How do you make screenshots?
Is there a command?
Eragon Dragonslayer
just press print screen.....and then right click on ur guild wars icon and click on properties and then click find target then click on ur screens folder to look at em
Really so the screen hsot thing was put into the game by the devolpers them selves.
yuppers. it saves automatically to default of c:/programfiles/guildwars/screens.
Mystic Deathblades
Yup printscreen button then you can find it in your guild wars screen folder.
Alotia Slipfeet
sorry to hijack this thread but how do you make in game movies?
Originally Posted by Alotia Slipfeet
sorry to hijack this thread but how do you make in game movies?
Alot of people use a third party program called fraps.
here be the linky
here be the linky