i was under the impression that once an unlocked item was identified by the identity kit it could b unlocked with the expert salvage kit. i identified a superior rune but when i unlocked it with the esk i got bolts of silk and not the rune
did i do somthing wrong? or is it by chance that u get these things?

Auntie I
The consenus seems to be that you will get the rune 75 to 80% of the time. There have been people who have salvaged only crafting materials 3 or 4 times in a row. So it definitely has an element of luck.
Marus Varrus
unlocking an item means it becomes available for use in you PVP only characters you create after that point.
It is a seperate thing than getting that item for using the expert slavage kit.
It is a seperate thing than getting that item for using the expert slavage kit.