edited - well, im off to get a 40 armor vest.
what does the 40 means?
my current vest gives 12 armor...
how does this whole thing work?
where do i get tanned hide squares and fur squares?
Originally Posted by BuFu
what do i need to salvage for these two crafting materials?
you can trade 4 charr hides to a collector for a fur or use an expert salvage kit and hope
even if you dont get fur you at least get the other

Fye Duron
Charr hides give you both. You have to use an expert kit to get the fur though... and you will not get many. I think I average 1 fur for every 20 to 25 charr hides.
Fur Squares are a rare crafting material, but you can get them from a collector in Old Ascalon called Sedgewick. She will give you one fur square for 4 Charr Hides. If you're feeling lucky you can try expert crafting the fur yourself from the Charr Hides.
I get so many tanned hides from salvaging things that I don't even know what gives them anymore! Seems like salvaging the armor drops from Charr gives them a lot.
I get so many tanned hides from salvaging things that I don't even know what gives them anymore! Seems like salvaging the armor drops from Charr gives them a lot.
kk alrdy got 1 fur from that collector in ascalon.
can you guys be more specific about the other material?=]
can you guys be more specific about the other material?=]
Tanned Hide Squares can be salvaged from Charr Hides, Shamen Garbs, Charr Stalker Armor, Dwarven Armor, Shiverpeak Bowmaster Vests, and etc..Also, if you put your mouse over the item and it says "Salvage item" under the name, then you will be able to get a Tanned Hide Square from it. That may seem a little confusing with the "etc." tossed in on the end, but there are tons of things you can salvage to get Tanned Hide Squares, and you'll see over time once you get enough money to toss around and salvage pretty much anything you want.
As for Fur Squares, I believe you can get them from anything you can get a Tanned Hide Square from, but you need to use an Expert Salvage kit. That is the only way to get a Fur Square from anything. I have had more success using an Expert Salvage kit on Shiverpeak Manes to get a Fur Square than anything else.
As for Fur Squares, I believe you can get them from anything you can get a Tanned Hide Square from, but you need to use an Expert Salvage kit. That is the only way to get a Fur Square from anything. I have had more success using an Expert Salvage kit on Shiverpeak Manes to get a Fur Square than anything else.