Bad Support!!

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


I just wanted to post that Guild Wars has a bad support!
My account were hacked 2weeks ago and it took 1week just to get it back.
When I went on it there was nothing left! I lost >500k
I asked them if it was possible to 'restore' my account they told me they couldn't. Then asked them to find out who has got all my gold and they didn't answer since last week... REALLY BAD SUPPORT
HAPPY GAMING TO THE REST I don't play Guild Wars anymore

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Uhm, you're lucky to get your account back at all. Secondly, no, they won't restore your items, because this can be heavily abused. You don't have a case here.


Defender Of Orth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eternal Knights



I mean, if they belived it every time the heard that





Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


Its in their policy that no they cant give back items and no they cant tell you who did it. It really sucks, but you gotta be careful.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

its bad it happened but you can still play the game and enjoy it without the gold.
and zaxan lose the elitist attitude, w/mo's are perfectly ok, its only the bandwagon jumping idiots who think only w/mo's make mistakes or play badly


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Angry Businessmens


What can they do about it? How do they know what items you had?

I'm afraid it's your own fault.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


Originally Posted by Zaxan Razor

anwyays, you don't got a case, don't get hacked thats maybe the easiest thing.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Ok maybe they can't give my stuff back but if they look after the guy who received >500k they'll also see that I've never talked to him!!
They should ban him!
And yes I can play again but after loosing 6 months of playing I don't think many of you will do do it.

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

lol,how do you stop yourself being hacked can take preventative measures but nothing makes you 100% safe.i had a friend who got hacked a few months ago and he never dl's anything because he is to afraid of viruses + he has spybot prot/av prot and firewall.he was lucky that they just put a new char on his account with a crude name and left after that.also is it not possible to restore an account from the bu data?.

Defender Of Orth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eternal Knights


you didint lose 6 months of playing, you still have all your skills, and all your EXP.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Your friend is REALLY lucky m8!
They salvaged my two 15k armor sets just for fun!
And I never dl programs too because i'm also a bit afraid of keyloggers...!
Ooh I love Guild Wars but i'm really disappoited of that
Any1 knows how to get easy money?
Thx in advance maybe i'll restart playing after all!

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Yes I have my experience and skills but how do you farm/run without armor and weapons?
And would you restart saving 500k for fissure armor?
I don't think so it takes weeks! :s

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by Drew Almighty ll
I just wanted to post that Guild Wars has a bad support!
Actually, from what you say it sounds like GW has good support.

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. And next time don't download cheat software.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. And next time don't download cheat software."
Sry but I didn't download cheat software they hacked my email and then got my password via the Forgot My Password option!
Yes I admit the support is not really bad at all but they could do better I think.

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

best advice i can think of is to get a new e-mail address and change your account name and use a new password(and change password every week or 2).

hope you can get back into the game,would be a shame to lose people because of a/h's with nothing better to do than fk up someones hard work.

and to all the people that think it's funny i hope they never target any of you because it would be a shame to have to see it happen to you before you realise how unfunny it actualy is.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Originally Posted by DJ Josh
best advice i can think of is to get a new e-mail address and change your account name and use a new password(and change password every week or 2).

hope you can get back into the game,would be a shame to lose people because of a/h's with nothing better to do than fk up someones hard work.

and to all the people that think it's funny i hope they never target any of you because it would be a shame to have to see it happen to you before you realise how unfunny it actualy is.
At least I get good support here!
Thx DJ Josh.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


"Hacked your email"?

OK, let's break this down.
The perps knew what email you used for your account in the game.
The perps knew or guessed the password for your email.
They asked ANet to send out the password, and then logged in as you, changed email, and plundered your account.

First of all, the perps knew you had stuff worth stealing on your account - they don't do this blindly, it's too much work and they're actually risking fines or even prison in Real Life. You must've told them, or the stuff you had was obtained from one of them.

Second of all, the perps knew or could guess your email password. If I was you, I'd consider if my password was easily guessable, or if you've given out the password to someone you thought you could trust, or if you've used that password somewhere you shouldn't.

Thirdly, you probably don't have a keylogger. If you had, they'd not have needed to use your email.

Now, let's see this from ANets point of view. As far as they know, you've either been careless with passwords, or you're actually cooperating with the thieves. If you're cooperating with the thieves, giving you your stuff back means they've rewarded you for scamming them. Also, the stuff has since changed hands, and is now probably owned by people who don't know that it was stolen.
That's why they restore the account to you, after having tried to reach the other guy (in case you've sold him the account and is trying to scam him), but wont give you your stuff back.

None of this means that ANet has bad support.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Sry i'm not a hacker so i don't know how they did!
The only thing i'm sure is that i've never downloaded bots to help me!
I farmed weeks to get my money outside Augury!
I was a Guild Wars freak that helped my guild and hated scammers.
==>I'm not a cheater to be clear !

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

they probaly used a password breaker program there are many of them about and most are free.i used 1 many years ago to try and get my password for a game site because i forgot and the site wouldn't retreave it for me.although i couldn't work it myself but i'm sure there are many that can guess a password very easily thats why i always use large letter/number/symbol passwords and change them often.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Question time:

1) How many people here use same e-mail address for the auction forum or this forum, as they do for Guild wars???

2) How many of those people have easy passwords?????

1 + 2 = HACKED.

Never use the same email address for forums and games.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Yes maybe it was stupid to use same e-mailadres for all.
Argh i'm collapsed

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Can I ask the support site a detailed "file" of what i did last weeks?
Maybe i can find the guy who got my money and try to persuade him to give it back or report him to Anet maybe he did other bad things and maybe they'll ban him after examination.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Guardians of Shadow Pass


I can understand not giving your money back, but strange the won't tell you who did it, or atleast hunt the bastard down, rob him, ban him, and give you what he had

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


Originally Posted by Toben_Hexx
I can understand not giving your money back, but strange the won't tell you who did it, or atleast hunt the bastard down, rob him, ban him, and give you what he had
maybe they have in mind that they have enough costumers so that there is no need to overwork and help one of them!
I think this is it!



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by JediKnight
Question time:

1) How many people here use same e-mail address for the auction forum or this forum, as they do for Guild wars???

2) How many of those people have easy passwords?????
E-mail addresses aren't seen by the public unless you're using the auction system, and passwords aren't available at all. Did you download anything at all the days before you got hacked?

Originally Posted by Drew Almighty II
Can I ask the support site a detailed "file" of what i did last weeks?
Maybe i can find the guy who got my money and try to persuade him to give it back or report him to Anet maybe he did other bad things and maybe they'll ban him after examination.
They probably already have done something to him, but due to their privacy policy they won't say who or what they've done. You're not going to be able to do anything to him anyway.

maybe they have in mind that they have enough costumers so that there is no need to overwork and help one of them!
I think this is it!
Baseless accusations get you nowhere.

Drew Almighty ll

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ronse, Belgium

Blade Of Soulds[DVDF]


No I didn't download anything weeks before the hack. Nothing except the downloads from Anet that's all.
Yes maybe they did something to him but they should at least tell me that they found him and that they did what's needed.
Sry for the accusations


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Alot of sites require email activation. So whatever you do, don't use the same psw and email as you use on your GW account. That is problably the easiest way to "hack" your account.

And once they are logged in, it's easy to change e-mail and/or password.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Drew Almighty ll
No I didn't download anything weeks before the hack. Nothing except the downloads from Anet that's all.
Yes maybe they did something to him but they should at least tell me that they found him and that they did what's needed.
Sry for the accusations

first get at least the free version of zone alarm which is top rated;jsessionid=ES36Se4sX4oz6o1y6S01dGG 33EMSbI6rGMufyK92HTA4wqrtAl61!56337975!-1062696904!7551!7552!NONE?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en &lid=nav_za

second set uo a separate sub account from your internet provider (usually allow 5-10 email addresses)

make that one as many lettere/numbers as it will allow and use random instead of obvious things.

the account password can be over 30 characters long so use it. (that is 150 bit encrtption) using just numbers/letters

put the password into the target of your shortcut so you dont type it each time and keyloggers cant see it.

ude spysweeper/spyware dactor to clean house before changing things

use the free trials bcafof^^^_contph`c&cd=&dcc=&drc=&mo=2&sid=

hope this helps

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Originally Posted by Drew Almighty ll
"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. And next time don't download cheat software."
Sry but I didn't download cheat software they hacked my email and then got my password via the Forgot My Password option!
Yes I admit the support is not really bad at all but they could do better I think.
You shouldn't use the same password for more than one purpose. There, thats not Anet's fault.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Ok, I thought I'd NEVER have to Copy over stuff from my Runescape playing days but it seems after Christmas the old Runescape type players are coming over to Guild Wars.

Firstly, "Hacked". It didn't happen. Noone "Hacks" little Guild Wars accounts and such. They Guess or you unsuspectingly give them the information they need. Half of all accounts taken are because the "victem" was giving out to much information to his "new friends", and the other half are because your password is book or something stupid like that.

Secondly, It happened, and you got your account back - GW's Support is awesome then. End Story.

You lost your items, and thats a shame, but theres nothing anyone can do about it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK


Should've of been so stupid to get yourself Keylogged or let your Password leak out to someone.

And you can't get 'hacked' in Guild Wars, it's all stored server-side so unless they hacked ArenaNet server-side, they'd have got more than just you. ;\



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


This is a game just be glad it wasn't real life someone Breaking and Entering your place and stealing up to over $5000. in personal items and the hassel it take to get it back nice to have insurrance.This happened to me btw and 2 25 inch TVs were gone and some irreplaceable items couldn't be.I have always used the same password on my E-mail since creating it and I have 2 of them.Think of those that have real life B&Es and what they go through and btw they took all my jeans except the pair I was wearing.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


If you're not playing GW anymore, do a noob a favor and give your account away.

Would be much better than whining about giving your password away to someone through a keylogger or whatever anyhow.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Guildwars has the best support Ive ever seen.

You just gave a reason why they are the best, they dont restore characters. This prevents scamming the system.

Sucks that you got hacked...but actually run a virus scan etc every once in a while...then you wont be

Naxohs Seralna

Naxohs Seralna

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


House of the Silver Phoenix (HSP)


Originally Posted by Drew Almighty ll
I just wanted to post that Guild Wars has a bad support!
My account were hacked 2weeks ago and it took 1week just to get it back.
When I went on it there was nothing left! I lost >500k
I asked them if it was possible to 'restore' my account they told me they couldn't. Then asked them to find out who has got all my gold and they didn't answer since last week... REALLY BAD SUPPORT
HAPPY GAMING TO THE REST I don't play Guild Wars anymore
Boohoo! I've played pretty much every day since August 2005, and I have only 2k in storage.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

Avatar of Gwen

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

Finally just going to close this.

Some of the comments are supportive, some are chock full of speculation, and some are mostly negative. The bulk of the posts (including a number of the OP's posts) are made up of the latter 2 categories, which are not generally desirable.

Thusly, it shall remain closed.