Doing quest and 2nd mission in GW


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


What happen to people in the advance area of the world, people don’t seem to care about doing quest and doing 2nd mission anymore. It was very easy to find people to do quest and 2nd mission in each part of the mission in the lower level part of the world. In advance area, people either is complaining about 2nd mission is too hard to do or they are obsessing about farming not to do any quest. I tried to do Final Assault quest for like the past 3 months, all I can find was the whole bunch of farmers seeking for more green items. I thought we play for the adventure to challenge ourselves in each level of each area for fun, but I guess not. Do people really found farming as fun as adventuring. Similar problem occur in the UW and FoW, people only seek for easy location to farm rather than spending time to explore the world around it.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

Avatar of Gwen

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

A bit mangled English, but the lack of typos and proper use of punctuation and capitalization lead me to believe that the mistakes are simply because English is not your first language. [Edit: Bit off topic, and no offence intended. Just a bit on the drowsy side tonight, so it's a little harder to pick apart than usual, and I could easily just be confused. It is a lot more refreshing than the normal difficult to read post laden with typos and overabbrevations, regardless of what the case may be.]

If what I think it says is right, then all I can really say is that you can't force people to do what they want to do. If they want to farm in a repetitive fashion for a while because they want money, or it's relaxing, then they'll do it. Just because farming could be taken away from them doesn't mean that they'd switch over to doing quests; Many would simply find ways around it, or just not play, being unable to do what they wanted

Sadly, there're just going to be less people, as people begin playing factions.

On a positive note, people attempting to complete both sections of the game with their characters will likely come back with their factions-made characters and do them to unlock more skills and skill points, I think we'll see a temporary resurgance of prophecies players.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


I agree that it is rediculously difficult and time consuming to find a group for some of the titan quests particularly final assault.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Guild Wars

Yes it can be difficult to get a group for later quests now that most people have done them.

It might be easier if there was a LFG feature, or dedicated districts such as Farming, Questing, Trading, etc. Also if the game kicked idle people out of towns after 10 mins or so. Not out of anywhere else, cuz sometimes I need to do something else after I start a solo mission/quest. But people idling in town won't lose anything and just waste a place in the district that someone lfg might use. Or have an AFK district too =P - which you would get sent to after 10 mins of idleness.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

I was asked why I wanted to do the bonus on a mission yesterday. The person's reason for NOT doing it was that we were all level 20s already, so what good does it do.

My short answer was "Bragging rights." Aside from that, I want to beat the challenge of doing every Mission with every bonus in the order they come in. The only bonus that I had to skip to the next mission was the Ice caves bonus, and then only because of the need to be infused to do it. For the most part, I've gotten every bonus on the first try - including Sanctum Cay. I'm at THK now, and it's a nightmare just getting into a group who has the guts to even TRY the bonus! The funny thing about that mission is that the only thing that makes it hard is the people in your party who don't follow instructions and work together! (The last group I went with had a Monk who decided to try tanking 2 groups of stone summit at the far end of the bridge - I knew right then and there we were screwed.)


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


I do bonus for not the experience points, I do because I want a completed mission with bonus. I guess that's just most people are these day, when they have do somthing, the first thing they are thinking "what in it for me?". If there isn't any gold or item to reward them for the quest they need to do. then they just don't do it. I personally think like this sometimes athough I still challeged myself by doing quest and all 2nd mission for no gold or item to reward me. I think playing Guild Wars is a lot more than just farming for value items and looking for gold. Apparently base on the community that is exactly what it is about farming and more farming. At the same time, people also used this "Bonus do not reward me anything or whatever their reasons might be" are simply an excuse to not do the 2nd mission due to their lack of skill to do it. As I was saying from my first post, same thing happen in FoW and UW. People complain either one of the quest and/or one of area on the map are too hard for them do it so they just avoid those quest and place rather than facing a challenge.