In the thread Why Nuking Sucks, Ensign had many good points about the comparable effectiveness of warriors and elementalists in regards to damage output. In particular, the following line got me thinking:
Originally Posted by Ensign
When a Warrior or Elementalist spikes they are comparable in effectiveness...but between spikes a Warrior actually builds up resources (in the form of adrenaline), while an Elementalist is furiously expending resources trying to accomplish the same thing.'
So in order for elementalists and warriors to be more on par with one another as far as damage is concerned elementalists need a way of building up energy by constantly casting spells. At one point in time, Ether Renewal worked (a little too) brilliantly at this, but caused problems at the same time. It encouraged an elementalist to use non-elementalist spells and thus we were overrun with E/Mo smiters.
Other elementalist energy management elites attempt to make it alright for elementalists to constantly cast spells, but they don't even come close to rewarding elementalists for constantly casting their elemental spells the way a warrior is rewarded for constantly swinging away. Furthermore, the elementalist primary attribute Energy Storage is aweful for easing this problem. It provides a larger pool of energy, but one that is very quickly drained (and thus rendered useless) if an ele attempts to output the kind of damage a warrior can.
The question becomes, what could be done to put elementalists more on par with warriors damage-wise without creating potential abuse with other classes' spells?
I see a couple of possibilities, though they too might cause unforseen problems. Afterall, I'm just one person and ANet has a team working at this stuff daily.

The first possibility would be to slash the cool downs of the attunement spells. While their durations are wonderful, they are extremely fragile in that they are very easily stripped. A stripped attunement will take forever to recharge and be put back-up, and to devote faster recharging enchantments (ie: monk enchants) solely for the purpose of cover consumes resources that would be unneccessary for a warrior and again leaves a gap of effectiveness between ele and warrior. If attunements could be more easily replaced, they might help alleviate the elementalist's fragile state of energy management.
The other possibility would be to rework Energy Storage so that it increased not only maximum energy but energy regen as well. The problem would be limiting the energy regen such that it wouldn't be abuseable with the cheap spells of other classes. However, ANet's already solved that problem with the ranger. Ranger Expertise increases both maximum energy and energy regeneration yet is limited to non-spells. In a similar manner, Energy Storage could be reworked so that it operated like a ranger's Expertise but with elemental spells instead of skills (though it would probably require a name change to make sense). Rather than "For each rank in Energy Storage, your maximum energy increases by 3" it would become something like "For each rank in Ether Mastery, the cost of your elemental spells is reduced by 4%."
This would benefit the very high cost elementalist spells greatly, as a % reduction in cost would benefit them the most. Additionally, the attunement spells give back energy based on the original cost of a spell and thus the very highest cost spells could actually give back the elementalist energy. For once, there would be a benefit to using high cost spells, instead of the high-cost spells being simply a bar for other classes attempting to play ele. This would also justify the current recharge times and fragile state of the attunement spells.
I'm sure there are downsides to these ideas that I'm simply not seeing right now. Whether or not you think these particular ideas are good ones, I'd really like to get some discussion going on this topic. For too long have elementalists been portrayed as the might nuker without actually having the numbers to back them up.