"Ride The Lighting" wasn't suppose to see the light from first place



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

i respect Anet of how they still make this amazing game playable everyday and we wait anxiously for the release of Factions but...
it just came to my attention this skill "Ride the Lighting"-Elite Air skill
Cause damage and teleport you to the target
since when casters need to become near their targets to attack them..any caster have skill that make dmg to his adjacent foes is basically for defensive tactics..so you came to your minds why the hell eles need to teleport to their targets again ?
eles and mesmers always become in second line in the party and moving him not to first line but inside your foes lines is completely useless because eles doesn't have the power to tank all the physical dmg he will take when he find himself among them !!
So...this skill is basically has been made for all prof. that have ele second prof. and especially may be for warriors and rangers that they need to get the "softies" in second and third lines ..means warriors can teleport to their targets behind your back and get to your monks and mesmers.
Also this skill can make warriors to teleport behind guild halls in GvG and you don't even need one of your foes to be behind the walls to teleport inside to get to their guild lord you just need to teleport to one of the archers on top of the wall..kill him and TA DA !! you are inside do your job!!!
This skill too much overpowered even before they put the numbers for how much this skill can do dmg..this skill completely destroy balance of PvP,imagine looking to your radar and your foes still in front of you ..suddenly they are behind you slaying your monks
Conclusion of all this is :

1-this skill is useless to eles since they don’t need it to teleport to their targets since they already can cast behind their tanks in complete safe.and this leads us to no. 2
2-if this skill is seducing enough warriors (since it’s an elite) to take it than the elite of their primary prof. that makes this skill was dedicated from first place to warriors not eles. And also that will lead us to no. 3
3-any attempt of Anet of making this skill out of reach of warriors for balancing this skill like :

a-high cost of energy like (25):warriors can use staves of +15 energy to cast then they swap weapons when they teleport to their targets.
b-Exhaustion:since when warriors care about this and HoH filled with gale/shock warriors.
c-long recharge time: they already made it and they are behind you and they don’t care about recharge time even if it’s 100 sec !!
d-long casting time: we came back of same useless loop of silly casting time of most of eles spells (all eles have must notice they sometimes cast spell on foe and his m8s killed this foe before he finished casting it)
e-Failure of teleporting if air attribute less than (X) and X must be high no. :this is the only thought came in my mind that prevent warriors from having this skill.

i can’t see any use of this skill at any way for elementalists and start of using teleporting make this game unbalanced too much.,we didn’t finish yet of how to counter assassin’s teleporting and I don’t want all my foes around me start to teleport here and there.
I know many of u will say to me stop whining on skill nerfing we didn’t see yet,I don’t ask for nerfing this I’m saying this skill should not see the light from first place based on its description (teleporting).

Finally I want to say grats elementalists Anet will give every prof. 30 skills except you will have 29 ..and we didn’t review your other 29 yet !!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

I think all we can do is speculate at this point. We don't know recharges, cast times, costs, etc. This skill could have some use with future pbaoe air spells, or other new skills.

The only thing I can say for certain is that Anet has some Metallica fans.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

As far as the utility to elementalist main goes, I can see as a rough idea an elementalist spike team with good timing and Flame burst/area AOEs hitting a single target pretty quickly with this skill.

Allmightybob's right about the speculation, though. We have no idea how long the recharge would be... or any side effects of the skill. If there are any unbalanced qualities Anet will probably straighten them out within a few updates of the original release.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Few things I would like to add to this.

No one has confirmed how teleporting is working. We cannot tell it if is simply moving very fast to the location of the spell's description or disappearing in one spot and reappearing in another. From what I've heard about recall is that it had a tendancy to get stuck on mountains and objects.

That means that body blocking is still a viable option. You might not be able to teleport through the walls to get inside a base like you are describing. If you can you have a chance of getting stuck possibly for the rest of the battle if the archers cannot kill you (arrows don't go through walls like melee attacks do).

This could also have a 2 second cast time which would just about kill this one. Need to see energy cost, cast time, and recharge before jumping on the band wagon here.

Besides recall and the other one that cripples all near foes is MUCH worse than ride the lighting.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Xen of Onslaught

You can use ele touch skills (eg lightning touch) or short range spells (eg aftershock, crystal wave, flame burst)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by zakaria
1-this skill is useless to eles since they don’t need it to teleport to their targets since they already can cast behind their tanks in complete safe.and this leads us to no. 2

i can’t see any use of this skill at any way for elementalists and start of using teleporting make this game unbalanced too much.,

Finally I want to say grats elementalists Anet will give every prof. 30 skills except you will have 29 ..and we didn’t review your other 29 yet !!
Learn to think - this will be the spike skill of the game, 5 eles, 4 specced in earth, one in air. The air ele gales the target and the earth hit this skill and then slam in an aftershock. Huge spike there. It will make PBAoE very effective.

Also run your posts through a grammar checker - they are near impossible to read.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

Originally Posted by twicky_kid
No one has confirmed how teleporting is working. We cannot tell it if is simply moving very fast to the location of the spell's description or disappearing in one spot and reappearing in another. From what I've heard about recall is that it had a tendancy to get stuck on mountains and objects.

That means that body blocking is still a viable option. You might not be able to teleport through the walls to get inside a base like you are describing. If you can you have a chance of getting stuck possibly for the rest of the battle if the archers cannot kill you (arrows don't go through walls like melee attacks do).
Consume Corpse - Spell
Exploit target corpse, you teleport to that corpse's location and gain 25-85 health and 5-17 energy.

This is used in GvG by a Necromancer to get inside the base without the Guild Thief.

Originally Posted by zakaria
i respect Anet of how they still make this amazing game playable everyday and we wait anxiously for the release of Factions but...
it just came to my attention this skill "Ride the Lighting"-Elite Air skill
Cause damage and teleport you to the target
since when casters need to become near their targets to attack them..any caster have skill that make dmg to his adjacent foes is basically for defensive tactics..so you came to your minds why the hell eles need to teleport to their targets again ?
eles and mesmers always become in second line in the party and moving him not to first line but inside your foes lines is completely useless because eles doesn't have the power to tank all the physical dmg he will take when he find himself among them !!
So...this skill is basically has been made for all prof. that have ele second prof. and especially may be for warriors and rangers that they need to get the "softies" in second and third lines ..means warriors can teleport to their targets behind your back and get to your monks and mesmers.
Also this skill can make warriors to teleport behind guild halls in GvG and you don't even need one of your foes to be behind the walls to teleport inside to get to their guild lord you just need to teleport to one of the archers on top of the wall..kill him and TA DA !! you are inside do your job!!!
This skill too much overpowered even before they put the numbers for how much this skill can do dmg..this skill completely destroy balance of PvP,imagine looking to your radar and your foes still in front of you ..suddenly they are behind you slaying your monks
Conclusion of all this is :

1-this skill is useless to eles since they don’t need it to teleport to their targets since they already can cast behind their tanks in complete safe.and this leads us to no. 2
2-if this skill is seducing enough warriors (since it’s an elite) to take it than the elite of their primary prof. that makes this skill was dedicated from first place to warriors not eles. And also that will lead us to no. 3
3-any attempt of Anet of making this skill out of reach of warriors for balancing this skill like :

a-high cost of energy like (25):warriors can use staves of +15 energy to cast then they swap weapons when they teleport to their targets.
b-Exhaustion:since when warriors care about this and HoH filled with gale/shock warriors.
c-long recharge time: they already made it and they are behind you and they don’t care about recharge time even if it’s 100 sec !!
d-long casting time: we came back of same useless loop of silly casting time of most of eles spells (all eles have must notice they sometimes cast spell on foe and his m8s killed this foe before he finished casting it)
e-Failure of teleporting if air attribute less than (X) and X must be high no. :this is the only thought came in my mind that prevent warriors from having this skill.

i can’t see any use of this skill at any way for elementalists and start of using teleporting make this game unbalanced too much.,we didn’t finish yet of how to counter assassin’s teleporting and I don’t want all my foes around me start to teleport here and there.
I know many of u will say to me stop whining on skill nerfing we didn’t see yet,I don’t ask for nerfing this I’m saying this skill should not see the light from first place based on its description (teleporting).

Finally I want to say grats elementalists Anet will give every prof. 30 skills except you will have 29 ..and we didn’t review your other 29 yet !!
To sum it up, Necros and secondaries have always had the ability to teleport into base. And did you know Assassins can teleport too?


If you can't stop a gank, you deserve to lose.

Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


Ride the Lightning - Spell - Air - 15e, 3c, 20r
Teleport to target foe. That foe is struck for xx lightning damage.

from a pretty reliiiiable source, I'd say it sounds pretty sexy.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


Originally Posted by zakaria
i respect Anet of how they still make this amazing game playable everyday and we wait anxiously for the release of Factions but...
it just came to my attention this skill "Ride the Lighting"-Elite Air skill
Cause damage and teleport you to the target
since when casters need to become near their targets to attack them..any caster have skill that make dmg to his adjacent foes is basically for defensive tactics..so you came to your minds why the hell eles need to teleport to their targets again ?
I stopped reading your ridiculous post at this point because it's here I realized whatever else you had to say is too silly to waste my time with. You instantly proclaim that there would be no reason that a caster would benifit from teleporting right up next to an enemy target. What I fail to understand is how you totally missed what has been repeated over and over again each time people mention Ride the Lightning. Though they're not all in Air Magic, the elementalist alone has tons of spells that do dmg or extra dmg to enemies in their immediate area. Aftershock, Inferno, Pheonix, Grasping Earth, Lightning Touch. Note the last skill I listed: Lightning Touch. Imagine this if you will. 4 Air Eles, 1 Water ele. The water ele does what water eles usually do in teams, they are somewhat offensive but mainly defensive, they sometimes carry earth wards as well to go along with their slowing water hexes to defend the team and allow their allies to kite away from danger. Now, let's do some math:
1 Water Hex + 4 Lightning Touches = Huge Damage (420 to be exact). Now add onto that the initial damage caused by 4 Eles casting Ride the Lightning and you've got a pretty decent spike. Already, without going into other professions we've got a pretty decent use for Ride the Lightning.
Ride The Lightning is a nice elite and it's easy to understand if you use this simple phrase: "Wam, Bam, Thank you ma'am!" I forsee that 90% (random % made up on the spot) of the time in Factions this is how Ride the Lightning is gonna work. Now, let's review the three phases of Wam, Bam, Thank you ma'am.

>Wam: Bust em in the head with lightning dmg
>Bam: Instantly teleport all up in their face.
>Thank you ma'am: Use a second skill to do the dirty deed and bring down the pain or humiliating shame upon your target.

Factions is changing some things up eh. All the cookie cutter builds that you thought you once knew are now given way more options and tactics. When you see an air ele or a hammer warrior running at you, you can't assume anymore that they'll be running the same old skills that we've all seen before. This amazing phenomenon is known as "change". And as you'll come to see sooner or later, change is very very good.

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Cast a water hex...cast Ride The Lightning...cast Lightning Touch...oh yeah baby.

Le Grinder

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Plus theres the fact that they have made some "Battlemage" armour for factions, so they might be encouraging a more up-close and personal ele this event...

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Uhm, why are you complaining about ele's teleporting when necro's can already do it and Assassins are gonna have quite a few teleport spells?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


The elementalist "up close" spells are very powerful (crystal wave for example) but because they do require melee range, they can be hard to use. This elite combos very well with some of those spells.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Ride the Lighting ---> Immolate Spike!

Lady Frost Bite

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Dark Wing Cadre


i think ride the lightning is going to be very handy. just think of running like an e/mo flag runner for gvg. if the flag is blocked by the other team and you need to cap, just cast ride the lighting on a target by the flag, plant the flag and then recast to a target near the back of the fight and run like hell.

also this skill ran by more than one person in a match(gvg) would be great in the freaking fire hall that i hate so much. if done right and the other team is in the right place you can totally miss the lava that the other team might not be able to get by.

i think for the most part we can't really complain about the new skills that are going to come out in a month cause we don't know the total effect of what they are going to do. for all we know ride the lighting could be a crap spell that just gets you killed every time you use it.

so until factions comes out and you know what the skill does i suggest you thank anet for giving us a second chapter in the first place and then shut up until it comes out.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

So Cal

The Sinister Vanguard


I'd like to see a sub-category of skills that can only be used by primary professions. Would make things a bit more interesting.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


ok didnt bother reading but sssh lol.

1. Touch spells. There are plenty of ele/monk/necro/mesmer touch spells. Ele/* or */Ele can use this for a fast, damaging way of reaching their target.
2. I plan to make an Ele/A, this will be incredibly useful, dump my high damage spells/debuffs/whatever onto the enemy from a distance then close in for the kill with my assassin skills
3. It may work like the teleport-like skill that Assassin had in the pvp weekend. You got increased speed with that, then after x time you were ported back to where you'd activated the skill. Perhaps the point of this elite is that it does put you in danger for a short amount of time before popping you back to safety. Or maybe its going to be hideously high damage, which even for an elite should not be without its risk. Obviously you don't want to port in amongst 6 or 7 stone summits at lvl 28 with no good reason.
4. There are such things as defensive eles. Could be good for an Earth/Air ele. Port in, cause damage, get your wards up and then simply cast a few "adjacent" or touch spells to kill off your enemies.
5. Monk is hanging back behind the rest of you. W/E sees that one of the enemy tanks has gotten past him. Port to enemy, protect monk using normal build, danger averted.

I'm sure there are hundreds of other situations people can think of. Not to mention ways to beat it, e.g. #5 enemy warrior uses it to get to the enemy monk but oops! Ranger already laid down 9 traps. Bye bye mr W/E


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The Madison Scouts


If the teleport does work without any checks and balances... any mission in which you can hit enemies that are in places you can't reach physically(thinking of the towers in Riverside Province specifically) would become....problematic



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by KvanCetre
If the teleport does work without any checks and balances... any mission in which you can hit enemies that are in places you can't reach physically(thinking of the towers in Riverside Province specifically) would become....problematic
Problematic or... interesting/funny?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by KvanCetre
If the teleport does work without any checks and balances... any mission in which you can hit enemies that are in places you can't reach physically(thinking of the towers in Riverside Province specifically) would become....problematic
And you think that doesnt happen now? XD Ive been in the mission and 3 of my party got stuck int he towers (only 1 was a necromancer, the other 2 were rangers). It wasnt even teleporting...theres a weird bug that instantly puts you up there if you walk against the tower.

beleg curudin

beleg curudin

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Durance of Fate [DoF]


Water Ele casts ward against harm, Warriors run in, Water ele casts deep freeze on enemy monk,

3 Air eles appear on the monk. LIGHTING TOUCH

enemy leader yells "Get on those ele's they are out of their wards

Recall -.^ Ele's are safetly back in the ward. =P Think outside the box.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hehe, maybe A-net is taking a page from the D2 books. D2 sorceresses were so feared mostly because they were able to teleport in and out of harm's way.

Anyways, am I the only one who pictured Ky Kiske going "RIDU THE LIGHTENING!!!" from GGXX? XD



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

New Mexico < PUKE >

Elite Rogues Inc. [ER]

Ride the lightning is a bad spell because of this reason alone. I'm sure most experienced gamers will also agree with me. It sucks because it's a monk killer...lol. But really I think ride the lightning will be far to overpowered if the recharge time is anywhere below 15 seconds. Just remember there are two sides to this coin...your gonna see a very high amount of W/E running around spiking us also with RtL. If were lucky there will be a slight delay before your next skill can cast so you can escape by having ward against foe already up.

But archane echo leaves us with 2 RtL to their one though...hehehe.

Another fun idea with geo....let the wammo's charge then RtL to monk to spike with crystal wave. Then spike next target with Obsidian Flame, Then wammos return to ward agains foe and mele then earthquake -> aftershock. Then ride the lightning is back up for another run...rinse and repeat. just an idea.

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


Originally Posted by calamitykell
Problematic or... interesting/funny?

and whats that assassin skill that teleports you to an enemy when you get too far away?
cast that one one direction, ride the lightning the other way, teleport 2 directions almost instantly. with KD and a damage on another



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

It's when we get a Necro skill called Creeping Death that we know someone at Anet is a 'tallica fan..

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Originally Posted by Andy_M
It's when we get a Necro skill called Creeping Death that we know someone at Anet is a 'tallica fan..
Or an Elite necro minion called The Thing That Should Not Be

Tarot Ribos

Tarot Ribos

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Well, ANet DID name the early mage henchman "Orion." (Inc.?) ... And now we've got Ride the Lightning... and ANet does have a history of including outside references...

Yep. They're Metallica fans, all right.

I'm really liking RtL, speaking of which. RtL, Frozen Burst, Lightning Touch. Blinding Flash couldn't hurt, either, especially against warriors. Oh yeah, and Shock is still touch range. Also... Whirlwind is down to 8 second recharge.

Air magic Battlemage FTW! (?)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Protectors of Awesome[AWE]


Ride the Lightning doesn't really strike me as a reference more than Blinding Flash... it's more like both used a common "cool" name than one copying the other.

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Ever thought that you could use other Ele skills after ride the lightning, like shock, lightning touch, even whirlwind, for flag runner it mgiht be useful teleporting through the gate to an archer or something

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Originally Posted by Align
Ride the Lightning doesn't really strike me as a reference more than Blinding Flash... it's more like both used a common "cool" name than one copying the other.
Uhm, Ride The Lightning = Name of Metallica Album and Song



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005




If they make a skill called Ride the Lightning, I think they should also make a necro skill called Fade to Black...

For x seconds blend in shadows and become invisible to your foes


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

I'm not really sure, but I think I saw this skill in action in the GWFactions trailer. The ele wasn't really teleporting, he just moved really fast into the mob, then died instantly. Was pretty funny.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

You Cannot Escape It You Are A [Wave]


Who cares if its not useful for primary eles, it will be extremely useful for melee classes (W/A). Also, what if the recharge time is extrememly fast and you can teleport around from foe to foe... That would be fun.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


so all those crazy assassin's teleport spells are useless.

keldean rainmaker

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by bam23
I'm not really sure, but I think I saw this skill in action in the GWFactions trailer. The ele wasn't really teleporting, he just moved really fast into the mob, then died instantly. Was pretty funny.
LMAO..i pictured that instantly..totally funny..imagine air eles running very fast to a big mob and got killed.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


I predict E/A and E/a teleport maniacs :P

Elementalists do need teleport skills since crystal wave, aftershock, inferno, flame burst, frozen burst, and other adjacent/close range skills need you to be near the enemy.

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

The best part of the skill is its name, i think anet has some metal fans.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

team love [kiSu]


If a w/e could switch out theyre normal elite (evis for axe) and use ride the lightning i think that would be a great skill for a spike. imagine wars attacking separate targets to get build adrenaline then spikeing another char with lightning dmge then there skills they just built up.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

I doubt it would be very useful to wars- 15 mp is more than half your mp unless you use an energy item (meaning you probably won't be teleporting more than once even by the time it recharges).
You'd also lose your elite pick.

If what you people say about RtL being so great for Eles is true, then Eles will be better than wars at close range, making wars pretty much obselete.

Wars would be like mentally retarded versions of Eles (poor energy), but with better armor, but then again who cares about armor, since 85% of all skills (dmg or effects) ignore armor.

edit: (to be more on topic)
Eles + gale > wars + gale or war + hammer skills
Eles + RtL > wars + RtL or wars + running skills
Eles + touch_based_dmg or AoE_around_self > wars + blockable/evadable/blindable/not_enough_energy dmg


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

This will certainly make warrior farming much easier. People who are taking advantage of high armor have been able to do some crazy things such as tank 30 imps to solo farm IDS. Add in Dolyak, Watch Yourself, -2 damage in stance shield (and a long lasting mesmer mantra stance or physical/elemental resistance stance depending on what the enemy mobs are) and you won't be taking any damage other than from degen or armor ignoring spells. It's not overpowered in pvp, but it will make random arenas hell because someone with dolyak and healing signet will not die except to armor ignoring spells or degen, and if you happen to be in a team that doesn't have any, then you are just screwed.