I need some a few tips concerning new armor
I just got past the Dragon's Lair with my healer, and I'm now in Droks. Anyways, I still have the second set of armor that I bought at Ascalon and it's time to upgrade. Is Droks armor still the best in the game, and if not, how far is the best armor suit in the game? What do you guys think, should I just get Drok's armor and have it infused???....
Lowly Peasant
Purely speaking Droks is the max armor in the game. Aesthetically speaking there is still the 15k armor and FoW armor which have the exact same stats, but have different artwork.
go with the droks unless u are incredibly rich
storm of daeth
you went all that way with armor from ascalon!? dang..... but ya droks unless ur rich
Originally Posted by storm of daeth
you went all that way with armor from ascalon!? dang..... but ya droks unless ur rich
Yeah as other said droks has the highest armor level.
Here is a nice link that shows armor levels at each city
You could always get Desert Collector's armor, as kind of a filler armor if nothing else.
That's what I did with my mesmer, only because it looked alot better than drok's armor. It did me well until I got my 15k.Only one piece, but thats all I wanted
That's what I did with my mesmer, only because it looked alot better than drok's armor. It did me well until I got my 15k.Only one piece, but thats all I wanted