New Warrior Armor (Sentinel's)... Too Much Defence?
Seriously, I though it was agreed that strength is a naff attribute, Even for tanks?
Dolyaks is powerful but the buff is limited vs Watch yourself and a more powerful/longer glads/bonnetis/healsig
+10 vs ele vs -10 vs phys?
Come on someone tell me why strength is so powerful for a tank vs tactics?
Dolyaks is powerful but the buff is limited vs Watch yourself and a more powerful/longer glads/bonnetis/healsig
+10 vs ele vs -10 vs phys?
Come on someone tell me why strength is so powerful for a tank vs tactics?
I just cant wait to get it. My warrior use Sup Sword/Strenght/Tactic on him. I keep all my att at 12 usually. Now i'll only need to switch 1 point down of tactic to put into strenght and make farming more effective

13 str? Thats just crap. I dont think this armor will be used much,but i must admit that it looks good (reminds me of armors from morrowind).
I think it will only be used if a-net increase max atribute points cap ,but i dont think its gonna happened.
Watch out for noob wamos running through LA in this new armor showing off.
I think it will only be used if a-net increase max atribute points cap ,but i dont think its gonna happened.
Watch out for noob wamos running through LA in this new armor showing off.
Nooooo, now all the Random Arena Warriors will be running 13 Strength because they can't think!
Stupid ANet, don't nerf my Mend Ailment untill you nerf stupidity!
Stupid ANet, don't nerf my Mend Ailment untill you nerf stupidity!
Sentinel armour this is shadow damage. Shadow damage this is sentinel armour. Sentinel armour, shadow damage could not care less about you.
Sentinel armour is sad.
Sentinel armour is sad.
Originally Posted by Bleidd
all Air attack spells are 25% AP, so someone will have to do the math and see what a difference there is between 25% AP and 80 AL vs 25% AP and 100 AL.
dont feel no pain
will go nicly with my hydra build +15 more armor ftw ( i have plate 85 )
Complain or cheer all you want. Its another type of armor which offers something different.
Doesn't suit your build? is diverse, not every single armor has to meet YOUR and only your personal requirement.
Does suit your build? You have more diversity.
As for shadow damage meet sentinel armor, shadow damage meet anything it will kill it. But monks will love tanks in heavy armor, less maintenance.
Doesn't suit your build? is diverse, not every single armor has to meet YOUR and only your personal requirement.
Does suit your build? You have more diversity.
As for shadow damage meet sentinel armor, shadow damage meet anything it will kill it. But monks will love tanks in heavy armor, less maintenance.
Originally Posted by Jenosavel
I think this armor will be a pretty powerful defensive force for squishies when the warrior combines it with 16 strength, Dolyak Signet, and Protector's Stance. Perhaps we'll finally have a use for Dolyak Signet in PvP?
Not to mention doylak sig is great for Fissure of Woe tanks.
Well, if you look at the Berserker's Armor, w/o a helm, it gives +35 health. Just an observation.
And, imo 100 AL is not too much if a req of 13 in strength is necessary.
And, imo 100 AL is not too much if a req of 13 in strength is necessary.
William Sunrider
Overpowered? no. This is a TANK armor. Tanks use HIGH lvl strength as it is, so i dont considered this overpowered. It makes sense to me that such a high req is needed.
If body blocking becomes essential in some places, this armor should reign supreme.
Dolyak Tank LFG!
Dolyak Tank LFG!