I think buy adding food to the rpg side of game will cut down the increase in gold or inflation. food would be a money sink but you would always need to replace it, make so everyone has to buy food to eat. say you play for a certen amount of time or make serten amout gold you need to eat and main tain your energy.
the food could be a type of tax,but not really.
food could be used to help reulate inflation. I also think adding more content to the game will help. however more content means more storage.
I also think animal and weapon maintance should be added to the game. To help make econamy better.
The financial degree of decay
Weapon maintenance could work but they tried that in Diablo 2 and all it did was shift the economy further to item based, not that the diablo economy was ever currency based persay but the fact that they relegated currency to armor and weapon maintenance functions only sealed the deal as far as an item based economy goes. Any time you go to an item based economy you will always end up with an elite class of items that will be unattainable by all but the richest of players item wise. Gold is at least guaranteed more or less. You may not get a gold 15% non conditional fellblade but you will get gold so with proper saving you can get what you need with the currency based economy as opposed to the item based one.
Entropy is in the works of our GW Economy. Without some form of taxation (like the weapon/armor maintenance fees mentioned by Str0b0 ^ ), money will only come in, bad merchandise will only get cheaper, good merchandise will only get more expensive, and farmers will only get more aggressive.
i think my food idea would work, farmers will hate me for making this idea. Rpg players would love it. I think the food idea i gave would help.
let say you beaten a quest or mossion the first time you don't need to eat as much food.However if you play a quest over agin you need to eat food. This makes the farmer have to make sure he buys food to eat costing him gold. (money sink). the more gold or time he takes the more chractor works.the more he would have to spend on food. There for the more he has to eat. it is like a tax not seen.
let say you beaten a quest or mossion the first time you don't need to eat as much food.However if you play a quest over agin you need to eat food. This makes the farmer have to make sure he buys food to eat costing him gold. (money sink). the more gold or time he takes the more chractor works.the more he would have to spend on food. There for the more he has to eat. it is like a tax not seen.