Something that needs to be nipped in the bud

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


I was fighting in RA tonight. Now normally when a pet comes at me, I don't worry much. Well tonight was different, suddenly as the pet stood next to me biting me, I was taking damage form.....Balthazar's Aura.

No one else was next to me NO ONE, I was in the back. This means that you can cast Balth's Aura on your pet. That's very, very bad.

If you need an example of an abusive build.

E/?? Wards
4 Mo/R with Pets and Smiting
2 Mo/?? With healing and protect
-1 other

Bam you have a no brains build WORSE then IWAY.

4 Pets charging in with Balth spamming out of them? Even if your team scatters with running skills, you're still basically screwed. The moment you stop to fight again, Balth's is taking you out again.

So, regardless of whether this is a bug, or a poorly choosen attribute of the spell, it needs to be fixed.




Join Date: May 2005



Ooo IWAY with monks instead of necros. If you manage to kill the pets, the warriors start IWAYing and then the monks use balth's aura on them.

I wonder what other neat things you can do with pets. For so long those bloody things were worthless.

Joking aside, as far as I can tell with searches, iway has been going on for 3 months now so it probably it time for it to fall out of favor.

Lowly Peasant

Lowly Peasant

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Balthezars can be cast on any friendly unit, be it some random NPC, to a pet, to a Team mate. This is no bug, just a new tactic to adjust to and not whine about.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Guardians of Shadow Pass


Like when playing Mortal Kombat with your friend who loves to win everytime by doing the same move over and over, find a way around it. If it works people are going to use it and seeing as it's a battle, the concept of 'fair' should be out of mind.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

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Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

This isn't new at all. Petway, smite style. Glyph of Renewal + Divine Spirit to spam 5 cost spells quickly is supposed to be popular too.
The problem with using a pet instead of a player is that they're not the brightest things, they are slow to change targets, and they don't call hexes/conditions on themselves.
Though, I will concede that Draw Conditions is a huge part of the spammable 5 cost spells, making Crippled a useless counter condition.

Edit: Not intended to be an insult in any way. Just pointing out that despite the build being open and shared among the public, it's not widely used, and that's generally for a reason. One can only speculate, but I'd guess it's just that pets are so unreliable.

Something that actually needs to be fixed about Balthazar's Aura is that the graphic doesn't seem to be appearing on allies anymore, as far as I can tell.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Rockford, IL




I wonder what other neat things you can do with pets. For so long those bloody things were worthless.

I wouldn't say that. With my w/r pet has come in quite handy at certain times.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

lol. you only just noticed this??

Grosbilloux have been running this in tombs for a while.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


heh, yeah its called Smiteway.. I use it sometimes in ToPK even. Its tough to control the pets though so it doesn't always work out. They don't know to stop chasing enemies into a dozen other mobs.. I've used it in PvP a bit, but nothing special.

Greedy Gus

Greedy Gus

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Striking Distance

It's just called pet smiting and has been about since before iway



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Why is it that as soon as someone comes up against something they can't beat, they ask for it to be nerfed?????

People should learn from nature: Adapt or Die!!!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


I used to have loads of fun with this with my ranger with Fer. Strike for energy.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


I normally stay out of these kind of threads but seriously. Someone comes at you with something you haven't seen before, your ass gets spanked, or hell, you even pull off a victory in spite of it, and folks come here and demand it be changed.

Its going to take no-armour matches with Candy Cane weapons before some folks will be completely satisified. oO

Defender Of Orth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eternal Knights


Okay, I was running that alot in RA last night...its not that hard to counter


Stop bitching, go play RA, and dont make useless threads




Join Date: May 2005



Frag, for a while whwn I was first playing rangers were greatly under appreciated pets in particular were especally worthless.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Ken Dei
I was fighting in RA tonight. Now normally when a pet comes at me, I don't worry much. Well tonight was different, suddenly as the pet stood next to me biting me, I was taking damage form.....Balthazar's Aura.

No one else was next to me NO ONE, I was in the back. This means that you can cast Balth's Aura on your pet. That's very, very bad.

If you need an example of an abusive build.

E/?? Wards
4 Mo/R with Pets and Smiting
2 Mo/?? With healing and protect
-1 other

Bam you have a no brains build WORSE then IWAY.

4 Pets charging in with Balth spamming out of them? Even if your team scatters with running skills, you're still basically screwed. The moment you stop to fight again, Balth's is taking you out again.

So, regardless of whether this is a bug, or a poorly choosen attribute of the spell, it needs to be fixed.
You've been able to smite off've pets for ages (indeedas far as i know, for ever). I've run smiting builds in TA with pets - they worked, but not especially better than other TA builds i've used. This isn't new, it isn't overpowered, and it isn't hard to deal with.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


smiting off pets is a very old tactic. All you have to do is chillbains + plague touch.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Ive played the Petsmite build, its pretty weak vs necros/mesmers. And when your pet dies, you're screwed.

Theres no reason to nerf this, its a novelty build and until they buff pet AI, it will continue to be a novelty build only worthy of random arena.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005



its not called petway or smiteway

The name is Pokeway!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


OMG! I was in RA the other day and I saw a R/Mo cast healing breeze on a pet! Aparently you can cast breeze on pets too! OMG this is so overpowered and such an exploit! OMG OMG ZOMGZ!!! A pet with mending = an unstoppable killing machine tank of death!!! OMG!

You know what? Prepare for your head to explode in shock/horror/confusion, but any spell that targets an "ally" can be used on a pet.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gathering of Friends [GoF]

There's a build for PvE that did this months ago - try searching on "Nuclear Pet".



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Awakened Tempest [aT]

This actually got used on my group in HoH. All you have to do is knock out the pets and their build is practically useless.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Asian Syndicate


Get with the times. Been used in RA a lot, doesn't surprise me if there's a HA build for it. Smiting off of pets gives more room in the party to put other professions in to help.

Kill the pets if they are smiting off of them. Easy solution.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


This has been a PvE solo farming tactic for... well... longer than 55monks i believe! lol. So i doubt this is going to get 'fixed' any time soon...


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Bleidd
Its going to take no-armour matches with Candy Cane weapons before some folks will be completely satisified. oO
Snowball Fights FTW!!!

Seriously, quit whining about getting beat by something you've never encountered before. This game is about playing smart & using skills wisely. If you can do that, you can come up with a counter for pretty much anything they throw at you.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Originally Posted by yangster
Get with the times. Been used in RA a lot, doesn't surprise me if there's a HA build for it. Smiting off of pets gives more room in the party to put other professions in to help.

Kill the pets if they are smiting off of them. Easy solution.
Me: Die stupid monk. SICK HIM BOY!!!
Monk: Whats a little pet going to me.....AAAA BAL AURA
Warrior: Don't Worry I'll kill it....there its dead.
Me: I'm using Confort Animal

Ya I've used this a lot myself its quite fun. Still enchant removal kills it.

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


Chill out people, seriously, no need for a flame fest. No, I hadn't seen it before. I assumed maybe it was a glitch due to all the recent updates. This was more about reporting a possible bug. I appologize for not thinking to use the search button, I was a little bit shocked at the time. I've seen a lot of weird things and most of the time I let them roll off and adapt as said, but this one just has so much abuse potential.

But whever, none of the above reasons is even close to a half decent excuse to be a-holes. This is the kinda crap I expect from Guild Hall, that's why I left there. Grow up people, you shame this forum, and you shame yourselves.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

This has been around since Spirit Spamming, where they had all the karate chop smiters and smited/smote/smit(I dunno T_T) off warriors and whatever. It was also the way they found out how overpowered ether prodigy was with the E/Mo smiters.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005



Killing the pets they smite off with is one of the best solutions to prevent the damage coming from them. Knocking them out equals 8 seconds of no damage from them, and them ressing the pets means another 8 seconds. I don't see how this can be "abused" since there are SO many different ways of beating them.

In HA? Even easier! Just about evey monk and their mother runs channeling in HA, and in a build as described as yours, (8people +4 pets) that allows monks to out heal the damage and a little bit more.

In GvG? A split team can just deny half of the damage done to you, not to mention you have all softies in there with AL60. I'm pretty sure splitting 2 smite monks can not kill a target. The damage is just too slow.

In addition to that, the ultimate way of lessening damage is just spreading out.

You want to know a pet skill that can be abused? Disrupting Lunge. Spammable ever 5 seconds and knocks out a skill for 20 seconds. Now THAT'S insane, added to a bunny thumper that can screw a caster tenfold.

And, like everybody has said already, enchantments can go on allies. How else can you heal the ghostly hero or buff him up when he caps an altar?

It's more or less a crappy pet version of back then with the dual emo smiters.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I love this next time I think of Monking in HA I will use Mo/R and say Monk with Pet LFG well atleast BA works in PvP not well in PvE.It is a good defensive skill.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


petsmite used to be huge...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by Ken Dei
Chill out people, seriously, no need for a flame fest. No, I hadn't seen it before. I assumed maybe it was a glitch due to all the recent updates. This was more about reporting a possible bug. I appologize for not thinking to use the search button, I was a little bit shocked at the time. I've seen a lot of weird things and most of the time I let them roll off and adapt as said, but this one just has so much abuse potential.

But whever, none of the above reasons is even close to a half decent excuse to be a-holes. This is the kinda crap I expect from Guild Hall, that's why I left there. Grow up people, you shame this forum, and you shame yourselves.
No, stuff like this really does need to be flamed, and flamed bad. Yelling that the sky is falling hurts everyone really bad because of the possibility the devs may take notice of it and act upon it. If you believe something is wrong, open up a discussion about it and get people's opinions. However, if you say something is broken and needs to be fixed (the sky is falling) then you had either be right about it or take the flames that are going to come. Flaming isn't always a bad thing.

Cyring nerf anytime you find something new is about the worst thing you can do in a game forum. Well, that and say I sound like Hitler lol...


Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by CyberNigma
No, stuff like this really does need to be flamed, and flamed bad. Yelling that the sky is falling hurts everyone really bad because of the possibility the devs may take notice of it and act upon it. If you believe something is wrong, open up a discussion about it and get people's opinions. However, if you say something is broken and needs to be fixed (the sky is falling) then you had either be right about it or take the flames that are going to come. Flaming isn't always a bad thing.

Cyring nerf anytime you find something new is about the worst thing you can do in a game forum. Well, that and say I sound like Hitler lol...

FYI: I don't cry nerf every time I find something new, I think this is the 2nd time in my times are a forum goer that I have openly called for the nerf of something.

Secondly, there is NO excuse for flaming, flaming is bad, that's why it's called flaming, to take on the aspect of being inappropriately volatile or incindiary.

Flaming is especially unessessary when you KNOW someone was probably a little "out of it" when they said whatever it was that bugged you.

I applogize for calling for direct nerf, that was a bad idea, but keep in mind, it was just an opinion. One I take back now that I have more information.

Regardless, flaming is always wrong, and it doesn't create an atmosphere for discussion any more then "crying nerf" does.

A positive thing that came out of this mess was that others learned about petsmite, who previously did not know or contemplate it.

So once again, chill out.

Greedy Gus

Greedy Gus

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Striking Distance

Originally Posted by Sekkira
This has been around since Spirit Spamming, where they had all the karate chop smiters and smited/smote/smit(I dunno T_T) off warriors and whatever. It was also the way they found out how overpowered ether prodigy was with the E/Mo smiters.
Ether renewal



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

I had a feeling it wasn't Ether Prodigy. I knew it was one of those two at least :\

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

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Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

Whether or not anyone has actually flamed thus far is debatable. I see some scathing, blunt posts, and the standard 'get over it' style posts, but no direct personal attacks. The words 'stupid', 'idiot' (except in a short skit not addressing any poster), and so on are not present, as would normally constitute a flame. Trolling, borderline; flaming, doubtful.

But regardless of what may or may not have been, I don't think the poster meant for the thread to get blown out of proportion from an accidental misinterpretation of a skill, so let's just let this sink into obscurity, and save discussion of smiting+pet combos for a thread in the PvP forums.