Since the Great Temple of Balthazar isn't in Cantha or Tyria, I believe you will be able to interchange the skills for PVP, but not for PVE.
Core Monk Skills
Balthazar's Aura
Bane Signet
Blessed Signet
Convert Hexes
Divine Boon
Divine Intervention
Draw Conditions
Heal Party
Healing Breeze
Healing Seed
Holy Veil
Infuse Health
Judge's Insight
Life Bond
Martyr [E]
Mend Ailment
Orison of Healing
Protective Spirit
Purge Conditions
Purge Signet
Remove Hex
Reversal of Fortune
Scourge Healing
Shield of Regeneration [E]
Shielding Hands
Signet of Devotion
Signet of Judgement [E]
Smite Hex
Spell Breaker [E]
Strength of Honor
Word of Healing [E]
Zealot's Fire
Prophecies Monk Skills
Amity [E]
Aura of Faith [E]
Balthazar's Spirit
Blessed Aura
Contemplation of Purity
Divine Healing
Divine Spirit
Dwayna's Kiss
Essence Bond
Heal Area
Heal Other
Healing Hands [E]
Holy Strike
Holy Wrath
Life Attunement
Life Barrier [E]
Light of Dwayna
Live Vicariously
Mark of Protection [E]
Mend Conditions
Peace and Harmony [E]
Protective Bond
Restore Condition [E]
Restore Life
Scourge Sacrifice
Shield of Deflection [E]
Shield of Judgement [E]
Symbol of Wrath
Unyielding Aura [E]
Vigorous Spirit
Vital Blessing
Watchful Spirit
Factions Monk Skills
Air of Enchantment
Blessed Light
Boon Signet
Deny Hexes
Dwayna's Sorrow
Empathic Removal
Ethereal Light
Gift of Health
Healing Burst
Healing Light
Healing Whisper
Heaven's Delight
Hex Eater Signet
Jamei's Gaze
Karei's Healing Circle
Kirin's Wrath
Kitah's Burden
Life Sheath
Ray of Judgment
Rlease Enchantments
Resurrection Chant
Reverse Hex
Shield Guardian
Signet of Rage
Signet of Rejuvenation
Spear of Light
Spell Shield
Spirit Bond
Stonesoul Strike
Withdraw Hexes
Word of Censure
Core Mesmer Skills
Arcane Conundrum
Arcane Echo
Arcane Mimicry
Conjure Phantasm
Crippling Anguish [E]
Cry of Frustration
Drain Enchantment
Echo [E]
Energy Burn
Energy Drain [E]
Energy Surge [E]
Energy Tap
Ether Feast
Hex Breaker
Illusion of Haste
Imagined Burden
Leech Signet
Mantra of Earth
Mantra of Flame
Mantra of Frost
Mantra of Inscriptions
Mantra of Lightning
Mantra of Persistence
Mantra of Recovery [E]
Mantra of Resolve
Mind Wrack
Power Drain
Power Spike
Shatter Enchantment
Shatter Hex
Signet of Humility
Soothing Images
Spirit Shackles
Prophecies Mesmer Skills
Arcane Thievery
Chaos Storm
Elemental Resistance
Ether Lord
Ethereal Burden
Fevered Dreams [E]
Illusion of Weakness
Illusionary Weaponry [E]
Ineptitude [E]
Inspired Enchantment
Inspired Hex
Keystone Signet [E]
Mantra of Concentration
Mantra of Recall [E]
Mantra of Signets
Migraine [E]
Panic [E]
Phantom Pain
Physical Resistance
Power Block [E]
Power Leak
Shatter Delusions
Signet of Midnight [E]
Signet of Weariness
Spirit of Failure
Sympathetic Visage
Wastrel's Worry
Factions Mesmer Skills
Accumulated Pain
Ancestor's Visage
Arcane Languor
Arcane Larceny
Auspicious Incantation
Conjure Nightmare
Ether Signet
Expel Hexes
Illusion of Pain
Images of Remorse
Kitah's Burden
Lyssa's Aura
Lyssa's Balance
Power Leech
Power Return
Psychic Distraction
Psychic Instability
Recurring Insecurity
Revealed Enchantment
Revealed Hex
Shared Burden
Shatter Storm
Signet of Disenchantment
Signet of Disruption
Stolen Speed
Unnatural Signet
Core Necromancer Skills
Animate Bone Fiend
Animate Bone Minions
Barbed Signet
Blood is Power [E]
Blood of the BMaster
Dark Aura
Dark Bond
Dark Pact
Death Nova
Deathly Swarm
Defile Flesh
Demonic Flesh
Enfeebling Blood
Grenth's Balance [E]
Life Siphon
Lingering Curse [E]
Mark of Pain
Order of Pain
Parasitic Bond
Plague Signet [E]
Plague Touch
Putrid Explosion
Rend Enchantments
Rigor Mortis
Rotting Flesh
Signet of Agony
Soul Feast
Strip Enchantment
Tainted Flesh [E]
Taste of Death
Unholy Feast
Vampiric Gaze
Vile Touch
Weaken Armor
Well of Blood
Well of Profane
Prophecies Necromancer Skills
Animate Bone Horror
Aura of the Lich [E]
Awaken the Blood
Blood Renewal
Blood Ritual
Consume Corpse
Dark Fury
Deathly Chill
Desecrate Enchantments
Feast of Corruption [E]
Infuse Condition
Insidious Parasite
Life Transfer [E]
Malign Intervention
Mark of Subversion
Necrotic Traversal
Offering of Blood [E]
Order of the Vampire [E]
Plague Sending
Price of Failure
Shadow Strike
Shadow of Fear
Soul Barbs
Soul Leech [E]
Spinal Shivers
Spiteful Spirit [E]
Touch of Agony
Vampiric Touch
Verata's Aura
Verata's Gaze
Verata's Sacrifice
Virulence [E]
Well of Power [E]
Well of Suffering
Wither [E]
Factions Necromancer Skills
Animate Flesh Golem
Animate Bampiric Horror
Bitter Chill
Blood Bond
Blood Drinker
Cultist's Fervor
Defile Enchantments
Enfeebling Touch
Fetid Ground
Gaze of Contempt
Hex Eater Signet
Icy Veins
Jaundiced Gaze
Lifebane Strike
Oppresive Gaze
Order of Apostasy
Reckless Haste
Rising Bile
Shivers of Dread
Soul Blind
Spoil Victor
Taste of Pain
Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Spirit
I put a LOT of work into this, please give me credit.
Core/Campain Skills List for Mo/Me/N
Kai Nui
Kai Nui
One last thing I should mention, I didn't want to interfere with the list above so I thought it'd be more manageable to make a completely new post.
I haven't labeled which of the Factions skills are elite because no one knows yet. You can probably make some pretty good guesses, and I do realize that I don't have the other 3 classes on here. That's because I don't have any other classes unlocked completely.
If you find any mistakes, please report them to me so I can fix them. I plan on adding elementalist once I get the last of the skills unlocked. I hope this is a useful tool in the future!
-Kai Nui
I haven't labeled which of the Factions skills are elite because no one knows yet. You can probably make some pretty good guesses, and I do realize that I don't have the other 3 classes on here. That's because I don't have any other classes unlocked completely.
If you find any mistakes, please report them to me so I can fix them. I plan on adding elementalist once I get the last of the skills unlocked. I hope this is a useful tool in the future!
-Kai Nui