I got Err 005 while trying to connect to the broken tower server. 4 times in a row the whole team got kicked with err 005.
Any1 else who has the same problem?
PVP Broken Tower Err 005
devils wraths
the hoh still doesnt work just to let anyone who dontknow know
Whats wrong with it?
devils wraths
when you get to last stage which is hall of heroes it doesnt load and comes up net err 5 but everyone is saying its only happening in europe servers
Defender Of Orth
broken tower server?
Lol. My Group had major issues with scarred earth yesterday, but i think they've been resolved.
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
broken tower server?
thats y america had favor last night.. i thought we were actually getting better at holding.. alll i see now is europe holding..
Ditto, we kept erroring after 3/4 wins getting to sacred.. then having to restart. Really sucked
Whats a broken tower server
Mercury Angel
Hero's Ascent maps