My guild-mates and I have been playing in Kryta for awhile now, trying to find Shadowy Remnants, but only had one drop between us. I need 5 for my collector leggings, and was hoping somebody here might have some they'd be willing to give and/or sell. We've been trying for a week with no luck.
My IG name is Sidana Haldane.
Shadowy Remnants?
Mercury Angel
Is that the gooey looking puddle?
itd be quicker and easier to just farm and buy some armour
Gunz Blazing Smile
Collector armor sometimes has their own style and looks. Get somebody that has not done that quest where the "archeologist or scientist" is being scared from nightmares or shadows or something. Do quest, kill the shadows and hopefully they will drop it. I belive thats their remains if thats what you want.
My Sweet Revenga
There's usually 2 collectors who will give you that piece of max collectors armour. Shadowy remnants is one way. Have you tried the desert collector?
I got collector leggings for frigid hearts outside of Rankor(IIRC), not sure that helps at all. Good luck.
Outside of port sledge to the east are a bunch of nightmares that drop that.
Legion Magnus
Posted By: HawkofStorms Outside of port sledge to the east are a bunch of nightmares that drop that. |
Lasher Dragon
Leave the Temple of the Ages, head southwest to the next map. Walk around, kill the shadows that pop out of the ground.