and a few other examples (for the record, to my knowledge, the Demon class itroduced in Factions applies to the oni, which aren't really associated with warlockism. Better targets, I expect would be the Titans and the enemies in Fissure and the Underworld). One could see them as followers of Menzies and/or Grenth's enemy in the Underworld, but while interesting conceptually this does raise the question of why characters following the regular Gods would want to associate with them. Okay, yes, there is rivalry between the five, but that seems more more like the equivalent of disputes over jurisdiction than outright warfare.
That said, similar comments could be made about warlocks in WoW - I always wondered how they could get away with walking down the street with a demon at their heel... however, that said, part of my reason for avoiding WoW is that I don't like whay they did with the story (that and the monthly fee...

Originally Posted by draxynnic
While not especially eloquent, he does have a certain point. What exactly does this profession provide that a N/Me wouldn't?
Most of the skills you've listed, balance issues aside and possibly with changes in flavour, could fit nicely into Necromancer and/or Mesmer skill lists. Heck, some of them virtually already do - for instance, while it doesn't affect pets, consider the effect of using Verata's Aura against an unsuspecting MM. So, the main thing you seem to be pushing for that doesn't already exist is a corpseless summon - from my scan of your list, most of the rest appears to be either supporting that summon or modifications of N or Me concepts (primarily the former). So... why not take a friendly flesh golem along? Okay, it requires the first corpse to get it started, but if you stay on the ball you can keep recreating it each time it dies, and I've seen discussions of builds based around supporting the flesh golem without excessive numbers of other minions. Alternatively, you have ranger pets - and the snake attack skills do make me think of a certain trap now in the Beastmastery line. On your issue with minion master Necromancers always having 16 in death - well, if you're going to be carrying along ally(s) that are going to be effective components to a team, expect to make a sacrifice for it (the same, incidentally, goes to beastmasters, requiring an attribute as well as a skill slot for every skill aimed towards the companion). In my experience, having 12 in death before enhancements does actually give you enough extra points to work with - the reason MMs tend to master minions and not much else comes as much from skill crowding and the fact that building and maintaining a swarm is usually a full time job as attribute spread. If you just had a flesh golem along for the ride, you could probably afford to be more proactive yourself - and you may not need such a high Death score (10 points, a death mask, and a minor rune will give you a level 21 golem, which would probably compare well to a level 20 animal companions whose owner has 12 beastmastery, without considering use of other skills). And that brings me to another option - taking a pet along. That's something pretty much anyone can do if they're willing to take a Ranger secondary (or primary), spend the attribute points and skillbar slots, and train a pet (admittedly, the latter is one of the forms of grind that has made its way to the final version of the game, but that's a design issue and not a class balance one). So, essentially, we already have two ways in which you can have a single, reasonably powerful ally at your side. Maybe the Necromancer could do with a couple of other Flesh Golem-esque skills to give some choice, but that's a matter of expanding an additional profession, not creating a new one. Conceptually - I'm not sure warlock-ish demon summoning really fits into the Guild Wars mythos, although I can see parallels between the Lich's control over the Titans and a few other examples (for the record, to my knowledge, the Demon class itroduced in Factions applies to the oni, which aren't really associated with warlockism. Better targets, I expect would be the Titans and the enemies in Fissure and the Underworld). One could see them as followers of Menzies and/or Grenth's enemy in the Underworld, but while interesting conceptually this does raise the question of why characters following the regular Gods would want to associate with them. Okay, yes, there is rivalry between the five, but that seems more more like the equivalent of disputes over jurisdiction than outright warfare. That said, similar comments could be made about warlocks in WoW - I always wondered how they could get away with walking down the street with a demon at their heel... however, that said, part of my reason for avoiding WoW is that I don't like whay they did with the story (that and the monthly fee... ![]() |
WoW, nice job

I always wanted to have a warlock in GW

I always wanted to have a warlock in GW

Neriandal Freit
Oh, and think about it this way. If the Ritualist is thought as of a mixture of Necromancer and Monk, why couldn't a player have acess (and some form of uniqueness naturally) of Mesmer and Necromancer?
I'm sure we'll see the Warlock eventually in the world of Guildwars, we're bound to.
I'm sure we'll see the Warlock eventually in the world of Guildwars, we're bound to.
Originally Posted by Nevin
This concept was created months before Factions was released, relevance to skills now do not apply.
And, incidentally, the

On the Ritualist - the justification of the Ritualist, in my mind, is that the Ritualist does things in a different way - yes, it can be seen as a combination of the Monk and Necromancer (although I'd say the necromancer part mainly comes from the 'messing with the dead' flavour rather than actual skills) but they do it via spirits and so on - a Ritualist can function without spirits, yes, but is generally not reaching their full potential without them. This results in a different playing style than a Monk/Necromancer.
(Incidentally, I'd probably describe them more as a combination of a Monk with a specialist Warder in their capabilities on the field.)
Originally Posted by draxynnic
*checks original post date* Fair enough. So at the time of posting it was providing something different. However, my general point does still stand - that the capability can be provided by adding new skills to an existing profession instead of making a completely new profession.
And, incidentally, the ![]() ![]() ![]() On the Ritualist - the justification of the Ritualist, in my mind, is that the Ritualist does things in a different way - yes, it can be seen as a combination of the Monk and Necromancer (although I'd say the necromancer part mainly comes from the 'messing with the dead' flavour rather than actual skills) but they do it via spirits and so on - a Ritualist can function without spirits, yes, but is generally not reaching their full potential without them. This results in a different playing style than a Monk/Necromancer. (Incidentally, I'd probably describe them more as a combination of a Monk with a specialist Warder in their capabilities on the field.) |
Necromancer(Not necisarly evil/undead)
-Summons off dead corpses
-10 minions at a time
-Gains energy from creatures dying
-Blood Magic (Dealing damage + Healing)
-Ability to summon and maintain summon (New Mechanic: Summon)
-1 summon at a time
-Gains health from creatures dying
-Has the ability to possess a player (New Mechanic: Possession)
-Shadow Magic (Spell combos that interlink well)
-Many spells that offer "Crowd control"
-The wards are similiar to wells
-Possession and Curses have some similiar cause/effects
-They both gain from creatuers dying
Over all.. If warlocks were made up of existing classes it'd probably be. Necromancer/Elementalist/Ritualist. Ritualists are able to heal, deal damage, and they summoned spirits. In theory a ritualists literally is a combo with a new twist, thus as well is the warlock.
Verlas Ho'Esta
Meh. I like the "Hollow" concept class better than this one. Your original write-up makes him sound like a mesmer/necro/ritualist/assassin. That's way too thin to spread one class. Narrow it down. You've got a theme, and that's good, but now specialize it a little more.
Neriandal Freit
Which came first, the Warlock or the Hollow? :P
Summoning (Primary):
Decreases the energy cost and cast time required to summon a demon. (Each demon is summoned via skill which must be equipped to summon it. Only one demon can be active.)
Increase the damage and effectiveness of the summoned demon and demon skills.
Skills which drain health or energy from foes and give to player, allow the player to give energy or health to an ally, allow the player to give/drain health to/from summoned demon.
Chaos attribute direct and area of effect damage spells.
Negative effect to be placed foes.
Demon types:
Tank, Assassin, Vampire, healer, mesmer, and Ranged.
This looks pretty balanced to me.
Summoning (Primary):
Decreases the energy cost and cast time required to summon a demon. (Each demon is summoned via skill which must be equipped to summon it. Only one demon can be active.)
Increase the damage and effectiveness of the summoned demon and demon skills.
Skills which drain health or energy from foes and give to player, allow the player to give energy or health to an ally, allow the player to give/drain health to/from summoned demon.
Chaos attribute direct and area of effect damage spells.
Negative effect to be placed foes.
Demon types:
Tank, Assassin, Vampire, healer, mesmer, and Ranged.
This looks pretty balanced to me.
Revamped quite a bit of it, added and tweeked skills.
You don't have many of those wardlike skills, and they could be really cool in my oppinion, so here's some suggestions:
Enervating Rift: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. Any foes that enter the area of effect recieve -1 energy degeneration, which you recieve as regeneration. This lasts for 5...15 seconds.
Un-Hallowed Soil (E): 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. If 10...5 people die in the area of effect before the ward disappears, all of your Demon summons are recharged, and any time someone dies in it your summoned demon has 1...5 seconds added to it's duration. This lasts for 15 seconds.
And I think you should add an Oni summon.
Enervating Rift: 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. Any foes that enter the area of effect recieve -1 energy degeneration, which you recieve as regeneration. This lasts for 5...15 seconds.
Un-Hallowed Soil (E): 10e cost, 3s cast, 30s reset.
Ward. If 10...5 people die in the area of effect before the ward disappears, all of your Demon summons are recharged, and any time someone dies in it your summoned demon has 1...5 seconds added to it's duration. This lasts for 15 seconds.
And I think you should add an Oni summon.
Added Rikumaru's skills along with tweeking some more.
Its very good, I like.
The organization is nice, and I like the arrangement of attributes. Unique enough.
Please list some possible builds and how to play them. (since I don't read into too much detail on the skills, it would help me/people to look them up more)
Also you fogot you Bold your Taint
In a similar CC, I was trying to expand on the Demon Summon with Pentagon, which I think come out with a interesting system. Instead of directly summong a Demon from the Pentagon, when the spell if first cast, it will just create a Pentagon on the ground. As it "soke up blood", a demon is summon. This means that the pentagon will detect how much damage were done to all creature near its radius. So if the skill require 300blood, it means that 300 hp (total, from any creature) of damage must be delt before the summon. Once so, a gate is a Open, and a demon step out. This make Sacrifising skill have addtional use when use with a Warlock.
Another suggestion made by other is to have the demon come throught a Gate. The Demon it self would be tought, powerful, and hard to kill, but could try to take out the Gate, which will kill the demon.
Well, hope here more nice CC from you, and some idea of Warlock builds would be nice.
The organization is nice, and I like the arrangement of attributes. Unique enough.
Please list some possible builds and how to play them. (since I don't read into too much detail on the skills, it would help me/people to look them up more)
Also you fogot you Bold your Taint
In a similar CC, I was trying to expand on the Demon Summon with Pentagon, which I think come out with a interesting system. Instead of directly summong a Demon from the Pentagon, when the spell if first cast, it will just create a Pentagon on the ground. As it "soke up blood", a demon is summon. This means that the pentagon will detect how much damage were done to all creature near its radius. So if the skill require 300blood, it means that 300 hp (total, from any creature) of damage must be delt before the summon. Once so, a gate is a Open, and a demon step out. This make Sacrifising skill have addtional use when use with a Warlock.
Another suggestion made by other is to have the demon come throught a Gate. The Demon it self would be tought, powerful, and hard to kill, but could try to take out the Gate, which will kill the demon.
Well, hope here more nice CC from you, and some idea of Warlock builds would be nice.